Scared Of Psychic Abilities

Do you feel that you have psychic/intuitive ability?

Yes I do, my clients feel it too :-) My Psychic Readings

I have psychic abilities but also fear. A psychic told me once that I must first observe it, then control it. How do I do this?

Whoever told you that is on the right track. The thing about negative emotions is that it doesn’t work well to run away from them, hide from them, stuff them down, or otherwise avoid them. Fears (as well as other negative emotions) have to be faced and dealt with, otherwise they have too much power over you and you are diminished by them.If you are consciously in touch with and using your psychic abilities, you should meditate regularly in any case to keep yourself clear and present in your body, but especially in the case of powerful negative emotions, you must meditate and turn your attention to these emotions in a good meditative state. You can call to mind your fears and notice the feelings that come up. Instead of labeling the experience, or deciding what is going on, just observe the feelings and the body’s responses neutrally. This is the observing part. What you are doing is bringing this negative emotion into the full light of your conscious awareness. You are turning on the light and shining it into the dark areas.When doing this type of meditation, you are simply turning one’s attention to whatever is going on in your body and the space around it. You could even think of the emotions and feelings in the body and energy field as an energy, rather than as this or that emotion. Try to see this visually as some energy, perhaps light or color, perhaps moving, perhaps not.In doing this, you are gradually able to establish seniority as spirit over the energies (feelings and emotions in this case) of your body system. This is subtle but very important. First it eventually means your body and brain no longer need to behave in preprogrammed and instinctual ways when these emotions come up. You now “own” these emotions and feelings. They are simply another part of the full spectrum of your energetic experience.At that point, you no longer are driven by the fears, and you have established an empowered relationship with yourself. You might even find that exploring these fears gives you some strength or expansion that you didn’t know was possible, kind of like cleaning out a dark closet that you avoided for so long frees up more space in your house. You are owning your own energy more than you did before.You will have no problem controlling your fear at that point, since you own it, you can do what you want with it. You are no longer controlled by it.

Why do my dreams tell the future? I'm scared that I have a psychic ability. I'm in school, and I don't know what to say to the kids.

I have experience of mediums and mediumship and have passed a test by “The Institute of Spiritualist Mediums” for giving Evidence of Survival (of death).Whatever you do KEEP QUIET ABOUT IT.Leave it to deal with until much later in life when you know more about what you are doing in general. This doesn’t mean that you ignore it - just be a bit more subtle. You can often check out your impressions by observing closer what is going on. You would not have this ability without eventually getting some guidance on how to use it. Look out for older people around who might be sensitive too.This area is totally misunderstood by Society in general They used to burn people they thought were witches a few hundred years ago. Kids at school love to pick on someone that might be a bit different - especially if they think you are “weak” in any way.It is also quite common for parents to suppress it because they think their children are going mad. The only difference here would be if one of your parents was psychic - but I don’t think you would be asking the question if this was so.MORE INFORMATIONThis will help you see if you are psychic in a general sense.Here is a standard chapter in the answer below that I include in my Birth Chart interpretations for such people. Don’t forget that everyone is psychic to a greater or lesser degree.Above all, don’t worry about it. You are not alone. You can see why other sensitives do not advertise the fact.Brian Baulsom's answer to If I'm a little psychic and I sense someone is in danger but I am not sure, what should I do, if anything?Brian Baulsom's answer to What is the most conclusive evidence by far that there is some sort of an afterlife? Don't answer that there is none because at the very least there's some form of evidence even if it's likely false.

Help i have fear of psychic readings?

Hi i wanna know what the joker in cartomancy means cause i was giving myself a chakra reading and the joker card appeared in my heart chakra area does this mean im gonna die because people who are cartomaners say it means death and it was the big joker that appeared there what does that mean cause im scared of what it could mean

Are chickens scared of people?

hey Jess... lol. sorry to tell you people but this wasn't a serious question. lol. lol. lol. I think chickens are scared of people because when they go "bak bak bak", we get freaked and then they sense our freaked-out-ness with their psychic ability. lol. I'm almost crying right now it's so funny :-)

EDIT: wow. They still think you're serious. lol

What do I do? I’m scared because a psychic told me I was cursed.

We’re all vulnerable to believing in things, even things we know are wrong. I can tell you that a psychic has no powers whatsoever and a part of you will still believe I’m wrong. That’s okay. Just go on and live your life. Keep track of the good things that happen to you and treasure them. Over time, the fear will evaporate and, there will probably come a time you don’t even remember this happened.

Are you afraid of psychics?

Then you would be afraid of yourself. I believe we all contain levels of psychic ability within our reach. The ancient mystics according to some esoteric texts, reveal that every human's right was to obtain his/her psychic powers through initiation of self discovery. The pineal gland is believed to be a antenna of psychic energy that coursed throughout the human body. The name itself Pine al has its origin from the pine cone believe it or not. The pope of Vatican holds a staff of a pine cone but never explained. I find it funny that they don't reveal anything about it. I wonder if this is why they started the stargate project as well. The government knew some secrets of the dark occult. Are Psychics Real? Psychic Proof Leaving Skeptics Scared Stupid

Meditation has started to open up some shaman or possible psychic abilities and it’s scaring me away from it. How can I not feel scared/lonely/confused and learn to use this ability?

I’m not an expert of course, and have never had such experiences, so i can only give a generic answer, based on my modest understanding, and what I have learned from various Buddhist teachers.In Buddhism, the motivation to meditate is as important as the meditation itself. Lamas always emphasize this, that you should approach your meditation with the following intention: To gain a clear understanding of your mind and of reality, and to tame your own mind so that you can be more helpful to other sentient beings.Once you have that motivation in place (Buddhists recite mantras to that effect before each meditation as a reminder), then these weird experiences become just background noise. You acknowledge them, let them go, and proceed with your meditation.A lot of people get caught up with their “kundalini awakenings”, out of body experiences, etc. These are distractions, and ultimately feed the ego.If you remember that you are meditation to gain clarity and to essentially deal with your own demons, then you won’t crave any of this, won’t long for weird experiences, and won’t be scared.Hope this helps