Ruthless Manipulator. Help

How can you help a manipulative person stop being manipulative?

Manipulating people is addictive. It gives the person more control over their life. We learn simple manipulation from our parents, who use guilt and threats, to get us to do things. Advertisers use every influence you can think of. Influence is manipulation.I used manipulation, so that I had more influence at work. It didn’t feel wrong.Meaningful relationships are based on mutual respect and trust. Lies violate both. On the other hand, when compared to women, most men are uncivilized. If women didn’t use emotional manipulation, to weed out the parts of men, that they absolutely cannot stand, the human race would soon become extinct.I thought all manipulation was fair game, which turned out to be worst mistake of my life. I’d learned to control my emotions, and to always think, before I react. As a result, I’m able to project any emotion, as needed.If you spend hours around someone, they tend to notice this. It prays on their mind. If they can’t trust the sincerity of your emotions, then they can’t trust you.I stopped manipulating people, but I refuse to revert back to, responding to things emotionally, before thinking. Women continue to discount my sincerity. As a result, they’ve all felt betrayed, and every breakup consists of me catching hell.If your friend’s sincerity is ever in doubt, then he can expect to spend his life alone. That might convince them to change.

How can I become a manipulator and loved?

Strange question you ask.Manipulation causes so much hurt.Intense manipulation is ''emotional rape''.How can you expect to be loved after you rape a person.Try to invest in relationship.if you want someone to love you,be gentle towards them,be sincere, give them your time and attention.that's how something as precious as love is earned.Nothing in life is free.

How can I become politically pragmatic, ruthless, and manipulative?

None of these attributes are really my forte, so let me refer you to someone who is recognised as an expert in this field: Niccolò Machiavelli in his treatise 'The Prince' in which he advises Lorenzo de Medici on rulership. Macchiavelli suggests that political pragmatism, ruthlessness and manipulation are all valid approaches to maintain political power. I find this attitude abhorrent but it certainly seems to have served politicians well for millenia, so if this is your goal, Macchiavelli is an excellent guide.The Prince

What is a manipulator?

A manipulator is someone who cannot or will not develop authentic, valuable relationships with people. However they can fake that connection with others if it is of benefit to them in some way.A person of this mindset will manipulate (aka use) people for their own ends and agenda.They may see people as pawns to be moved around, manipulating their behavior, perhaps even their thoughts and view of life.Manipulation is not the same as convincing. People may try to convince others to do certain things. Even in asking for help or other requests.A salesperson makes his or her money by convincing people. But convincing, which may be confused with manipulating, is entirely different.The car salesman who believes in the value of a car will do their best to convince the customer to buy it. A manipulating sales person will know the car is a lemon but use deceit to convince the customer to make the purchase.Unlike convincing manipulation always has a sinister component. It is wholly dishonest. There is no light in manipulation.

What are the best books about learning how to manipulate people?

This book is a classic and I love it.Manipulate is such a harsh word, it generally implies a win-lose scenario where you’re winning and the other person is losing. Instead, a more effective tactic is to create a win-win scenario so both parties are winning. Manipulating may work for you in the short term but in life, your reputation is everything and over time people will realize that when they interact with you, they lose. People don’t like losing so over time, you’ll have a harder and harder time manipulating them.However if every time someone interacts with you or does business with you, they win, then they’ll love working with and will be easily influenced because you’ve never done them wrong. You should only do something if it benefits both people, that’ll make you wealthy and bring you a lot of great friends in the long run.For future reference, the word you probably want to use is influence. In the book you also learn about tactfulness. It’s the difference between saying “Oh my God you fat cow, if you don’t lose weight I’m leaving you” to saying “Hey honey, I think we should join a gym, I’ve been meaning to lose weight and I think it would be great bonding time.” They’re both basically saying the same thing but one is way better than the other and your partner is more likely to be influenced by the latter one than the first one. When other people feel that you have their best interest at heart then they’re more likely to do what you want.Create win-win scenarios.

How can I become manipulative and cunning?

Study anyone who makes millions (in terms of cash or followers) through stating the obvious, e.g. certain televangelists and see-help mentors come to mind.Study anyone who makes millions (in terms of cash or followers) through stating the dubious, cult leaders to be exact.Bonus! Become a CEO of any corporation, LOL! [10-professions-make-you-emotionally-cold-manipulative/]

Which sign is more ruthless, Scorpio or Aquarius?

Going on basic traits / sun sign only
Aqu = Air sign & Fixed sign !!! uranus (sudden change) action planet High IQ-thinker
Sco = Water sign & Fixed sign !!! mars(love&hate)/pluto dark-highly psychic-Feeler
My opinion most ruthless-
"Scorpio" (negative -low -leveled-selfish- Scorpio cares about "their FEELINS VS OTHERS")
definition= "Ruth·less"
Having or showing "no" pity or compassion for others: "a ruthless manipulator".
merciless - pitiless - cruel - unmerciful - remorseless

Both Aqu & Sco are "teachers of life-lessons" (the hard way) in my opinion.
" I am doing this for your own good" (joke joke) so they believe(aqu) or feel(sco)

If Aqu acts ruthless, they Think they are doing the other person as favor)
Aquarius are true Humanitarians.
Scorpio can more easily usually be Labeled "narcissist".

Debatable ... Is a True narcissist Born this way ? Or they become this way?
Motive? Natural born Instinct / trait or became this way & at what age?

Interesting concept.
Dr Conrad Baars brings this up in book "Born Only Once" are we just this way by thinking &/or feeling? Or did a childhood experience make us become this way? Choice ir no choice?

Sigmund Freud studied how our Moon Sign affects us daily. Moment by moment vs our Ego/Sun Sign. Moon being Id. Natural hidden Instincts.

Aquarius Sun with a Scorpio Moon = would be interesting combo !

Aqu will Light Switch people "appearing" as ruthless. But they & scorpio always, as other zodiac signs, have a Motive .... Ruthless behavior Can be a reaction.

"for every action, there is an Equal "&" (and) Opposite ReAction" Newton 1670s he was not just pointing out a "math" equation .

Why is Vladimir Putin known as a ruthless, corrupt leader and master manipulator?

I actually speculated that after Ukraine invasion was completed. I thought Putin would be replaced, but guess no one in Russia is so intelligent like Putin. At least, the Kremlin people think so.Putin is ruthless, and I guess what he does on personal level equates to corruption( building vast empire of petrol company-which is national asset and his huuuge Italia styled house in Sochi-where his personal wealth is shown too less during elections etc)But I think Russians for a big part of their conscience think Putin is right in whatever he is doing.If you follow Russia’s day to day life through social media and news outlets(which is near to impossible but there are ways to do that using their social sites) ,you will understand that life in USSR and Russia are pretty much the same. The outlook hasn't changed. In fact, materialism there I think, is at higher level than what might be in west European countries. People are running madly after money. Democracy is sheer joke when Russia is concerned. Putin may not be a dictator like Stalin since he opened Russia for Russians, or like Yeltsin who stormed the country's parliament building, but he certainly is using his power to keep Russian life in his supreme control. He has built a personality cult. He is liked by most Russians since he is quite bold in everything, but on the other hand there are educated Russians who understand that his way to Russia's safety is based on giving supreme authority to the state, which is in other words neo-USSR.Journalists were murdered. Boris Nemtsov was assassinated near Kremlin.I think something is going from bad to seriously fucked up there, but maybe it's how russians politics controls people.