Rewrite The Following Sentence Correctly

How do I rewrite the following sentence?

There are two methods to rewrite the content such as for example rewriting by your personal using different techniques as well as your imagination or obtaining some help from the nice site offering the professional composing and rewriting services. I've used both methods and may state that the last you can help you to save your valuable time and discover ways to paraphrase correctly later on. But you need to spend money on this technique. From the other part, you can learn how to paraphrase by yourself.The main notion of rewriting is to comprehend the content and discover the main thoughts of the writer and meaning of the created text. When you can do this it will be far easier that you should rewrite the provided sentences, or paragraph or paper. Once you understand the primary idea you can begin changing what with synonyms or restructure the complete sentences. You can travel to these sources to obtain additional information: Staying away from Plagiarism - Paraphrasing and Paraphrasing for opinions and evaluation purposes.Also, you should keep in mind these guidelines while rewriting;· Check your paper for plagiarism;· Always check your paper for grammar and spelling mistakes;· Check your paper if it's understandable for your target audience.

What are the errors in the following sentences and how can I rewrite them correctly?

Why have the statements been numbered from 2 to 5?Anyway, the correct sentences are as follows:Although she has studied the English for almost a year, she is yet to learn the alphabet.Children are prone to making mischief.One of the most widespread bad habits is the use of in That is one of the best movies.These kinds of shirt are rather expensive for him to buy. (The kinds will be plural if we use these)orThis kind of shirt is rather expensive for him to buy.

Is the following sentence worded correctly?

When writing a sentence, consider the the first two elements before writing a word: what information do I need to present and what information does the reader need to understand? This will lead you to choices in your syntax (structure), diction (word choices) and tone (feeling). If the writer is the builder, the writing is his building. Syntax is the blue print; diction is the materials, and finally, the tone is the facade.It is a plan which made the workers create annual goals, and the bonus would be determined by the achieved goals.The sentence almost passes on syntax, but the diction and tone are somewhat awkward. The sentence can be used, but it is not structurally strong and presents a faulty facade. The house stands but never sells.Be direct and brief as possible, (e.g.: A plan, which was designed by the workers, creates annual goals; the bonuses would be determined by measuring goals to achievements).

How can I rewrite this sentence?

A sentence absolutely can be improved by rewriting it. First of all, you have to define improvement. You can improve a sentence in many ways:Grammar (Does it follow the rules of language?)Word choice (Are the words the right ones?)Style (Is it written for appropriately for its intended use and style?)Effectiveness (Does it communicate what it is intended to communicate?)To a writer or an editor, every sentence is a work of art. It can be polished and fine tuned. It can be rearranged. It can be shortened, but shorter sentences are not necessarily better.One Click to Get Readable and Unique New ArticlesBy using the latest cutting edge Statistical Replacement Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Part-Of-Speech analysis and Emulated Natural Language methods, SpinnerChief-5 can automatically create content that is close to human quality.It has super-advanced functions such as auto-grammar fix, for example it will correct "a apple" to "an apple," plus it can spin "I want to eat the apple, orange and banana" to "I want to eat the banana, orange and apple." We can't list all functions here, there are too many to list! - But one thing is sure, SpinnerChief 5 will give you the best rewritten article - no other spinner can do that!It can understand articles and rewrite paragraphs and sentences automatically, and afterwards it can spin again in word mode to generate nested spun articles if you need them.Paraphrasing enables us to rehash something in very surprising words than the original allowing us to target different audiences and streamline composing while at the same time staying away from any issues with literary theft. It is, however, a writing task that many find far harder than they first expect it to be.If I can, I change the sequence of words. Then I change the original word choice. After this I change the structure of sentences in paragraph. But don’t forget that they still have to make sense in the end. I also try to paraphrase sentences in different ways, to find the most natural sounding variation of the sentence.Personally, I find this way the fastest way to paraphrase and rephrase. Hope this will help you as well!

How to rewrite the following sentences to avoid the use of personal pronouns and emotive language?

1. As a researcher, I can't really tell you the exact figures for the mortality rate although I can tell you that we can consider cardiovascular disease as the number one cause of mortality in the US.

2. The managers in this study took charge of their staff and made decisions when they were asked.

3. I'm sure that the government will lose profits as an end result of the agreement.

4. Imagine our surprise when the results weren't what we hoped for.

5. According to our interviewing, and I quote, "Basically, the formulation of free trade agreements is based on political motives as well as economic interests of the parties involved."

Which of the following sentences uses parentheses correctly?

A. Some violinists really enjoy performing (in front of an audience).
B. My teacher asked me to perform a musical piece (in front of others).
C. To tell you the truth, performing music in front of others makes me uncomfortable (even though I am not shy).
D. I have been taking (violin for many years).

How do I rewrite the following sentence into a negative by using "none of the"? The sentence is "All the shops were closed".

none of the shops were closed - no shops openbut it isnt the meaning of the original sentenceif you want to save the same meaning you can rewite it as:none of the shops were opened - it says that all the shops were closed

Which sentence uses dashes correctly?

A.My dad—always the comedian calls the pup Jaws.

B.The search party was—a success—we found the missing puppy in my closet.

C.So far, he has eaten—shoes, belts, and one of my assignments.

D.The pup—he's a terror—had already eaten one of my shoes.

Is this sentence correctly modified?

When I arrived at the train station, my memories returned to me.
When I arrived at the train station, my memory returned.

Your sentence has a dangling modifier (arriving). Grammatically, you're saying that your memories arrived at the train station. But that's not what happened. You arrived at the train station.

Here's another example that makes it easier for you to see your error: "Walking around the corner, the building came into view." This is the same construction as your sentence, and here the dangling modifier is "walking." Obviously, the building didn't walk around the corner. The speaker walked around the corner and saw the building.