Research Project Ideas No Idea What To Do

What do i research for an egg drop science fair project ?


Here is some useful physics: Just before the egg's package hits the ground, the egg has some speed (depending on the height from which it is dropped.) You want the egg to change its speed to zero as slowly as possible. That is, you don't want it to go from 20 miles per hour to zero miles per hour in 1/100 second. You want it to slow down gradually. (This is because it takes more force to suddenly change the speed of something than to gradually change its speed, and we want the least amount of force possible exerted on the egg.) Maybe you know the equation F = ma where "F" is force, "m" is mass, and "a" is acceleration.

Now, here is a second idea: We would rather the egg not bounce back up from the padding material. That is because if it bounces back up, changes its speed from downward, to zero, to upward. (This is further acceleration.)

What material would help us achieve these results? A spring would allow it to slow down gradually, but it would bounce it back up. Various other things are possible, like crumbled up paper or styrofoam packing beads or foam rubber.

The idea is that you need to EXPERIMENT. That is what physics is. Trying things out. The reason that you won't be able to find the answer to this problem on the web is that there are many possible answers, depending on the restrictions that are placed on the experiment. For example, can I pack my egg with two feet of padding all around or am I limited to a few inches? How far will I drop it?

I suggest that you set some restrictions, like limiting the size of the box to maybe 6 inches on a side. Then pack the egg in various materials and try it from ever-increasing heights, starting from a foot or two. Once you find what seem to be the best two materials, you should make several tries with each material. Take good records of everything you do so that you can describe it accurately when you are finished.

EXPERIMENT. Make this fun. Physics should be fun because it is fun to learn about nature.

Good luck

Does anyone have any project ideas for The Spanish Armada?

For english class?!?!?!?

How about writing a diary of a sailor on one of the ships. Daily entries give bits of information on daily life, where they are, where they are heading, what's happening, what they have heard is happening, ...

It gives you a change to leak facts in while being creative. You can buy a journal to write it in to be more interesting (you can get them at the dollar store) or soak paper in coffee and binding the pages together with yarn (to get the effect that it is old). Plus, you don't want to do any presentations if you hate the topic.