Salaam. Islam Decision Making Question

Questions about Islam ?

OK so I'm a Christian but had some questions.
1.What is the difference between Islam and Muslim.
2.What is Salaam.
3.If you sin how do you go about forgiveness 4.How do you get into heaven
5.Does every Muslim believe in jihad
6.Even if you don't believe in jihad do you believe that Christians should die.
7.I know you all believe in Jesus but what do you believe he was

Ramadan muslims, say you are making a major decision?

awliya? you must be joking right? Did you consult someone?

I should point out a number of things:

1. Istikhaarah is not to be used concerning things that are obligatory or forbidden or makrooh, except when the hesitation is about setting a time to do an obligatory action.

2. The issue of things being made easy or difficult may involve some doubt and waswasah (whispers from the shaytaan).

3. If a person goes against what is indicated by istikhaarah, he is not disobeying Allaah or sinning, but he will miss out on much goodness and will regret it if he does not do it, or harm may befall him if he goes ahead with something that Allaah has not made easy for him. Perfect faith and trust in Allaah means delegating one’s affairs to Allaah and accepting His decision, and going ahead with the matter after praying istikhaarah and deciding upon a course of action, and not paying attention to waswasah.

Am I still a Muslim if I don't believe and agree with Islam's teaching? I still believe in one God though. Is it an apostasy?

Sir, by definition, you are not a muslim if you dont follow the 5 pillars and declare Muhammed as the messenger Allah. You said you "don't believe  and  agree with islam's  teachings." It is not possible to believe in one  part of islam and disbelieve in another at the same time because they are all connected. The encyclopedia's definition states a  Muslim (Arabic, 'one who submits') is a Follower or believer in Islam. Based on your confessions, it is not possible to follow the  basic tenets of Islam if you "don't believe and agree with Islam's teaching"I have seen few answers here by muslims who state "you are still muslim" but they need to confirm this answer by providing quranic scriptures that proves " if I don't believe and agree with Islam's teaching" I am still a muslim. Dear muslims: Where in the Quran or Hadith does it state that "one who does NOT submit" is still a muslim? Pray tell. Thanks.Dear Sir/OP: I think because you grew up in muslim background your concept of wrong and right is still influenced by Islam.  Your decision making and difference between moral and immoral is still influenced by your islamic upbringing. You can continue to follow what you believe in and live a life that is righteous, without losing faith in God. There is nothing wrong about this. Because you have not converted to another religion, chosen a secular life, or completely reject everything in Islam, it is not apostasy. According to Islam, I have committed apostasy. I grew up in a muslim home but I don't believe in Muhammed's teachings and some other Islamic teachings. I do believe in God and I do believe in the Last Day and heaven and hell. I believe in the angels and the demons and Satan. I still believe I should not worship idols, kill, cheat, lie, disrespect my parents. But I don't follow the 5 pillars. I follow a different religion which makes me an apostate. Therefore: According to islam, one who submits is a muslim, but if you haven't converted to another religion it is not apostasy. Your family or any muslim are not 'islamically justified' to punish you because... al baqara 256 - "there is no compulsion in the religion"

Muslims, How do I convert to Islam?

after talking to a couple of users (Hamza ibn Awad and PathOfTheJust) I have decided to convert to Islam.

I live in chicago and I have a mosque 2 blocks away. What are some things I should do before I say my public shahada? Are there things i should memorize? what should I expect after I become a Muslim?

I want to convert to Islam but fear my parents' reaction?

I recently began to study Islam out of curiosity, but I've fallen in love with it along the way. I feel like I've finally found the truth and I may fully convert in the future. However, my father believes whatever the American media tells him about Muslims. To sum it up: they sit around oppressing women and talking about killing non-Muslims when they're not blowing things up. And when the word "Muslim" is even brought up, he goes into a rant about how horrible and disgusting they are, etc. It's infuriating.

I'm eighteen so I know I can convert to whatever I want without them really stopping me, but I'm afraid of what they'll do. Worst case scenario, they throw me out. And I'm not sure my surrounding family would take me in.

I don't know any local Muslims either, so I'm pretty much alone in all this.

Advice please?

What is Ijtehad, Ijma and Qias in Islam?


When scholars of Islam join together to discuss what Muslims should do in a new situation that was never faced before and come to a decision what to do.

1. For example Prophet SAW prohibited from making his image. So Muslims never made image of Prophet and first four rightly guided Califs of Islam. Following the sunnah of Prohets lots of very religious Muslims and scholars of Islam do not get their photographs made. But these days every one who wants to drive or travel to foreign country has to have his picture in passport. Therefore scholars has allowed to have photograph for passport and driving license.
2. Fo example if a Muslim lives in Alaska or in green land. There if month of Ramadan comes in summer sun light period for him can be as lon as 22 hours and if falls in winter, his day is only of 2 hours. Scholars of Islam has allowed Muslims living in such areas can follow the Sahoor and fast breaking time of Mecca or nearest city for them in south.

Ijma is getting togther of Muslims for any purpose. For example to liste speech of some one or to discuss on any topic.

Qias - When there is no known solution in certain circumstances I would decide what I think is best based oo the decisions of scholars in circumstances closest to situation I am facing. This will be called my thought of making the decision. Others may differ with me and decide differently until well known scholars sit together and come up with a permanet solution to the problem many of us have faced.