Rejecting Guys How Can I Stop This

Should I stop talking to the guy who rejected me?

One word: NO. By the way you describe him, he seems like a nice person. It would be unfair TO YOU to have to let him go. I'd say you try to forget you ever asked him out, and start finding reasons for why he'd make a better friend then a boyfriend. Over time, you'll convince yourself. Believe me.I know it's a tough ask, but it's NOT impossible. Cause this is what I did, and this is what I'd do again if you were to take me back in time somehow.

Do guys stop liking a girl after being rejected twice?

I'm 12 and he just turned 14 and he asked me out 2 times while he was still 13 and i rejected him both times because i'm scared of getting hurt but now i totally regret it! i really like him now so do guys stop liking a girl after getting rejected twice?

Why do I keep rejecting guys?

I have been asked out tons of times by great guys,but its like im not allowing myself to be with any of them.I really want a boyfriend,but it seems like SOMETHING is holding me back,and im not sure what.I'm 16,ive been on dates before,but once im asked to be thier girlfriend,i just kind of panic-and say no.I pretty much go through the whole process of meeting a guy,dating them,but just stoping when it hits the boyfriend part.
I REALLY want to stop doing this.Why?and how?

Why do guys keep rejecting me?

Here's my most recent rejection: "Hey I think you are really sweet and very cute but honestly i am not in the right state of mind to be dating right now. Its honestly not you at all. Im just not in the right position to be seeing anyone at the moment. Again I think you are a nice girl. And very attractive" How do I interpret this? We met a few days ago and had one lunch date. I'm 29, he's 25. This has happened with almost every guy I have been interested in. I'm not sure why I'm always getting rejected. The fact that he said he thinks I'm nice and attractive doesnt make me feel any better at all. I feel like that is bs and he's saying it to soften the blow. I just don't understand why guys don't like me enough. It doesn't quite work for me to wait for a guy to pursue me. Most of the time the ones that show interest are not what I'm looking for at all so I have to do the choosing and this guy definitely fit the profile so I have it a shot and needless to say because I was interested he rejected me. If I stop looking though then nothing happens, all I get are guys I'm not interested in, help!

Why can't I stop thinking about this guy I rejected?

My guyfriend told me he loved me but I didn't feel the same.. But ever since (about 5 months ago) I can't stop thinking about him a day hasn't passed without me thinking about him I feel way too guilty I always think about how rude I rejected him and I think about what I should have said .. My feelings haven't changed I know it and if he asked me right now I would reject him because I'm not ready for relationships but I would reject him nicer.
I regret not talking to him about it, I never got the guts to go up to him n tell him let's talk about it, I have been obsessed about his facebook profile I always went to check what is he up to and all that now he has deactivated his account and I regret that I never even talked to him on fb to tell him how sorry I am now we don't see eachother last time I saw him was with a group of friends we went to a cafe and all that time he sat with his friend alone on another table.. Why can't I stop thinking about him? How to stop these thoughts? I know he will never talk to me again but why do I still feel like I desperately want to talk to him and I feel like the whole thing is not over yet and we need to talk about it???
And I don't have any connections with him right now... So I can't contact him in any way. Am17 he is 19

Can't stop thinking about a guy friend I rejected?

My guyfriend told me he loved me but I didn't feel the same.. But ever since (about 5 months ago) I can't stop thinking about him a day hasn't passed without me thinking about him I feel way too guilty I always think about how rude I rejected him and I think about what I should have said .. My feelings haven't changed I know it and if he asked me right now I would reject him because I'm not ready for relationships but I would reject him nicer.
I regret not talking to him about it, I never got the guts to go up to him n tell him let's talk about it, I have been obsessed about his facebook profile I always went to check what is he up to and all that now he has deactivated his account and I regret that I never even talked to him on fb to tell him how sorry I am now we don't see eachother last time I saw him was with a group of friends we went to a cafe and all that time he sat with his friend alone on another table.. Why can't I stop thinking about him? How to stop these thoughts? I know he will never talk to me again but why do I still feel like I desperately want to talk to him and I feel like the whole thing is not over yet and we need to talk about it???
And I don't have any connections with him right now... So I can't contact him in any way. Am17 he is 19

How do I reject guys as a lesbian?

I get a lot of weird men in their cars honking, whistling, yelling something out, head out the window, sometimes revving their engines and one time, was "followed" (the guy passed me in his car 4-5 times). I have absolutely no problem ignoring these men. I don't want to sound conceited...there are just particular days where men do this...I guess I have a decent body..(I don't dress bad at all)

But from time to time, a really nice guy will come up to me and it's clear he wants to ask for my number. I take the city bus home from classes, and a few times, guys will come up to me at the stop and ask about a route (and will never actually get on the bus) or whatever...

Just a moment ago, a guy, about my age, turned to talk to me and asked my name. I answered. I carried through with polite conversation. He asked what school I went to, turns out he goes to the same and he asked if I was doing something..said I was about to go to the gym..turns out he goes to that same gym. He tried asking a couple questions and I began checking my phone and texting and etc. He stopped, and I was thankful, and put my headphone back in. He turned and started talking again, and said that he's shy and is trying to work on his game lol...I said he didn't seem shy and he said he'd been sitting there for 5 minutes trying to figure out what to say to me. I just laughed and didn't say anything; went back to my phone. He got on the bus after me and got off at my stop. (I take more than one bus) He sat at the next stop and as the bus approached and I was about to get on, he walked over up close, said my name and gave me a piece of paper with his phone number on it. I laughed, was like "oh..thanks" and got on the bus. He was cute about it all. But I have no interest in calling. I feel bad. And throughout, I felt bad...I NEVER want to be rude or impolite because someone is interested in me, but at the same time, I just want them to stop so I can continue what I was doing. I never openly tell people I'm not straight, so I couldn't say "hey, I'm not into guys"

How am I supposed to handle this properly?