Republicans You Were Wrong About Winning In 2012. Why Do You Think You Will Win In 2014

If the economy is good, why did Republicans win the Senate and keep the House?

Everything is proceeding as I foresaw.In 2008 I repeatedly predicted that Barack Obama would singlehandedly do more to undermine progressive political legitimacy than all Republican officeholders working in concert possibly could. That prediction was founded on the following points.Obama is a full Keynesian. He would [and did] implement the same demand-side fixes that Hoover and FDR employed in the Great Depression that only served to prolong the agony.We have bloated to one person in five paid from tax revenue (up from one in nineteen in 1960) while their compensation has grown from averaging 80% of the private sector to 144%. That is utterly unsustainable, but Obama would undertake to sustain it because that is his core constituency. Doing so would would necessitate more debt on a large scale making recovery impossible.The debt would preclude any raising of interest rates leaving the middle class still unable to earn on its savings.He would [and did] foster programs that would introduce legislative uncertainty in the marketplace, insuring that employment would not rebound.Millennials would get their reality mugging as the combination of student debt, low-paying jobs (if any) and realizing that the country's debt burden falls on them find it very challenging to get a start in life. Obamacare only added to the mugging.Obama was woefully ill-equipped for the job both in terms of experience and temperament, yet our media refused to give him anything like a proper vetting or tough coverage. The carefully constructed to be liberal "mainstream" media have forfeited much of their standing and certainly their ability for a repeat any time soon.That plus Republicans have been abysmal at discrediting anything apart from themselves. It will be interesting to watch how they again manage to misplay a lay-down hand and steadily remind the public that, bad as progressives bungled it, Republicans can't be counted on either.

Do you think republicans presidents ruin the economy?

I KNOW they do.

Democrats are better at virtually every economic task that is important to Republicans or Democrats.

Why the economy fares much better under Democrats |

The numbers don't lie: Democrats are better for the economy than Republicans

Democrats increase equality. Republicans increase inequality.

Bill Clinton Is Right: The Economy Really Does Do Better Under Democrats

Want a Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat! - Forbes

History Shows Stocks, GDP Outperform Under Democrats | Fox Business

Economic data show more growth under Democrats - Business

Why the economy fares much better under Democrats |

Democratic Presidents Are Better for the Economy - Bloomberg

80-year study: Democrats better at economics - Washington Examiner

Do Shallow Republican Hopefuls Still See Mitt Romney As Their Redeemer?

I guess I'm not a "Shallow Republican Hopeful" since I don't.