Related To Itouch See Additional Detalis Cause I Dont Have Enough Space To Explain It Here

Dog's head is down and sometimes yelps when we touch his head?

Could be a disk or vertabrae injury. Not lifting the head and evidence of pain is pretty alarming, actually. I think you need to take him tonight. We are not professionals, but if any animal of mine was showing these indicators - I would take them in right away. If you must wait until tomorrow, know that he is going to be in pain all night long. Waiting any later than tomorrow morning is just not acceptable. Dogs are not able to speak, so he is dependent on you to pick up his signs and act accordingly. If you had a mute friend who was not eating and only sat around without lifing their head and cried when you touched their head, how long would you leave him sitting there before getting him some help? Get your dog treated - he is in pain.

I can't figure out why my wife won't let me touch her sexually. Is it a mental block or what?

(continued) ...I never had the chance to reject her. I asked her if she sees me trying to be the best dad ever and the best husband ever, and she says she sees me doing this but she's skeptical if it will stay this way, so I realize I have some trust issues I still need to iron out but she also admitted that through the last few years I haven't given her reasons to not trust me so she doesn't know why she feels that way...

So in the end, I'm trying to be the best man I could be and my wife has this bizarre, undefinable reason that I can't have sexual relations with her (even if she's on the pleasured side of things, she just won't allow herself to experience it). I can't tell if it's a mental block, a low self esteem issue, resent that she's not coming out and talking over with me, a shy/timid thing, maybe a traumatic molestation issue, or....

If i were to download all 3 seasons of Avatar The Last Airbender how many GB would it take up?

I want to download all 3 seasons of Avatar The Last Airbender but i don't know how many GB it would take up for all 3 seasons because i have a 32 GB IPod Touch and i wanna know if itd be able to fit in it

and before you ask no they never showed the total amount of GB it was all individual and i dont know how to do the math for that kind of stuff

the link is here

Or if you have any other sites where i can download them please leave that if you can

Is using a VPN safe? Is it possible that my personal information can be caught by some technical methods during the time I am using a VPN? If it can be done, how does it work?

All the answers other 32 answers you have read here are unfortunately wrong, wrong, wrong.VPN Services hide your IP address. Period. You will have your traffic encrypted to the service but it is unencrypted from the service to the end-point.When you interact with a website, the VPN service hands traffic back to you. If you click on the wrong thing, you can do irreparable damage to your device. That is true regardless of the VPN service. It is true even if that service has some filtering built into it. Key loggers, Bots, trojans, and all means of nasty things can still cause great harm. And then anything I do while in the VPN can be learned.Additionally, VPN services are, by default, a “man in the middle.” When we create intra-company VPNs, there is no man in the middle. We create a point to point or a company client to company server VPN. When you use a service, you do not know who it is in the middle. It might be good today, but compromised tomorrow. Good luck with that.There is so much you need to disable in your browser to make it truly safe, that most web pages will not display correctly when you lock things down, and lock them down you must, if you really want to be totally safe, even when using a VPN.The Internet is not a safe place. VPNs were not designed to make it safe. There are good and sound reasons for using VPNs. But ‘safety’ is not one of them.A virtual private network essentially is intended to say, you and I are friends who need to share stuff and not let anyone in the middle see what we are sharing. If the other end is evil, then you are most assuredly not safe. If the man in the middle gets corrupted or was always corrupt, or insecure, you are not safe. If you or the other side has been compromised by bad code, you are not safe.

How do I convince my parents to let me get a hamster?

Well, I really want a hamster. I already have a cat(7 yrs) and a dog(3 yrs), but they're both family pets. I decided I want to buy and care for a pet all by myself without any interference from my parents or brothers, just for my own personal responsibility. (Oh, and I'm turning 14) Here's the details:

1.) I'm paying for all of it (supplies, food, a cage, toys and of course, the actual hamster)
2.) Hamsters are really easy to care for
3.) I will take care of it all by myself
4.) My parents will rarely see it; I'm keeping it in my room
5.) They will never smell it; they don't even smell, in all honesty

Here are my parents' reasons for not letting me get a hamster:
1.) My mom thinks it will become her responsibility (her pet)
2.) She thinks it will stink up the whole house
3.) She doesn't like hamsters
4.) My dad has a phobia of rodents (he rarely goes in my room anyway, sooo...)

Tell me what I should do!! This is the only thing I want, it's not like I'm asking for an Ipod touch or something like that! It's on my own expenses, my own responsibility. I don't understand why she won't let me buy it and care for it.
It's not like I don't take care of my dog and show responsibility; I walk him every day, I feed him two times a day, I play with him all the time and I just love him. The cat's antisocial and goes out all the time, so she doesn't need me to do anything except leave her out a handful of food every day. I don't know about you, but I think I sound responsible enough to take care of a hamster.

Please give me ideas so I can show my parents that I can handle having a hamster. I'm stuck -- I tried telling them all of this, but they're narrow-minded and won't listen to my point of view. I tried explaining to them that hamsters aren't too hard to care for. I even went as far as bribing them (xD I know, I know).

~Thanks for any and all help~!

Why did my cat hiss at me when I rubbed her belly?

Boy, you really are giving her "mixed messages"!

She wants to be friends with you, but on HER terms....head butting, etc. However, you want to "not be bothered" by the cat.....just have your space.....not pay attention to her. She sounds very sweet, and lonely.....

You want to be friends with her, but on YOUR terms......rubbing her belly, etc. A lot of cats don't like their bellies rubbed......maybe she's had a bad experience with someone...or maybe she's just "tender" in her belly. When a cat exposes her belly, she's in her most vulnerable position. She REALLY has to TRUST you, to expose her belly. So, give her TIME......

What you need to do, is "respect" each others preferences for now.

If you explain to your kids that this cat doesn't like her tummy TOUCHED, at least for now (she is NEW to your home and family), then they should get along fine. After all, she needs time to get to know her new circumstances, family, smells, etc.

How would you like it, if you were taken somewhere new........ new smells.. new sounds.. new, unfamiliar people......would you be comfortable the first few hours? I think not. Maybe, not even the first few days!

Just relax, and let her do whatever SHE wants to do, for awhile.......start setting "boundaries" after she's more comfortable around all of the "new" things.

I hope this works out, and your present cat gets along with the new one. Thanks for adopting from the telling what would have happened to her, otherwise.

Good luck with this new "family member".