Refused To Give Hospital More Blood

Can hospitals refuse to treat a patient?

Cool story, bro.

How thorough do hospitals check blood before a transfusion.?

Very thoroughly- it's a big deal and they are pretty strict about how blood is tested and screened before transfusion. When blood is donated, it gets tested very heavily, for viruses, bacteria and other nasties, and it has to pass all that. The donor also has to fill out a questionnaire about their job, lifestyle, other activities, etc, anything that could be a risk factor for infections. Anything that doesn't check out, their blood isn't accepted. Probably a few people whose blood is fine are getting excluded as a result, but the blood banks would rather this than letting any real infections slip through. Very, very rarely, it still happens, but it's ridiculously uncommon- like 1 in a million or something to that extent.

Then when someone needs a blood transfusion, they need to have their blood group checked, and the hospitals are usually pretty paranoid about that as well. In my hospital, for instance, most blood tests you just print out a sticker with the patient's name and details on it, and label the test tube with that. But for a blood group test, that's not good enough- you need to write it out on the tube by hand, and it has to perfectly match the details in the computer. You then need to write it out again, on paper this time, and the patient needs to read it, sign off that it is indeed their name and details, and all of that needs to get sent off to the lab, who check all of it against the details on the computer. If anything doesn't match up, they throw the whole lot in the bin and you have to do it all again.

As you can probably tell from all that, errors in blood transfusion are very uncommon to say the least. It's actually one of the criteria for hospital accreditation, how they handle blood products and transfusions. I don't know for sure what would happen if anyone ever got a transfusion wrong, but I'd imagine it would trigger some kind of formal investigation as to how it was allowed to happen.

Can a patient refuse a blood transfusion?

Yes. Jehovah’s Witnesses routinely refuse blood transfusions for religious reasons, often to the point of dying. My husband was one of the hematologists who would treat patients who refused transfusions, and he found that the standard recommendations for transfusing patients resulted in many unnecessary transfusions. Over the years that he was practicing, the guidelines changed to reduce the number of transfusions. It is possible, however, to go to very low hemoglobin levels in patients who refuse transfusions, and keep them alive while their bodies build their blood cell counts back up. They may not feel energetic during that time, and they may need intravenous iron and vitamins, but they very often survive.If you don't want a transfusion, you have an absolute right to refuse it. If you refuse a transfusion when your doctor thinks the refusal will kill you, the doctor may decline to perform surgery or may ask that you find a different doctor. You cannot generally refuse transfusions on behalf of someone else. With children, Child Protection Services or the courts will order transfusions if refusing them will result in death or serious harm to the child.

Is it true that Selena died because she refused a blood transfusion?

I heard that since Selena was a Jehovah's Witness she refused to get a blood transfusion & that the doctors thought that since she didnt want a transfusion that she didnt want medical help & I guess they just let her die??? Im not too sure about & I need some details please!

When a Roman Catholic refuses a blood transfusion, do you think that finally Jehovah's Witnesses are getting ?

Yes, and we see why Jolly Green Justin is actually GREEN................

There is now a hospital in the US that is a completely Bloodless Hospital (and is for everyone, not only JWs). I know those on the HLC (Hospital Liason Committee) that would go the different hospitals and see who are JWs admitted for treatments and encouraging them in regards to keeping a stand for no blood...they came to one room where it was said that this person was a JW and when they walked in they found out he WASN'T a JW at all...but because he didn't want a to have any blood transfusions, he knew that the hospital would respect his choice if he said he was a Jehovah's Witness lol............

People know JWs are fact, Jehovah's Witnesses are the ones that helped make great strides in medical care and better care with bloodless surgery/treatments. Doctors have realized how much healthier and better it is without blood.

In fact, even those that work with blood banks have admitted to NOT wanting to ever take blood because they know what the risks are and how much the risk outweigh the benefits.

It all comes down to Jehovah and his creation. Since he created us, he would be THE ONE who knows better as to what is healthier and works for our benefits in every sense.

Why don’t hospitals give patients IV fluids any more (even if the patient is dehydrated)?

There is a common belief from patients that if one comes to hospital he/she must get intravenous fluids otherwise hospital is not taking care of them well. Or as soon as intravenous fluid is over, one is absolutely fine and can go home.We need to understand unnecessary IV fluids have more harm then benefits. It may cause fluid overload led to cardiac failure or it will put more pressure on your kidneys to filter it out or it will cause electrolytes imbalance or it will increase or decrease glucose levels in the blood.Intravenous fluid administration should be done only when it is indicated. When Patient is unable to take orally or when Patient is in shock or when oral intake is not advised.Talking about dehydration, all dehydration’s doesn’t require intravenous fluid. Dehydration has been divided into three types a) No dehydration b) some dehydration c) Severe dehydration. Only it’s severe dehydration which requires intravenous fluids. More details you can consult specialist doctors for free at Docscall- an android app. DocsCall - Doctor Consultation App - Apps on Google PlayMy only request is let doctors do there job and don’t put pressure over them to start unnecessary intravenous fluids.

Refusing blood test during pregnancy?

No, as a patient you have the right to refuse to any treatment that you don't feel comfortable with. However, many blood tests during pregnancy check not only your health but the health of your baby as well. Personally, I would rather suffer a little discomfort and know that all is good with my unborn baby. Trust me, if you go along with it, by the time your baby is born you will be used to it.

What would you do, as a physician, if a Jehovah Witness refuses life-saving blood transfusion for himself or his child?

This is a good question. Recently I was drinking a beer with a surgeon friend of mine and he said he would save any JW who needed a non-blood surgery. He told me that technology these days can save a life but emergency would be an issue since a large amount of blood lost in an accident would pose a hardship for doctors and for the patient, even if the person is not a JW. To answer your question, it depends on a) the country’s policy; b) the previous communication with the hospital and see whether the hospital accepts or not a JW for bloodless surgery and; c) the patient condition. Circumstances have changed for many JW as they can choose the parts of the blood they may infuse to themselves for it is a matter of consciousness.Blood Transfusion-Alternative Strategies | Videos