Right Shoulder Acute Pain

Sharp pain in my right shoulder when I laugh?

So I get this really sharp pain in my right shoulder when I laugh really hard. Had it for quite some time now but never really done anything about it. It's almost like where the socket is and sort of radiates up to the base of my neck. I don't get this pain any other time then when I laugh a lot (like a laughing spell you get when you see something extremely funny). Not sure why laughing really hard would make my shoulder hurt.

If someone is feeling acute pain in the right shoulder, arm, and fingers, and the intensity of pain increases or decreases throughout the day (continuing for 5 days),which doctor should be consulted?

You should ideally consult a Shoulder Specialist. He will be able to diagnose your problem better and suggest a treatment option if the problem is related to your shoulder. If not, he can refer you to the right specialist.If you do not know a Shoulder Specialist near your place, you can reach out to any Orthopaedic doctor.Please feel free to reach us for any other questions. You can send your questions here

Pain in my shoulder/upper back?

If the problem has went on consistently for this long, i would definitely see a doctor. When you said it was from lifting trays, my first guess was it was just a strained muscle, but as i read on and since you said it has been going on for close to a year, it is probably an issue with connective tissue under or around the shoulder blade, or possible even with the cartilage or joint in the shoulder. The least severe thing it might be is maybe a few nasty shoulder knots, i have a bad habit of grinding my right shoulder and i have had consistent knots all along my shoulder blades for almost 3 years now, regular massages helped but i stopped going because i cant stop grinding my shoulder so i just deal with the knots lol..Constant heavy lifting is notorious for causing problems, my friend was a waitress for years and it messed up her shoulder quite a bit from constant strain on the same shoulder, over and over again. It wore down the cartilage in between her joints and was basically bone on bone rubbing against each other, she put it off for a long time and ended up having to have a screw put in her shoulder and she had to stop waitressing. If you keep putting it off, you may end up having to have surgery if it is something serious. Right now if whatever it is is caught soon enough, it may be able to be treated with muscle relaxers, massage therapy, or some sort of brace, maybe even some time off work would help from further injury. Your doctor might even prescribe a mild pain killer for ease. In the meantime, try not to put any stress on it unless you absolutely have to (at work), when you are at home, take hot showers or baths, or use a heating pad in the area when it is feeling stiff or hurting. Take ibuprofen for swelling and pain, if any persists.

What can cause sharp and intense pain in the right shoulder when yawning?


Sudden/ severe pain under my right shoulder blade?

Such a sharp pain can actually be due to indigestion if not due to straining a muscle. The stomach is higher up than most people realise and can give pain where you describe. An antacid might help, or just plain soda water will shift any gas. If it doesn't resolve, the it's off to the doctor..
Poor Pet. I think that not eating is a problem for you, so why not try eating something easily digested and bland?

Why am I getting pain in my right shoulder, bottom right back, right buttock and right leg?

Have you fallen down? Without a lot of information I would say your shoulder pain has nothing to do with the rest. The bottom right back, across the butt and down the leg is SCIATIA. It is normal clauses by a herniated disc at L4/5. However other things can cause it also. Late term pregnancy puts pressure on the spine, spinal stenosis, obesity, muscle strain from lifting or carrying too heavy an item or injury. The sciatic nerve leaves the spine around the L4/5 disc area travels through your butt muscles and then down your leg down the back then branches of it twist towards the front. The pain comes either from pressure on the spine or the muscles it goes through are inflamed. Get rest, look up stretches on you tube to relieve sciatica there are some good ones. Put a pillow under your bum will help some. Then get to your doctor to find out the cause and set you up for physical therapy or other treatments to help release the nerve.I have a spinal cord injury, spinal stenosis, L4/5 fusion, and a spinal cord stimulator for pain inside my back. Sciatica is once a month for me. Good luck and I hope you get relief. Please see a doctor.

Severe shoulder pain?

i have severe pain in my shoulder. it's getting so if i walk the friction is enough to make it spasm. it's not frozen, i can move it but the joint pops up and down. i've tried doing little exercises to build up the rotator cuff muscles, i've tried more general shoulder exercises, the more i move it the worse it is. especially if i lift above my head, and not immediate pain but like it builds up and eventually is so bad i have to stay in bed and it makes me sick. the doctors that have examined me have only looked at me, and done xrays, no MRI scan. i have had it for a year, i've had injections. put cold on it, rested it, moved it. if anything it's more severe. i am seeing a physio soon, but i dont know if i should be resting it or moving it. when moving it makes it so bad. what should i do??

Pain in right shoulder and neck after plane trip. Is it a stroke?

I was recently on a flight to Las Vegas. Just before the flight I had taken a vicodin and drank a mimosa (champagne and orange juice). After the plane landed and they opened the door, I got this sudden pain, numbness and tingling from my right temple into my right shoulder and down into my right arm. The pain was so debilitating, I doubled over and could barely move until the pain had passed. Five minutes later I was back to normal and able to exit the plane. I am only 25 years old. Could this have been a stroke or something due to the alcohol and medication combined with cabin depressurization?