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Why does my daughter want her mother to do everything for her?

How old is she? Personally, I would like to know the answer because one of my daughters just turned 19 last week- and if I would wipe her butt still- I would be wiping it. (Kidding, not literally.)It would say it’s totally my fault, but I have 2 other children who are very independent. My daughter isn’t lazy, she’s a full-time college student ( or will be a college sophomore in a couple of weeks) and works also. She just has never been very organised and gets overwhelmed by life really easily. She is slowly getting better, and I push her (even when she doesn’t know it) .Sometimes you have to let your (quasi) adult children go without clean underwear until she is willing to learn to use the washing machine. I mean that both in the metaphorical and literally sense.Unless your daughter is over 25, I don’t think this is that unusually, my daughter is getting less dependent and as long as mom doesn’t coddle her ( or over- coddle her) yours will too.:) Best wishes

Does every living creature have eyes?

Depends on how you define an eye.Almost every living thing has photosensitive cells. They may not be used as eyes, per se, but that's not standard scientific terminology.True eyes appear with the trilobites, quite late on in the story of life. But that's still before the conquest of land, so before trees. Which have photosensitive cells.Then one can ask about fungi. Do they have photosensitive cells? They don't photosynthesize, but that's not the same thing.

Why does my chest feel like it's caving in and why am I having trouble breathing?

I'm only 15 years old and I'm almost always feeling like a can't breath and my chest is caving in.. I don't really eat that healthy so that might be a problem too.

What are the best ways to treat/cure chronic adult asthma without modern medication?

Asthma is one kind of a lung disease in which the person experiences breathing problems, and coughing due to inadequate supply of air to the lungs.Salt Room Therapy - Drug Free Treatment for AsthmaSalt room therapy is a simple, non-surgical treatment for treating patients with asthma or other respiratory and skin disorders. It is also known by the name as Halo therapy. People undergoing this therapy, are made to sit in a salt-laden (mineral salt) room and relax. The room has a comfortable atmosphere with temperature and humidity control. As the salt particles pass in the affected airways they begin to heal the air-passages. A person might feel that he is entering a salt cave as the walls, floors and the roofs are laden with salt. Adults, children and elderly can relax on the massage beds to experience good comfort in controlled climate condition as the healing starts. This is an extremely natural therapy which has a minimum or no side-effects as such.Contact Spirocare & clarify your queries.

I let my daughter sleep with me after she had a nightmare. She is 16 and told her friends what she did. They think I'm a creep now. What should I do?

I’m guessing you are probably dad? I don’t think there would be that type of response if it was mom- which is a tremendously sad state of affairs. I don’t know what it’s like to be a dad, but I do have the experience of being a mom and a former teen girl. Normal parents ( the word normal also meaning almost all) don’t see their children as sexual beings, even at 16 my girls were still ‘my babies’ and I wouldn’t think twice about pushing over in the night due to a nightmare. Dads shouldn’t feel like they need to spurn their child reaching out for parental comfort because that child is female.Too many people have the idea that bed or sleeping=sex, and their response is really immature. Is a family all plied into mom & dads bed laughing, watching a movie and eating popcorn an orgy? No! It’s bonding.A frightened, half -sleeping child seeking a parent for comfort and feeling comforted by sleeping in the ‘safe place’ where the parent is has been part of humanity since we were cave people.Unfortunately there are some sick people out there, but people should have the common sense to know that those people are in the minority. Just because dads are men doesn’t make them (or all men) incestuous ,rapey, pedophiles . Good heavens.As a dad,it’s harder to talk to a group of teen girls, than it probably was for me. Perhaps your daughter could make some type of basic statement basically“Look, I had I nightmare, I didn’t want to be alone, so half-asleep, I climbed into my dad’s bed like I did when I was little- I fell asleep and nothing was weird. Get real people, not everyone is a pervert.”Although in teen speak it might come out more as ‘ WTF ! I was sleeping and my dream had me shook, I freaked it- but get woke! Not all dads are sketch weasels.’Or something like that.One thing that is fortunate is that teenage girls are fickle, this week they’re calling you a creep, next week you might be “-like the only dad who at least gives a ___ or isn’t too drunk at night!” etc , you get the point.Sorry this happened, good luck and hopefully 10 years from now you and your daughter can laugh about this incident.Best wishes:)

Do the newest medical studies cast enough doubt on routine use of baby aspirin for prophylaxis to make you stop taking it?

The decision to take low dose aspirin is complicated. In the past there has been some evidence to suggest lower rates of heart attack and reduced chance of colon cancer. However, in healthy people without risk factors for heart disease or stroke it may not be the right choice as the risks of bleeding and other side effects can outweigh any benefit. For those with risk factors (eg. diabetes , high blood press, smoking, cholesterol, high Framingham risk score) there may be some benefit (11 prevented events per 1000 people treated or approximately 1 for every 100) based on a New England Journal study last year. However, the risk of significant bleeding was about just a little less than this. It didnt really look at whether those people had a major risk of bleeding, but the caution is still there.Similarly, even those with bad kidney disease that used to go on low dose aspirin when I started med school now have a more complicated decision with their doctor - it is not always recommended now due to side effects vs benefit. Even in irregular heart beats there has been a move away from aspirin in favor better alternatives.Though it is not disputed that if you have had a heart attack or stroke that it helps with prevention of a second event.Basically, routine use in healthy people without risks for heart disease or stroke is likely not needed. For those with risk for heart disease, talking to their doctor about the pros and cons is the best course of action.