Republicans Do You Want To Know How To Make Obama Fail Big Time

Do Republicans want the country to fail in order to improve Romney's chances?

No. Elected representatives are making decisions in line with the wishes of the constituents that elected them. That isn't treason, that's democracy. And when many people act in the same way to achieve a governmental outcome it also isn't treason, it's politics.Spouting treason because of a policy you don't like doesn't make for rational debate. They aren't doing it to stop Obama in his efforts to save the economy, they believe that Obama's efforts are misguided and lack the ability to actually improve the economy. There are also very deep feelings that many of his, or rather the Democratic philosophies, are detrimental to some of the commonly accepted civil rights and liberties Americans currently enjoy. Republicans follow this belief, and following the beliefs of those who elected you into office, and a large percentage of Americans, is not treason. It's their job.***Please don't interpret this answer as an attack on Democrats or President Obama. It is an attack on a silly question. If this were six years ago and someone asked if Democratic representatives should be charged with treason for not supporting the war or Bush I think I would answer the same way. "They are doing their jobs as elected officials, representing the wishes of their constituents."

If Obamacare is so bad, why do Republicans want to keep it?

Republicans don’t want to keep Obamacare as it has real problems. It improved access and did a little to control costs but did not cover ALL Americans while lowering the cost of premiums, copays, deductibles by 60 to 70% as the head of the Republican Party, Donald Trump has promised.Now Trump knows how to make good on these promises by having the government negotiate prices with all the stakeholders. But he does not care to put pressure on the Republicans to actually do what he promised on the stump and what he continually promises in interviews.

Why can't Republicans understand that Obama did what he did for the good of the nation?

And now that Trump holds office, democrats bash the president non-stop, 24/7 for everything he says or does, just like the republicans did when Obama held office. “But have you SEEN Trump? That guy isn’t even legitimate!” - probably what you’re thinking to as a response to my statement.Republicans and democrats have different values, their brains work differently.The liberal values a sense of inclusive community, social safety and justice, social freedoms and social exploration.The conservative values order, community strength, loyalty, tradition, individuality.You can see that doing things for one counters the other. Exploring new social boundaries disrupts tradition. Centralizing healthcare in the government, raising taxes disrupts individuality (the separation of a citizen from the government as much as possible).Now Mr. Trump is causing many heart attacks because he’s the first that doesn’t seem to care for his popularity and powers through policy that favors conservative values regarding the military, taxes, healthcare, immigration, foreign affairs…etc.In other words, what you think makes America great isn’t what a republican feels makes America great. This is why what a democrat would feel is good for the nation is what a republican thinks is bad, vise versa. What you think was good for the nation was bad for the nation according to everyone who votes red.

Why Do Republicans Blame Obama for everything? Failed Terrorist attacks? The economy Bush handed him?

I just don't understand why Republicans are so Partisan.. Take an Event like 9/11. Democrats did not blast president Bush for the attack. Bushes approval rating shot up to 90%.. He had to have Bi-Partisan Support from both parties to sky rocket in the polls like that. Do you think Republicans would stand behind Obama if an event like that happened on his watch? Republicans attacked obama on Fox News for the Failed Christmas Day bomber, For the failed Time square bomber??

There were " Truthers " on both sides, and many members of the Congress and the Senate... Including ex president Bill Clinton Defend Bush against Truthers.. Why Didnt anyone on the right, in a position of Power stand up for Obama over the " Bither" Conspiracies? I Mean, Republicans controlled Congress under the first 6 years of Bush's watch.. When the Democrats took over, they added a total of half a trillion in New Debt from 2006-2008. In the 6 years prior to that the Republican's with bush Added a whopping 4.5 Trillion dollars in Debt.. That's like 5 ObamaCares. What is wrong with the Republican Party? I mean they want to pretend like they know what their doing and are the responsible ones? When The Republican president stepped down in 2009 we were losing Near 1 Million Jobs a month.. Suddenly The Tea Party Shows up in March to Blame Obama for the Economy LOL.. It's just crazy

Did Republicans feel the same way about Obama as Democrats feel about Trump?

The election of republicans from the presidency all the way down to state governors shows that many people of all parties, races, sexes, and religions were concerned about the direction that Obama was taking the country. Major concerns of national security, jobs, and stagnant economy were reported.As an independent, the issues outweighed the personalities. Obama was likable, but failed miserably in leaving Iraq unseecured, leading to the rise of ISIS. Then failed to recognize the dangers of ISIS. Failed in the Iran nuclear deal. Failed to secure our borders to drug and human trafficking, as well as not dealing with illegal immigration. Failed with jobs and the economy. Trump is not very likable, but has already begun fixing those problems.While there were many vitriolic comments about Obama, the hatred was not there that Dems have spewed on all who disagreed with them. The slander of sexism, racism, homophobe, xenophobe and deplorables is still dished out on anyone who agrees with republicans in any way.Historically, the hatred preceded Trump and has nothing to do with him. I believe it was all political spin to manipulate voters towards the democrats, but it backfired. Dems lost all credibility.Who knows if Dems really feel the hatred they display, but if one is only going by behavior; nothing the Repubs/Libertarians/Independents have ever done compares with what the Dems are doing now.

Why do Republicans hate America so bad?

Mitch McConnell states over and over the single most important issue for Republicans is to make Obama a one term president then tries to back-pedal on his statements a year later.

Republicans have been the party of NO filibustering every attempt to move the economy forward and restart America. They gleefully say how this method has worked during the midterm elections and think it will work again in 2012.

Newsflash to Republicans: remember Lincoln's famous line: It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

Why are republicans so annoying?

Sooo... i'm being forced to learn about politics this year in social studies.. so far, republicans are really annoying me..

I'm looking for some opinions, from republicans and democrats a like.. basically I'm annoyed because

-they seem so religious, and love Jesus. I really don't care much for religion or Jesus and feel like they try to down it through everyone's throats by getting religion involved in politics.. like why?

-they're against abortions. My sister had to have an abortions because she was a stupid 16 year old and now she's getting her PhD in psychology.. instead of being a single mom doing nothing with her life.. like it's ones decision.. whether it's a life or not.. once again religion getting involved.. her body, her life, her decisions

-they don't want gay people to get married.. why?? that's pretty stupid. I've met gay people, they're just like everyone else.

-they seem a little racist these things seem pretty basic. why would you be against gay people getting married? or girls getting abortions? like.. that doesn't really affect.. any sort of big picture.. so I'm annoyed, naturally