Religiously Speaking Are People

Religiously speaking, are Morrmons the only cIassy people in US?

I would say that the majority of Mormons are very nice people and very good family folk. There is a big problem though, you will not receive the remission if sins by just being a nice guy. Jesus is the only "way" to salvation, by his blood alone are we saved.
Mormons are [ not ] christians, no matter how hard they try to fool people. They do not believe in the " The Holy Bible is Infallible ] nor do they believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ, they deny the virgin birth, these are just a few of their rejections to the true christian faith.
The Holy Bible {is} the authority of the faith, never questioned by a ' true ' christian.

Religiously speaking, why do people still think that being gay is unnatural?

Look, I wouldn't have brought up this up if I hadn't seen so much ignorance from some of the people in this section today. But I think someone has to say it, and I might as well. Feel free to express your opinions, but at least take mine into consideration, and I will do the same.

First of all, what do you mean by "unnatural"? That it goes against nature? That it is only present in humans? Because that is untrue, homosexuality has been observed in close to 1,500 species. Some of these species, as you might suspect, are primates. In fact, ALL great apes (including humans) exhibit homosexual behavior within their populations, as well as a number of other primates.

( Link to what was discussed above. It is a fascinating article, by the way: )

It has been shown that sexual orientation can be influenced by genetics by changing the sexuality of female mice.

(Link to what was discussed above: )

Also, there are numerous correlations between siblings and sexuality.

(Links to what was discussed above: )

But the point of all this was to dispel the myth that our sexuality is "unnatural", or at least shed new light on the situation. But feel free to agree or disagree.

Religiously speaking, did y'all know that ugly people have feelings too?

You stop that!
*shakes hoof*

Religiously speaking, how many people could Uranus hold?

You know, the thing that gives off that bluish tint is actually methane gas. So, those guys who named that planet way back in the day must've known something we didn't.

One thing is certain. You'll never need to ask who did it.

Religiously speaking, is there any indication of a winner in the eternal battle of Good vs Evil?

I don't think there can ever be a total victory for one side or the other. The best we can do is a balance, where the forces of evil are neutralized.

The yin yang, as it is referred to in Western society, is an illustration of the constant movement and counter-movement of positive and negative energies. So long as they are in balance, we can continue to function.

For you nerds in the crowd, a better example would be the episode of Star Trek when Captain Kirk was accidentally duplicated in a transporter malfunction. His positive aspects were beamed up in one version of him, and his negative aspects than the other. In the end, it turned out he needed both to be an effective captain.

Politically speaking, why do very religious people tend to be conservative, and atheists more liberal?

Because conservative Christians tend to ignore the passages in the New Testament that they don’t like. They ignore the parable of the Good Samaritan, they ignore the fact that Jesus was an itinerant who had no personal possessions except the clothes he stood up in and gave teachings such as those to the ‘rich young man’ “go, sell your possessions, give to the poor, then come and follow me’. They ignore that he said you cannot follow mammon and God. They ignore that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. They ignore that their God created and loves the non-white people they fear so much every bit as much as He loves them and their children, and that according to their own teachings He died to save them. Yet I’ve seen Christian forums describing their opponents as ‘dirt’. The very people their God, who they say they love so much, died to save and they take it upon themselves to pour vitriol on them. So much for turning the other cheek! So much for loving your enemy and praying for him. They can’t even love those who simply disagree with them. There seems to be very little compassion or humility in the religious right but a great deal of cruelty and spite. So many of them approve of Trump, a man who of hatred and lies. You hear fatuous phrases such as ‘God is using DJT as part of His plan’. It beggars belief. That a God of ‘love’ needs a man of hate and habitual lies to do his will. They are driven by fear, the very opposite of love. Also, they have a very tenuous relationship with the truth. They are anti-science. The denial of evolution reminds me of the church’s persecution of Galileo when it put him on trial for saying that the Earth was not the centre of the universe. It took 359 years to officially admit it was wrong! So much for humility. The problem with conservative Christians is that they put belief before reason and this makes them gullible.

Why is it acceptable to speak against religious people, but it's almost taboo to speak against homosexuals?

The real answer is because the majority of anti-religious people are pro-gay so they have to come up with lame reasons as to why it’s not ok to criticize homosexuality in the exact same manner that they criticize religion because they so strongly love gays and hate religion.A popular lame idea is that “you didn’t choose to be homosexual”….but since modern science has proven that we don’t have free-will you also argue the same “you didn’t choose to have certain religious beliefs”.Did people choose to be born in a certain country, have religious family members, be exposed to certain things, have certain experiences, etc…? If not they didn’t choose to have certain religion beliefs either.So the real answer is because a lot of people just want to love gays and hate religion.Homosexuals killed more than 6,000 people in the US alone in just one year through spreading AIDS (probably more than 500,000 worldwide) and AIDS ranks as one of the highest global killers worldwide yet the pro-gay media is still intent on protecting gays from criticism just because they love gays.According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 67% of HIV diagnoses are from homosexual and bisexual men even though less than 3% of the US population is homosexual men (Gay and Bisexual Men).AIDS ranks as one of the highest global killers above homicides, suicides, and even traffic accident deaths so why is the pro-gay media so intent on protecting gays from criticism?

Religiously speaking, has society changed for the worst or better?

Back in the day, most people respected their parents, hardly any gang members, families were together, hardly any divorces, and hardly any corruption in America.

In modern society, teen pregnancy is on the rise, rebellious youths, more gangs, more divorces, and more urban decay.

Has society changed for the better or the worse, in your opinion?