Saliva Swab Drug Test

How to pass saliva drug swab test?

im 18 height6'4 230lb and i smoked 2 days ago ill have the drug test tomorrow its a mouth swab saliva test for the jw marriot spa. i dont need lectures on how smoking weed is bad just real HELP!!! please and thank you.

Mouth Swab Drug Test?

Saliva drug tests aren't inaccurate -- they are merely not useful for the majority of drug testing purposes. Saliva testing has VERY short detection windows. Less than even blood serum testing for most substances.

* I suspect sarcasm in the first answer,.. but you will NOT come back positive for other substances that you did not ingest despite the poor reputation swab/saliva testing has*

Specifically for Marijuana (THC) Cannabinoids Saliva testing will only detect, after last usage, for approximately 12 hours. This is a mean, average, time of detection. So in some circumstances it can be up to 9 hours, and in others 14 hours.

Saliva isn't the same as urine in terms of dilution -- you can't accurately dilute your saliva the same way you can drink large quantities of fluids to cause the kidneys to push mostly water to your bladder for short periods of time. But *some* dilution is of course possible with any bodily chemical.

I'm not sure how you know the swab absorbed "80% water" -- but regardless you are on the 'cusp' of the detection window.

So it would be fool-hearty to assume you 100% passed the test. However, your odds are quite high and in your favor of a negative result with this test,.. but not 100%.

Wow, there are a lot of drug test questions on Y!A daily --

Given my position on the criminal justice system, civil liberties and personal choice of what a person ingests -- I hope you passed. Given my medical background I also hope you keep your use of illicit substances in check, in a responsible manner.

Take care,

How can you flush meth out of your saliva for mouth swab drug test?

Meth will be detectable in your saliva for approximately 3-4 days. To flush meth out of your saliva for mouth swab drug test, you can do the following:Drink sufficient water & citrous fluids.Brush your teeth at least twice on daily basis or keep good oral hygiene.Consider using Oral Clear Gum. It is a drug detox product, which ensures that you pass your oral drug test.You can take a tour of synthetic-urine & learn more about saliva drug test & how to pass it!

How well does Stat Flush work for a swab/saliva drug test?

Most cleansers don't work very well and a lot of companies test for them as well. In all honesty, if you've been smoking for that long you'd need to be completely clean for 30 days before you'd test clean since it would take a while for your body to flush it out (most people are clean within 10 days but heavy smokers require longer).

No offense, just as with anything in life, smoking pot has consequences, testing positive and losing a prospective job offer is one of them (assuming this is job related testing); accept it or quit.

Saliva test. And mouth wash?

You should be fine! Usually drug tests don't pick up on things like mouth wash because it is not potent enough to effect a drug test. Also, if you are over 21 (in my state) it is not illegal to drink. So they can not make you fail because of that. Unless you are under the legal drinking age in your state.
You should be fine!!!! Good luck! (:

How do you pass a saliva drug test in less than 24 hours?

I have not tried this but was told (and it kinda makes sense) that right before you go in for the test, buy some Listerine Breath Strips and place one or two (use your own judgement here) inside your mouth, on the inside of your cheek where you plan to put the test against. If you have never done a saliva test before, just know that they give the test to you and you put it in your cheek and gun area and leave it yourself. This allows you to be in charge of placement and thus allows you to decide ahead of the test, where to put the Listerine Strips. I am worried that for those of you on Methadone (or any other specific drug that they test to make sure it is in your system versus other drugs such as weed or opiates) these Strips may wipe that off the grid (so to speak) as well. This is all theory and I have never tried this myself but have heard about it enough that I feel it merits mentioning as a possible way to pass an oral test.*Once again I will state the following:I am NOT a doctor, nurse, counselor, etc.All advice given is what I call, “Word on the street”.I will say that it may very well work. It also may not.This is your risk. If you want to absolutely pass a test, you know how. Be clean.I am neither responsible nor advocating the use of drugs or alcohol and am only a person trying to help another in a tough spot.Be careful.Good luck.*

How long does alcohol stay in a saliva swab test?

Depending upon the amount consummed and your particular bady weight, it may not even register. Alcohol evaporates. Typically, in testing the alcohol isn't what is tested for the chemical your body produces when filtering it from your system is what is tested for. This can remain in your system and be detectable up to 30 days after consumption.

How can I pass a saliva drug test for crystal meth?

OK. Well, the first thing that comes to mind is DON'T DO METH. But that's just me being my usual smart ass self, and worthy of a collapsed answer. So, sorry. Had to get it out of my system.Now - serious answer time...In my experience (17 years as a meth head), there is absolutely NOTHING that will guarantee you'll pass any drug screening if you do indeed have meth in your system. Your best shot is stop using it at LEAST 72 hours prior to the test, and during that 72 hours, drink a lot of water to flush your system. Eat a lot of healthy foods - fruits, veggies, etc., and again - lots and lots of water! You may stumble upon products that guarantee a clean test result, but they're all a waste of money. Seriously - even if you follow the directions to the letter, chances are pretty good you'll test positive for dope. Again, I'm speaking from my experience & sharing what I've found that works. To beat a drug test, don't do drugs. If that's not in the cards, then stop for a MINIMUM of 72 hours & flush your body with water. If you have to test before 3 days clean, again - lots of water, but its gonna be a crap shoot & you may or may not pass.Whatever kind of bizarre things you hear about doing to pass a drug test - and you'll hear a lot because tweakers are full of great ideas - don't put too much faith in them. If crazy things like drinking gelatin, vinegar, or even bleach DID work for someone, it was probably just pure dumb luck that they passed.Good luck, and hoped this was helpful...