Ripped Off Part Of My Finger Nail. How To Make It Stop Hurting

How do you get rid of pain from a ripped off fingernail?

That's something you have to ride out. You can protect the nail bed by putting a triple antibiotic ointment like Neosporin on it, then a folded square of gauze, then a bandaid. The gauze is for extra cushioning in case the toe bumps something. That can help reduce pain.For that aching, pulsing pain, you're left with over-the-counter meds. No doctor would prescribe narcotics for a ripped off nail, even though it hurts like hell. The best for pain would be ibuprofen. Take it every 4–6 hours. You can also take Tylenol if you feel you aren't getting relief. Alternate them every 3 hours.Otherwise, it's something you're going to have to endure. It sucks, but there's no quick fix. If you can, do something to distract yourself. Video games, reading, YouTube. Whatever you like. The pain should lessen in about a day. Remember to change your bandaging regularly, and keep that area clean and covered until the nail bed hardens.Good luck!

Why do my fingertips hurt after I cut my nails?

Please remember, I am not a doctor and only write from personal experience. First of all, I don’t think your fingers look gross at all. It is obvious you don’t bite your nails or pick at your cuticles. There’s a curious half circle shadow on your ring fingernail. It looks like an acrylic nail that is growing out.I think there are two scenarios:You have, or have had, acrylic nails and they are growing outYou cut your nails short after letting them grow out.Your fingernails protect the ends of your fingers which are very sensitive. Just try pressing the ends of your fingers with a fingernail to see how sensitive they are. Acrylic nails do a better job of this protection because they are so hard. Natural nails also give this needed protection.Many people have soft nails that easily bend, break or peel so they don’t do as good a job of protection. My nails are like that and just last night the fingernail on my little finger peeled off all the way down to the base. My finger is very sore today.Here’s the bottom line: When you grow your nails out over the ends of your fingers and wear them like that, the ends of the fingers are well protected and become more sensitive. Then, when you cut them short (like your ring finger in the picture), the exposed ends hurt. If you cut them very short, it is possible to cut the place where the fingernail is connected to the finger. That will cause it to bleed and hurt a lot worse.This is assuming you do not use something to dig under your nails to clean them which can also make them bleed. If your nails are dirty, use a soft nail brush and mild soap to clean underneath.Solution: Never cut your fingernails. Hide your nail clippers. Instead, use an emory board (nail file) - never metal, they are too harsh - to carefully file your nails until they are just past the tips of your fingers. There are nail files designed for acrylic nails - never use them on your natural nails, they are too gritty. Be sure the package says for “natural nails.”Work on getting in the habit of always filing them in one direction - not back and forth like a saw - especially if you have weak nails. When I file the nails on my left hand, I file them from the left to the right once, pick up the file, and repeat. When I’m filing on my right hand, I file from right to left. Do whatever is comfortable, just avoid “sawing” them. And remember to keep them long enough to cover the end of your finger a little.I hope this helps.

How can I stop the skin from peeling around my finger nails?

Hey, recently the skin around my fingernails have started peeling off, and the only way to get rid of them it to rip them off, which really hurts and often results in bleeding minorly. I've never seen anyone with this before, so I don't know what the reason for it is. It could be due to the cold weather here in England, but it stays through the summer too.

Here's a picture of what it looks like:

Pretty weird huh?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

- Alex

How much does it hurt to get your fingernail ripped off?

Not naturally or over a period of time. If someone were to get their entire fingernail ripped off by force, how much would it hurt? Would the nail eventually grow back (if so, approximately, how long)?

What's the best way to treat a fingernail that has been partially torn off?

Call me old fashioned, but this is one of those situations where the simpler the better. And I say this with all due deference to my colleagues.No antibiotic ointments. No medicated gauzes. They're just not needed. In my experience they get way overused. I've been on a crusade training residents, including ER, and nursing and OR staff to limit their use.In a situation like this that is relatively clean with a wound with a rich blood supply, all that's needed is to wash the wound. Soap and water will do. Or just water. Saline if you want to get fancy. Plain 3% hydrogen peroxide if you're really concerned about cleanliness. (Yes, undiluted peroxide and no it won't harm the tissues in any significant way). And then a simple band aid. And if it bleeds, great. Like I tell all my patients, we love blood in situations like this. Yeah it's messy but it's good. Pus, boo! That we don't like.The band aid will prevent snagging on fabrics etc...and will keep the patient from playing and picking at it and also avoid having to explain to every other person what happened. If the band aid gets moist, humid, sweaty etc...then change it. You don't want to create an environment for bacteria and/or fungus.The nail will grow albeit slowly if the so-called germinal matrix ie the root that lives under the nail fold has not been damaged. Keep it simple!

How do you recover from a ripped off toenail?

It happened to me twice, nail was ripped off, off my nail bed. It hurt so bad and it bled.Worst of all, the nail did not come off completely so I had to clip it off slowly and gently with a nail clipper.I washed it with water and applied some antiseptic spray. It was fine after. But the regrowth part took so long. But there's nothing you can do but wait. Since all that's left is the nailbed, make sure not to injure it any further.Wear covered shoes and socks.Slippers or sandals will increase your chances of injury.

I just ripped off a wobbly fake nail, it hurts and its bleeding and my hand feels numb?

PB - One issue at a time, please mate. You are going to be quite sore for a few days. Neosporin for the nail at the injured part. Keep it out of the water as water can aid in infection, unless it is water with epsom salts which I would advise against because of stinging pain and you will hate me on top of that. Leave it alone for now is best. If you have any cloves in your flat, you can crush them and place them on the area to numb the pain. Also baby Anbesol for teething works, but stings a little in the process. Only use it if you can't bear the pain. Good luck. OH and DO NOT use acetone until it heals. It would be the same as pouring petrol over a scraped knee.

I want to rip off my finger nails, help?

it really does sound like a sort of OCD to me, OCD need not be a mental illness you need drugs for! it may simply be a sign of stress... (if it makes you feel any better i had a problem for years where i HAD to- HAD TO- pull my hair out one strand at a time. if i didn't i felt really uncomfortable and restless).

i know many people simply say 'so stop doing it!' but i know its not that easy- it can make you really sick and feel horrible when you don't! many people don't even understand it...

you really need to see a therapist. psychologist/ counsellor. i assure you that they can help figure out why you are doing it (stress maybe) and help your with therapy and/ or medication.

OCD is a very real, and very misunderstood thing :) get some help ok? you'll be ok, i certainly was :)

(by the way in the meantime try to figure out a way to stop yourself doing it- for me, i put my hair in clips and ponytails so i literally could not grab it strand by strand to pull it, or i covered it in a hat until i got a therapist and dealt with it. maybe you can wear gloves or simply rely on pushing them down heavily rather then pulling them off?)

oh above posters suggestion that you might have a fungal infection could be true! get it checked out!