Science- Can Someone Put These In Order

Can someone put these 20 steps of muscle contraction in order.?

- Acetycholine binds to the receptors on the motor end plate
- Acetycholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft
- Acetycholine released into synaptic cleft
- action potential generated
- action potential moves along the sarcolemma
- action potential moves down into fiber along transverse tubules
- action potential moves into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
- ATP binds to myosin heads
- calcium ions enter synaptic bulb
- calcium ions expose binding sites on actin
- cross bridges between myosin heads and actin break
- depolarization of axon cell membranes reaches synaptic bulb
- motor end plate on sarcolemma depolarizes
- myosin heads bind to actin forming cross bridges
- myosin heads change shape
- myosin heads lose adp and p
- myosin heads pull actin toward center of sarcomere causing it to shorten
- sarcomere returns to original shape and muscle relaxes
- sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium ions
- vesicles containing Acetycholine fuse with cell membrane of synaptic bulb
- vesicles containing Acetycholine migrate to cell membrane of synaptic bulb

Can someone put these microbiology/science events in chronological order please?!?

Before 2000 BC 2. The process of making cheese was discovered.

Circa 1100 AD 1.The process of pasteurization was invented to kill undesirable bacteria in grape juice. (since this is before Pasteur was born, it wasn't called Pasteurization)

Circa 1916 AD 3. Weizmann develops a method to produce acetone and butanol from corn using Clostridium fermentation.

1990 AD 4. A modified virus is used to deliver DNA into human cells in the hope of repairing a defective gene.

What advice would you give to a Computer Science major student that you wish you were given when you started learning Computer Science?

Never rely on your education only. Classes are can sometimes be too bland or too theoretical. A lot of CS programs don't even teach what you will do working in the industry.Take Math and problem solving seriously. You use the same skills in programming every day.Focus on the big picture generally - learn the big concepts of computer science, don't get caught up in language specific details.Polish your communication skills. Never excuse yourself to not be social and outgoing because you are a 'computer science nerd'.Work on a balanced healthy lifestyle in eating and exercising. Do not give the excuse again of 'I'm a computer science nerd'.Work on side projects/other interests. The best programmers don't only program. They learn about other topics they are interested in. Programming/Computer science is only a tool like writing or speaking; it must be applied to some area. Forget GPA. Keep above a 3.0 or 3.5 if you must. Work on programming Go to hackathons. Two points for this - socializing, networking, working on projects.Always try and apply for things you don't think you are qualified for. Do not skip out on the career fair, especially if you are a freshman. Be informed of programs like Google Engineering Practicum and Google Summer of Code.Talent is overrated as always. Think of the best programmer you know. A year of hard work can put you on their level.Start competitive programming as early as possible. Master one programming language for interviews.Concepts in computer science aren't mastered in one go. Repetition is important. Consider being a TA for a class. Patience is key to intuition.Have an online presence and blog.Work on hot area topics. Make some apps in data science, machine learning, computer vision, or map reduce just for experience.Work on a fast breadth-first search rather than a fast depth-first search. Do research. Then work for a big company. Then work for a startup. Then work on nonprofits/open source.

I need a lot of help on my earth science homework ! Can you help me put these in order?

Think about a carbon atom that is released into the atmosphere from burning wood in a campfire. If it were to go through the whole carbon cycle, number the steps that would follow.

Step 1 The bird flies into a building and dies instantly. It falls to the ground.
Step 2 A caterpillar gets the carbon by eating the tree's leaves.
Step 3 A tree absorbs the carbon from the atmosphere into its leaves for photosynthesis.
Step 4 A bird gets the carbon by eating the caterpillar.
Step 5 The bird decomposes and the carbon returns to the atmosphere.

After millions of years, sedimentary rock containing phosphorus is uplifted from plate tectonic activity. Follow the phosphorus molecules found in the rock through the whole phosphorus cycle, by numbering the steps that would follow.

Step 1 A fish eats aquatic plants.
Step 2 Decomposition of the dead bear releases phosphorus into the soil.
Step 3 The fish is caught and eaten by a bear.
Step 4 Soil washes into a lake, where it sinks to the bottom to become sedimentary rock.
Step 5 Weathering and erosion of the rock deposits the phosphorus into water.
Step 6 Aquatic plants absorb and assimilate the dissolved phosphorus.
Step 7 The bear, after a fruitful life, dies from old age.

Think of a deer in the woods that has just relieved itself by urinating. Number the steps to follow the nitrogen molecules in the urine as they go through the nitrogen cycle.
Step 1 Plants absorb the ammonium and begin assimilation, the process to add the nitrogen to protein.
Step 2 Bacteria in the soil conduct nitrogen fixation to convert nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into ammonium.
Step 3 The deer eats the plants and uses the nitrogen-containing proteins for cell growth.
Step 4 Nitrogen is found in the urine, which gets broken down into ammonium through the process of ammonification.
Step 5 Some of the nitrates are absorbed back into plants, but denitrification breaks down the nitrates into nitrogen gas released back into the atmosphere.
Step 6 Ammonium can be absorbed by plants, but some is converted into nitrates which are better for plants to absorb. This is called nitrification.

How do I put these in order from oldest to newest : Atomic theories?

Atomic theory as we know it today is the result of the contributions of many scientists who did the research, disproved the old models and suggested the new ones, and added to the atomic theory in many ways. The items below are the concepts that were developed at different stages of the history of the atomic theory. Rank them in the order from oldest to most recent.