Red Circle Near My Armpit

Red circular rash under both armpits?

I noticed today that I have a red, circular rash, a part of it looks ring like, under both my armpits. I can't really feel anything (like its not itchy or painful) either. I have been using the same deodorant for maybe about 3 years, so it would be odd for it to be from that. It appears to be the same size and color since I noticed it several hours ago, and hasn't reacted to the Neosporin that I put on it. Can anybody help me identify what it might be, and how I can get rid of it fast?

Red ring under my armpits?

Hello I am a 14 year old male and I have a huge red ring on my armpits. I think it might be cause I was in gym and when I went to put deodorant on it broke so I used little bits of it but am still not sure. It started around Saturday morning when I noticed it. It's like a perfect ring around my armpit hair. It's a bit bigger then the size of an orange. I'm supposed to go to the lake this weekend and I wanted It gone by then. Please help

Red armpit rash ring?

It may be a heat rash. Heat rash develops when your sweat ducts become blocked and perspiration is trapped under your skin. Symptoms range from superficial blisters to deep, red lumps. Some forms of heat rash can be intensely itchy or prickly feeling.

Heat rash usually goes away on its own. Severe forms of heat rash may need medical care, but the best way to relieve symptoms is to cool your skin and prevent sweating.

Read about heat rash here.

Why do I have red rings around my armpits?

I am 14 in 9th grade. I have gm class everyday in first period and on Saturday morning I noticed my left armpit had a huge red ring around it. By ring I mean like two oranges around my armpit hair. I have been using the same deordant but my deodorant broke Friday so I used bits of the pieces to clear it up. On gym I also use those wash clothes around my body. It doesn't itch so idk if it's a ring worm or whatever but it hurts and it's pretty painful to move my arms and put my backpack on. My right side isn't as bad it's the same thing but it's just two big dots I guess. So please help. Is there a way I can get this off before Friday?

I have a rash on my armpit around the hair?

I have excessive sweat glands in my armpits and have since puberty. I have used 'certain dry' and other products in the past with no problem. I have gone out of town and begun a new job and moved recently so I havent been using it for a while. My armpits have begun sweating more and more lately and it yesterday I was embarrassed at work (coaching) and felt my arms rubbing under my shirt. I got home and saw that I had a red rash in a circle around my armpit hair. I know the lyme disease 'bulls-eye' symptom, but I havent been bit by a tick and dont have a real 'bulls-eye'. Its just on the skin around the hair. Im guessing its a heat or rub rash since its not throughout the hair, like a follicle infection would be. Any thoughts?

Why is the chest area near my armpit hurt the next day after chest workout?

It shouldn’t be too surprising if you feel pain to the touch in your Anterior Deltoid and the insertion point of your pecs.The solution?Static stretch post workout, sleep 7–9 hours a night, and eat more protein. You could also get a massage.Be warned however that there are other muscles that attach around the arm pit….Teres Majorand your LatsIt is generally wise to keep a balance between your chest and your back. The rotator cuff is often sorely neglected by weight lifters which can lead to injuries. Its plausible that these muscles are what are hurting.If you feel like something is hurting beyond just the regular delayed onset muscle soreness in the first two pictures above, you may have something more severe.The severity rankings for injuries with muscles generally goes as follows…StrainsTearsRupturesYou would know for sure something is wrong if you had a tear or rupture because you likely wouldn’t be able to perform specific movements. That happens when you muscles aren’t attached any longer :)The likely worse case scenario for you is that you have a strain, in which case you would take a month or so off, get taped and then have some electric stem therapy (way better than it sounds). The most likely scenario is that you are just sore.

My armpit hurts me when i have my arm down why?

Simple answer, ingrown hairs my friends. The same thing happens to me. They'll get bigger and bigger and everntually you'll be able to pop them and pus will come out, even though the popping is extremely painful there'll be a sense of relief afterwards. You might have to keep coming back and popping these bumps, but eventually your hair will start growing back and the bumps will go away.

Why does my dog have a rash under his armpit?

Of course, none of us can know why a rash appears without knowing further about your dog's situation.Is it “just” one rash, or does it appear elsewhere on the body too? Are you sure it's a rash, and not just a pigmentation? (I doubt this, since rashes are often red and pigmentation are more likely to be darker, but better safe than sorry.Has your dog been swimming or have you bathed it? And then it didn't get properly dry? That's one of the main reasons a rash appear.Do you know if the dog has maybe rolled on the ground and hit something, say a rock and scratched itself? Does it have a harness that might sit a little too tight?Any change in diet or perhaps you've changed detergent? Although generally the rashes would appear everywhere if this were the case.All the reasons I can think of and see right now is that it hasn't been completely dried off after a bath, the rock or maybe a harness scratched it and parasites.If it were to have fleas or any such parasites I can't see it be only in the armpit, but perhaps the dog has scratched itself thoroughly and irritated the skin there. This can of course happen without the parasites too.If you don't find a reason, and the rash gets worse, take it to a vet, always! They're (more often than not) professionals who know what they're doing, and may think of things us “normal” people don’t! Good luck with your dog, I hope it gets better!