Saudi Arabia Anyone On Here Tried The

Saudi Arabia, at what time is dinner?

Yes you are going to have to get use to this :) Here we eat dinner between 10pm and 2am. Thats because we eat lunch around 3-6pm. Dinner is the last thing that people do here at a gathering. Usually in an American wedding they do a ceremony and then they have dinner and then do the dancing/socializing part of the night. Here they do everything first and the dinner last. The same way goes with visits and parties in homes.

What is it like to be an atheist in Saudi Arabia? Is there even anyone on here reading this from Saudi Arabia?

It vastly depends on who you are and what you are doing.Saudi is a religious monarchy with a society centered around family and reputation. You can get away with a great deal if you do not draw public attention to yourself.With non Muslim expatriates in white-collar positions, if you are publicly discreet in Saudi Arabia you will likely never run into problems. Publicly discreet means not trying to proselytize or arguing for atheist positions with religious people in public spaces.For non-Muslim expatriates in blue collar positions: You should be publicly and privately discreet about religion and politics in all respects. Saudi justice is catastrophically unfair to foreign blue-collar workers.For Saudis or other Muslims: You will be expected to follow the forms of Islam, to go to public prayers and to marry and behave within the expectations of your family.If you are a public atheist who does not have the good sense to be publicly discreet, you can be arrested and prosecuted under blasphemy laws. Blasphemy is generally pursued by an untrained, zealous religious militia called the Haia or CPVPV (Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Saudi Arabia)) which can and does wreak havoc in pursuit of real or perceived offenses.It is really important to recognize what Saudi is. It is a religious monarchy in which clerical and state power exist in a very, very, very tense relationship. Family and clan relationships matter much more than Westerners expect in western civil society. Blasphemy prosecutions are often a pretext used to prosecute perceived or actual violations of local, clan or family traditions. The Saudi army and oil companies are some of the very, very few secular institutions in Saudi society with any power.You cannot be an outspoken public atheist in Saudi without severe danger to yourself, primarily because of family and clan traditions and the lack of any kind of civil society that would mitigate the consequences of objecting to those traditions and expectations..

Japanese teachers in Saudi Arabia ?

I want to learn Japanese too. But, can't find anyone either! :l
Have you tried learning online and reading books? And watching Japanese anime or drama with subs can help alot too while learning on your own.


Bad living in Saudi Arabia ?

Why are you so angry at Saudi girls (or princesses) who dont cover outside of Saudi Arabia? by the way if you come to Jeddah, princesses wear tank tops in obhor and ride jet skis uncovered for all to see. So they are not just doing it outside of Saudi Arabia.

We all have to face God one day and he will judge all of us, so whats your problem judging everyone like that like you think you're God or something? if they don't want to cover then one day they will have to answer to GOD. not to you or me.

Plus why do you keep saying the princesses represent us, honestly, people DONT CARE outside of Saudi arabia whether Saudis are covered up or not. So leave it to God to judge people and get on with your life.

BTW I too like mintee have dual Saudi American citizenship and never got any free stuff for being American.

you can apply for a visa to Australia or New Zealand by the way. Australia is quite similar to America.

Also, I still think you should see a therapist (6abeeb nafsani) wallahi it's OK, a lot of people do it, you dont have to tell anyone. Just make an appointment over the phone and then go see the doctor. He or she will help you deal with your negative feelings and you will become a much happier person. Just try it once and see how it goes, and, again, you dont have to tell anyone.

Why is this happening in Saudi Arabia?

I do not have a direct answer. because I do not know exact reason for annulment of marriage. I can't trust western source specifically about muslims.

If it is true, it is just unfortunate. I can't call it Islamic as well. BTW, why people sympathise only to a muslim woman and not her husband? both are victim!

What is it like for Americans living in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia?

I am a 32 year old male considering taking a teaching job at a Canadian international school in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I am most concerned about the safety aspect. Many of the posts I have come across are outdated. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

Should an American, working in Saudi Arabia, have facial hair as a sign of respecting Saudi culture?

I am going to be working in Riyadh in an official capacity and want to be best prepared to "fit in" to my new host culture. What are the tips to make this transition? I want to remove barriers between me and others with simplicity and honesty so I can begin work after doing my cultural homework.