Relatively Smart But Unhappy

Do you understand that pain is relative?

Dude, that was a long explanation. but I agree with everything you've said.
The thing is though, what I have learned in my sometimes violent and volitile life is, it's all relative.
Two things I live my life by now, which I contribute to a happy lifestyle these days...
Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff.
Everything in life is relative.
and some how when I try to explain this to others, they have no clue what I mean. but I mean what you mean relatively speaking.

Would you rather be happy yet slow-witted and unimaginative or unhappy yet bright and creative?

I work and volunteer with people with learning disabilities and am often amazed by how truly happy they can be, how much unadulterated joy they can find in music or dancing or laughing. And then I look at those of us who aren't 'disabled' and I see us worrying and stressing about so much.

And some days, yes, I envy them.

But my friends with learning disabilities are fantastically creative, spontaneous and certainly imaginative, so that doesn't exactly answer your question.

For me personally, to lose my intelligence is devastating (I had severe cognitive problems as side effects of prescription medicines) because I perceive it as a loss and understand the magnitude of it. But if I didn't see it as a loss, if I didn't compare myself to other people and find myself lacking, then maybe I could finally be truly happy.

Garrison Keilor put it well: "Intelligence is like four-wheel drive. It enables you to get stuck in more remote locations."

Is it true, the smarter you are the more unhappy you'll be?

So i notice, when i'm hanging out with complete dumb bitches, they just always seem happy for no reason. They could go on talking about boys, and who ****** who, and actually have a good time at that. Now i feel like people with intelligance need something greater to be entertained, they find reality quite boring, and need a way to go beyond the dull life which is why they turn to books and video games, but they always seem unhappy for the most part. Yeah there are many who have alot of friends, in a sports team, and top of that get good grades, but i feel like those kinda people are not that above the intelligance, but instead are driven to be at the top due to competition, not brain.

What can I do if I'm smart but unmotivated and depressed?

You may want to start by determining the roots of your lack of motivation and depression… once discovered, process and deal with any deep rooted issues and determine to get over them, or past them (some things are just that hectic) but whatever you do do NOT allow these states to rob you of the greatness that has been deposited within you.Or you may just toss those useless unserving emotions/states of mind into the garbage and begin to use your talent to serve others, contribute to the world and in turn, experience yourself rewarded for masterful stewardship of your gift and talent.In the moment, lack of motivation and depression can seem like cushions…and they are if you allow them — but treacherous cushions they are, though at first they present themselves as comfort and solace. Do not be fooled by them. They are your enemies, seeking to steal your potential and fruitfulness to leave you an empty barren shell of what could have been.Be alert, time ticketh exceedingly quick and in a blink of an eye you will be 60 berieved and desolate; haunted by things stolen while you lay sleeping in your enemies' camp.Arise! Shine, let your smartness bring glory to the Giver, service to fellow man and reward to you!Wishing you the best in life!NN

Do intelligent people tend to be unhappy? If so, why?

Some great comments here!Let me give my take on this from  my observations:1. Trivial decisions in life become really difficult Let's assume you go to a restaurant and order food with your friends.Your friend orders an exotic dish.Now an intelligent person's mind goes into a different mode: He thinks that by flying in food ingredients  from different places,he's hurting the local market and also increasing his carbon footprint.Also, he cannot decide if going vegan is great since he reads about toxic chemicals in his vegetables and also the conflicting need for proteins in his diet.Should you shop like most people on Black Friday when you're actually against crony capitalism or just go with the holiday spirit? All these seemingly easy decisions for most other people become extremely difficult to make for an intelligent and/or aware person.2.Below average social skillsMost intelligent people aren't very good at social interaction.While there are intelligent people who are also glib talkers,most intelligent people would be perceived as "boring" or "plain" by their less intelligent peers.Talking about an actor's love life or a basketball player's perfect score or a trendy fast car isn't their idea of fun.Also,intelligent people easily get socially isolated since they do not find people who can think like them.Assume that you want to talk about growing social inequity or the Syria situation while the other person wants to convince you why Ramen noodles should be a daily part of your diet.3.Society isn't very kind to themMost intelligent people are automatically assumed to be bad at having fun.Almost everybody who is competitive will perceive the person to be a threat and try to put him/her down.People will make jokes,and subtly try to bring down the person because of their own perceived insecurities.4.They are more likely to have philosophical leaningsMost intelligent people begin to think about the meaning of life, the purpose of existence,the validity of religion, their contribution to the society, the current economic and political set-up etc - basically the "BIG PICTURE" .Such issues seldom answer themselves and answers to these might not exactly make them happy.

If you will be given a chance to choose, would you rather be smart or intelligence? Why?

Sigh…Would you rather have 4 aces, or the whole deck? I'll take the deck. Your question seems geared towards specific knowledge vs overall adaptability. I met a software engineer who could decipher binary happily. No bs, he loved looking at pages of binary code. While I was impressed, it was off putting. He had little to no concept of how other people couldn't just sit and enjoy staring at pages of code. Your question assumes that smarts and intelligence are interchangeable, they aren't. Intelligence is just another word for smart. I think of it this way. A three sided pyramid or Knowledge, wisdom, and smarts/intelligence. I have known knowledgeable morons, met extremely wise people with little specific knowledge, and smart people with little wisdom or knowledge. I prefer to think of smarts/intelligence as the active part of this pyramid. I learn about dissecting the frog( knowledge), I remember my knowledge and carry out a dissection (smarts/intelligence), wisdom tells me wether this dissection is really necessary, how necessary it is, and that since I have a toad before me I might have something more to learn without being too far out of my depth.

Why are foreigners so smart?

Foreigners like people from India, Persia, Germany, China, Switzerland, all seem to be smarter than a typical American. Why is this? Most of these foreigners are advanced and speak multiple languages.

Would you rather be intelligent or happy, and why?

I’m gonna assume that this question is stating that if you have one quality, you don’t have the other. In that case, I’d choose happiness, no competition. Intelligence is pretty much useless, if you cannot be happy yourself, other than as a tool to help others find happiness. Ultimately, I feel that relatively existentially insignificant in the larger picture that I cannot affect that much beyond myself. Even the most influential people of this world can only change the outcomes of so much. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that you will utilize your intelligence to benefit the happiness of others if you choose to be intelligent, especially if you yourself are so genuinely unhappy. And even if you could, it is hard to operate at your best if you cannot find happiness in anyway.Yes in a perfect world, I would say that even as an unhappy genius, I would strive to promote the greater good even through the lack of happiness I feel. But in reality that is likely not true. Happiness is much more vital in my opinion. Ultimately, I think that I would do more good for the world being a pleasant and genuinely happy person than a depressed genius. At the very least, I can make those around me happy through my positive energy.Also from a more analytical perspective, I think that true happiness is much rarer than intelligence. Happiness is not fixed like intelligence. If you are intelligent you will stay that way (barring serious accidents). If you are happy today, you may be sad tomorrow. Being perpetually happy is a very unique and invaluable thing. You could consider almost a quarter of the world to be intelligent (decently above average intelligence). I would almost certainly say that less than a quarter of the world is genuinely happy. In fact I know almost no one who is perpetually in a state of happiness.