School Stresses Me Out Like Ugh

My high school classes got me stressing?

Well first DONT STRESS it. Plenty of people have trouble taking tests and majority of the time its because they are TOO STRESSED to begin with. When you get stressed it makes it harder for you to think and recall the learned information. So once again stop stressing and work to build your confidence. You CAN do it. It's only a matter of how bad do you want it, how much work are you willing to do to achieve it? Try switching up your studying methods talk with friends and see what works for them. Sometimes they have a better method. Make sure your not cramming the night before. Instead study 2 & 3 days prior. Create your own quizzes (plenty of online sites for free) as a way to study. Use the end of chapter reviews as a guide to what is considered important. Use the online book from the publisher they usually will have practice tests there as well. The more at ease & confident you are with the testing the better you will test in class.

The only time you fail is when you quit!

UGH! crazy high school stress?

i'm 14, and i just started freshman year at a high school which is known to be one of the hardest high schools known. in middle school, i worked very hard, and the worst grade i got was in 2 classes (math and spanish) and i got a B, all other classes i got a's, so i was a good student.

right now, i have started 2nd quarter. 1 semestr is ending end of january and i'm freaked out! i want to go to an ivy league college (harvard, stanford, etc) but i'm afraid that my freshman year is going to stop me from doing that! so far, i have 5 B's (math being the lowest at 81%) I have 2 A's, and thats in the easiest class only. math is a weak subject for me, not to mention the teacher is very harsh too and grades very strictly.

My parents have really high expectations for me. my older sister is in hs and has very bad grades, and my little brother is a slacker, so all the pressure is on me. i have big dreams, and i don't want to disappoint my parents. i promise myself i will work harder, but chances are i will end first semestr with ATLEAST 1 B. will this ruin my chances to gt into a ivy league? or if i improve my grades over the next 3 years, will a bad grade actually help show my commitment? whats the deal?

Thanks so much....
...from a nervous freshman.

I am a high school senior. School stressing me out to the point of crying myself to sleep. Is that normal or am I a pansy?

As a professional who helps high schoolers bridge to college or whatever might be the next step in their life, stress as a senior in HS is perfectly normal! Crying yourself to sleep, on the other hand is not a sign of being a pansy, but definitely a sign that you are overwhelmed. First things first, as yourself to reflect a bit on the first few things off the top of your mind that are stressing you out. Is it school work, friend drama for family issues. From there, try to ask yourself what it is about one of those dynamic that is stressing you out. There are resources & coping techniques for whatever issue you are facing but first you need to be honest with yourself and determine what that might be. A trusted friend, a parent, school counselor or anyone else who might be your go to person could lend their time to listen and support you. If it’s academics, stay orgsmized, keep a planner & get extra help if there are areas you need more help in. Personal issues can be helped with a friend & a solitary form of support is journaling ( super helpful). Please let us all know how your doing. Please don’t do nothing though, crying yourself to sleep shows you need a bit of help from someone. Hope this helped a bit.

School stressing me out extremely?

LISTEN HERE; this was me exactly my sophomore year. I mean, like mirror image! I mean, i remember crying myself to sleep some nights because i was so stressed out. I come from a family who expects all A's. So when I had to work hard just to scrape a C in my math class, i was shocked. Why was i doing so bad? well, the teacher hated me! she would always give partial credit on everybody's tests except for mine. And would always avoid answering my questions about it. Plus she never taught anyway, just always sat at her desk. so that class was a disaster. Then there was all the work i had to do for my other classes, causing me to stay up till 2am almost every day. I hated it so much, i wanted to skip school and crawl in a hole. But then, i talked to my parents. I mean, like an honest sit down conversation. I told them i couldn't do it anymore, i couldn't throw away my life to be an all A student. And they said it was fine! After that, pressure was all gone. And i found out that the less pressure there is, the more you will succeed! And here I am now, at the end of 11th grade with all A's, not because they were expected, but because i knew how to deal with my classes. Junior year is very hard. There is more work and more expectations. However, youre older and you know how to deal with it better. So in a way, its way easier sophomore year. Sophomore year is just a bad excuse for schools to transition you from middle school to high school. Freshman year has nothing to do with transition, it just shows you the school. Trust me, colleges look at yousophomorerYearer and junior year when they pick you. However, they don't want a whole school of all A students! They want diversity. They would rather have a person with all C's who works hard and is involved in extra curricular activities rather than an all A person who does nothing but study. Remember; don't hate yourself. stress just means that your putting too much pressure on yourself. life needs to have a balance off work and fun. Invite your friends over to help you with your project! Have study sessions in the park or at starbucks or at a cafe. Pair school with fun and i guarantee you will do much better your junior year. You don't have to be alone, which is exactly what is stressing you out in the first place. Good Luck!

Why does school depress me?

in short, excuse my language, because school fucking sucks.we wake up freakishly early. as teenagers, our brains are literally not ready to think at 7 am. our circadian rhythms are different than adults and little kids, which is why we stay up late and sleep in. We aren't LAZY, we sleep the same amount, we just do it at a different time. But for school, we are forced to wake up, when our brains are being programmed to sleep more.We sit in our chairs and listen to someone talk at us for 7 hours straight. What ISNT depressing about that? We’ve had the same school system since the industrial revolution, where kids were basically taught to go into factories. Luckily theres more research coming out about hands-on-learning and stuff like that.after suffering through the day, we come home, sit at another desk, and do more work for three more hours. We already spent so much time learning stuff, and now we have to do more. Its exhausting, and its impractical.On top of the physical and academic hardships, we have to deal with the ridiculous amounts of social problems and drama. In high school this improves significantly from middle school, but god if it isn't still there. Our adolescent minds want one thing - acceptance from our peers. even us “weird” kids want that. People stress about who likes who, who’s friends with who, do enough people like them. and that is horrible in its own right.School is a terrible system. Learning is fantastic, and I love it, but our current school system is so fucked that instead it literally gives us all clinical depression.

My school is very competitive and it stresses me out way too much, how can I not be so stressed out and not cry so much?

Dear OP,Here is a quote I like: “The fact of life is that you’ll always be surrounded by smart people, and if you are the smartest person in the room…you’re in the wrong room!”You have to learn to compete with yourself. There’s always someone taller, prettier, and smarter than you (or me) out there: and sometimes all 3! It hurts the ego, but you have to realize that. Balance yourself between self love and competition with your past self.All we can do is try. When you get to a certain level for any discipline, you’re going to get your butt kicked because someone will have better stats than you.Try. Don’t judge yourself on results entirely (maybe 60% results). 40% of your pride goes toward trying your absolute best and beating your best, past self.

I'm so stressed about school starting, I feel sick?

For me, school starts in 26 days, I don't have many friends, I hate school, I'm a weirdo... The list goes on and on. I have s few REALLY closets friends but I'm scared none of them will be in my classes... I know we sit in GROUPS (ew) and I don't want to sit by people I don't like.
My stomach feels nauseous Just thinking about it. HELP ME PLZZZZ
IM INLU GOING IN TO GRADE 7 and I just feel so worried I hate doing group projects, I hate homework... ;(
Any tips plz help
