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When a woman says "I want you so bad right now", what does she intend it to mean?

I've been with my girlfriend for 2 years. For the last month she's been away on a business trip in another state. Last night she sent me a text message which said "I want you so bad right now".

Obviously if a man said this to a woman, it means something completely different to what a woman intends it to mean when she says it to a man. What does a woman mean when she says such a thing ladies?

Obviously a woman simply means "I want to be with you right now", which is fine by me because I miss her too and she let me know from the start of our relationship that she wanted to keep our relationship purely non sexual. I fully respect this and always keep our relationship above board. I'm 22 and she's 21. We're both virgins.

Decide whether it is an acute, right or obtuse triangle. explain..?

use cosine law
acute triangle

What's the most important thing life has taught you?

That you deserve what you accept.

So, if you're being badly treated by someone for example, and you continue to accept that bad treatment, then you deserve it. If on the other hand you believe that you don't deserve to be treated in that way, then you're obligated to not accept it anymore. It's the same with everything, including the way that institutions (schools, work, governments...etc) treat us.

How do you know when you’re in love?

You know you are in love when every time you start to think about the one you love, butterflies start flying in your stomach.

You know you are in love when you fine yourself shopping with that person and you feel like everything is right in the world.

You know you are in love when you can't stop touching that person.

You know you are in love when you feel miserable when you are away from that person.

You know you are in love when you start planning a future in your head.

You know you are in love when can't stop smiling every time you see that person.

I could go on with more examples. For me being in love is wonderful and yet painful. The man I love doesn't know that I do love him. He is my friend and for now that is all he wants because he is about to be deployed. Because I love him I am going to wait. Love is worth any pain and wait.
When you find yourself ignoring your own feelings and focusing on how someone else is feeling your in love. I find myself now looking at maps, tracing the distance between where he is and where I am. I now pray each and every night for him to come back safely to me.

Are eggs good for you? If so, what are the health benefits?

I love answering this question. And I will probably give you the best unbiased answer you will ever find.See there are two schools of thought. And they both are based on very true facts.One school believes eggs are good for you. Why? They are extremely nutritious. You can live on eggs for a very long time. All the nutrients made for the baby is now given to you.The other believes that eggs are bad for you. Why? They are so extremely nutritious!! Partiularly, they have a lot cholesterol. In fact, if you eat just two of your average chicken egg, you will pass the recommended daily limits for cholesterol.So to answer your question, it’s going to depend on who YOU actually is.If you are a growing child, whose cholesterol needs are much higher. Eggs are a perfect meal for you.If you are a 22 yr old athlete in excellent condition with fantastic heart health, eggs will cause you no problems.If you are a 40 yr old vegetarian who gets almost no cholesterol every day, an egg will be fine.If you are a 50 yr old obese male who never gets any exercise, eggs are not a good idea.If you are a 19 yr old underweight male who never exercises and eats steaks and potato chips every day. Eating eggs on top of that is going to make them worse.If you are a 45 yr old female who’s already suffered two heart attacks, and is on 3 heart medications, you should prolly stay away from eggs if you also eat meat.If you are Robinson Crusoe and you’re trapped in an island starving. And you see an egg, a coconut, a mystery mushroom, and a dead rotting pig carcass. Eggs is going to be your best bet for nutrition.To sum it all up. Eggs are nutritious. A little too nutritious. So whether it’s good or bad is context dependent.