Ringworm Dont Know If I Have It Or Not

How do I get rid of ringworm?

Use antifungal creams and ointments containing terbinafine, clotrimazole, or miconazole. These take about two weeks or more to clear the infection depending on the severity. Natural remedies for ring worm are less likely to cause side effects but may take considerable time and effort to achieve results. Here are a few home treatments you can use to eliminate ringworm on face:Vinegar wash: Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and 10 parts water. Wash the affected areas at night until the infection goes away.Apple cider vinegar: This can be applied directly onto the rashes for faster healing. Wash the area and then apply the vinegar. It will sting but the infection should go away within a few days. You can apply toothpaste over the vinegar at night. Fungus needs moisture to survive and this will cause it to dry out and die faster.Garlic and vinegar wash: Among other things, garlic has antifungal properties. Press the juice from garlic and combine it with vinegar. Wash the affected skin three times per day with this mixture. You can also eat garlic to fight the infection from inside the body.Bleach: Mix equal parts bleach and water and apply to the rash. Leave on as long as possible and then wash off. The infection should clear within two days. However, bleach can scar the skin which could make for some unfortunate photos.Tea tree oil: Mix one part tea tree oil with three parts of a different oil such as lavender or coconut. Apply to freshly washed skin twice per day until the rash clears. Another option is to purchase a natural remedy for ring worm that is made from ingredients designed to kill the infection fast and keep it from coming back.

How do I kill ringworm at its root?

I think i am the right person to answer this question as i have suffered from ringworm,jock itch from last 2.5 years and i could not tell you how frustrating it was,whenever i used to go out without shorts it was like a punishment it was more like torture,i could not sleep for nights,it used to itch so bad that sometimes blood started coming out after scratching the infected area .whole groin area legs all got infected even my face.I tried turmeric,ginger,olive,coconut oil garlic etc but all in vain and could not tell you how much i have wasted on medicines,tool tons of itraconazole(shit) works only till you take it and as soon as you leave it comes uninvited was like very annoying this were feeling apart you could not believe me how stressed i was,as i am a UPSC aspirant it was even more difficult for me to study,i was losing on my dreams.i went hospital to hospital doctors to doctors but nothing worked. it was like my soulmate not leaving me at any cost,i even gave it a name,(NAVEEN-my most irritating friend,no one can save themselves once naveen enters the room,its like i can shoot myself with a hand gun instead of meeting him) it was out of frustration and not out of love.NOW what saved me- i swear by good i don't like doing much social welfare but after feeling this pain i thought to share the remedy of this F***in disease.JUST GIVE IT A 10 DAYS TRY I CAN GUARANTEE IT WILL WORK.1-NO SWEETS ,SUGAR IS FOOD OF JOCK FUNGUS2-NO TEA AT MOST ONE, can have black coffee without sugar3-THE SOLUTION-:”””BRING ONE BOTTLE OF WHITE SYNTHETIC VINEGAR-COST(29 RUPEES) APPLY 3 TIMES A DAY ON INFECTED AREA DON'T WASH AFTER USE-will do wonders,you could see changes after 2 days4-CAUTION—don't panic if it irritates it just have acetic acid which will kill bacteria by changing PH of skin making impossible for fungus to survive,the area will look a bit red after use that mean its working the fungus is dying its crying you trying ok enough.MY friends these people out there took almost 30000 rupees from me in treating my infection and when i found the solution it was just for 29 rs can you believe how this business is flourishing on our pain,anyway you got a RAMBAN use it,AND bless me (for clearing UPSC)thanxi am anonymous like fungus like mucus and you are like my friends in circus(enough) :p

How do you know if you have ringworm?

Ring worms appear as a small red raised ring under the skin.
all you got to do is paint the area about one half inch all the way around it completely covering the worm with nail polish "not" clear
darker the better. it will disappear in a few day's no problem.
ps. not contagious.

Is my ringworm healing?

Please help me i really don't know if my ringworm is healing sometimes it look really bad that it's really red and really noticeable. Many people have been disgusted by my ringworm...


After applying medicine (Robinson Ringworm lotion):

I know the colour seems to be dimmer in the picture but the condition is that i am able to peel of the skin, i just peeled a little bit but i still couldn't peel all, in the middle of the skin only. The medicine that i apply on the ringworm makes it hurt and the lotion form pink-purple crystals when dropped on the floor. When i apply it on the ringworm, the outside it seems like it's really dry and with the cracking lines. It is not itchy anymore. Please help me because i need to attend my sister's wedding which is about 3.5 more weeks, help!!!~

Do I have penile ringworm?

I noticed I have 3 or 4 red rings on the shaft of my penis on the underside. They don't really itch, but I have never had ringworm so I don't know if it is or not. I went to the Dr. and she told me that it could be ringworm, but didn't tell me what it could be if it weren't. She also mentioned that if the clotrimazole cream she gave me didn't work, then to come have a blood test done. This kind of worried me because I have been sexually active. I always use a condom when I have intercourse and they have never broken. I did receive unprotected oral once without a condom, but these rings starts showing up a few weeks after that and the Dr. told me a few weeks before(after the sex) that I was STD -free. I think it might just be ringworm because I was just on a long vacation in Thailand and is was really hot and humid there and I was sweating profusely. Does this sound more like ringworm from sweating in Thailand or something more serious? Any Drs. on here?

How long does ringworm last in the environment?

Ringworm can last until 18 months in the environment.It is very important to clean the home where the kittens live with physical removal of hair and debris, scrubbing with a detergent and rinsing of the area. Aggressive mechanical cleaning can remove infective spores from items or surfaces where disinfectants cannot be applied. If you have a sucky immune system, you are more susceptible to infection.As a vet, most of my friends already had ringworms, even not being ill, stressed or with a weak immune system. That's because the ringworm spreads easily between people and animals. I wouldn't trust in what Lorri Robinson said in here because, humans and animals can also be non-symptomatic carriers and can spread ringworm to others. So when he say that his animals don't have ringworm, just by looking at them you can't be sure. They can have ringworm and also have a strong cell mediated response, don't having the symptons, but still transmitting the disease. You can be sure only if you do a fungal culture.