Say A Wolf Brought You A Baby And Asked You To Raise It In The Wild .how Often Should You Feed It

In your opinion, are cats or dogs better? Why?

It really depends on your lifestyle, what you value in a pet, your time commitment, etc....  Some people decide to get both.  Here are some things to think about.  (I'm not a big cat person, so I may have some cat facts wrong).Advantages of Dogs:Dogs are always happy to see you. They yearn for your affection, will follow you around the house, and will come when called. They are loyal and really enjoy your company.Dogs are more trainable.  Teaching them to do tricks is fun, although it does take some time investment.Dogs are great activity partners.  You can take them running, hiking, and walking in off-leash areas (some beaches and parks allow your dog to roam free). It's awesome having a running partner who's ready to go whenever you are.Dogs can be hypoallergenic.  If you have allergies, you can find breeds of dogs that don't shed.  Cats like to clean themselves a lot, and the saliva dries up and turns into allergy-inducing dander.Dogs are good alarm systems.  I feel safer knowing our dogs will alert us if there are intruders, especially the evil possums and squirrels.  I think I read a study somewhere that said neighborhoods with dogs have a lower chance of break-ins.Puppies are cute.Advantages of Cats:Cats are lower maintenance.  You don't need to take them on walks or runs to keep them happy and healthy.  You can also leave town for a weekend, and the cat will feed, water, and clean up after itself.  You'll need to board the dog if you're going anywhere.Cats don't require training.  If you don't have time to teach your dog good behavior, you're going to have a tough time with bad behavior.  Cats, on the other hand, naturally do the right thing (in general).  Also, cats aren't really trainable, so it's a moot point.Cats don't smell bad.  Most dogs do (not our labradoodles -- they usually smell like teddy bears).Cats don't need a yard.  Having a yard and doggy door is more convenient for dog owners.  Cats are good to go with their litter boxes.Cats don't bark.  They do, however, have a wretched meow when they're in heat.Kittens are cute.

Can you explain Sigmund Freud's theory regarding Id,  Ego and Superego in layman's terms?

According to Freud, there are three primary structures or elements of personality. They are the Id, Ego and Superego. They reside in the unconscious as forces and can be inferred from the way people behave. It is important to remember that the Id, ego and superego are not real physical structures but concepts.Id: It is the source of a person's instinctual energy. It deals with immediate gratification of primitive needs, sexual desires and aggressive impulses. It works on the pleasure principle which assumes that people seek pleasure and try to avoid pain. Freud considered much of a person's instinctual energy to be sexual and the rest as aggressive. Id does not care for moral values, society or other individuals. The id is energized by two instinctual forces, called life instinct and death instinct. The instinctual life force that energizes the id is called libido.Ego: It grows out of Id and seeks to satisfy an individual's instinctual needs in accordance with reality. It works by the reality principle and often directs the id towards more appropriate ways of behaving. For instance, the id of a boy who wants an ice-cream will grab the ice-cream and eat it. The ego will tell him that if he grabs the ice-cream without asking, he may be punished. Working on the reality principle the boy knows that the best way to achieve gratification of his needs is to ask permission to eat the ice-cream. Thus, while the id is demanding and unrealistic, the ego is patient and reasonable.Superego: The best way to characterize the superego is to think of it as the moral branch of mental functioning. The superego tells the id and ego whether gratification in a particular instance is ethical. It helps control the id by internalizing the parental authority through the process of socialization. Going back to the ice-cream example, the superego decides whether his behavior in asking for the ice-cream is morally correct. This approach towards obtaining the ice-cream will not create guilt, fear or anxiety in the child.

What is the importance of taking care of animals?

Because we have made them dependent on us. Domesticated animals are animals that we took out of the wild to train them to do something to benefit us. When we did that, we took their ability to care for themselves away. They MUST be cared for. If they aren’t getting food, water, shelter, and proper medical care, then they die. From the viewpoint of people who have animals to help farm, or for transportation, a person’s success and ability to get work done is only as good as their animals are healthy.If your question is geared more towards pets and not the history of how animals assisted and transported humans. We get pets for companions, to shower with affection, as comfort animals. They are often considered a part of the family and are treated like it. A bond is developed, and no one likes to see a loved one suffer, animal or human.If you meant wild animals, each animal and plant has a purpose on this earth that keeps this planet healthy (and note that we are the only ones hurting the planet). When an animal is wiped out, there is something that isn’t being done. Whether that is a predator or an herbivore, things become out of balance. White-tailed deer herds are exponentially large because man killed all the predators to protect livestock. These predators (like wolves) controlled the deer population as well, picking off the young, unhealthy, or older animals. This not only keeps the herds healthy but prevents the starvation of the animals that they would choose. And it has cost lives when deer cross the road and are struck by cars. It has also spread diseases that deer carry.They are slowly introducing wolf packs back into the wild, with a significant change. In Yellowstone, it only took a short amount of time for the wolves to balance out the deer heard. As a result, plants that deer ate were able to grow and the animals that fed on these plants returned (which they weren’t sure of.)If we cared more for the animals, and the environment, this world would be a much better wonderous place to be with animals that are not extinct or facing extinction.

How do animals help each other?

Animals are intelligent and sensitive beings, they each have their own unique personality. They have the capacity to feel pain, suffering, empathy, happiness and joy.“A man finds a goose that was shaking with cold stuck to a pole in Montana. As he got closer he realized, wrapped up in her wings, was a tiny puppy she was shielding from the freezing temperatures.” Lenka Love.Animals can instinctively show compassion and kindness to each other.During a dangerous factory explosion that occurred in China, a monkey was recorded on the camera saving a puppy from the explosion site. He held the dog as he ran out of the factory.Hero buffalo saves baby elephant from lion attack.Hero Buffalo Brave Saves Baby Elephant From Lion Attack, Lion Vs Buffalo... Hero Buffalo Brave Saves Baby Elephant From Lion Attack, Lion Vs Buffalo | Lion Hunting Fail via @YouTubeStorm the golden retriever sprang into action to catch hold of a drowning baby deer and bring it to shore.Herd rescues baby elephant from a muddy pit.Bear save a bird from drowning.Duck feeds fish breadcrumbs.We have so much to learn from the animals.