Sea Animals For A Project

Animal abuse project ideas?

Bring awareness to farm animals abuse and factory farming.. Which is the most looked over form of animal abuse in the world. People don't mind the horrible things done to the animals that feed them as long as they don't have to pay much for milk or meat.
You don't have to be a vegetarian, btw, to be against factory farming. Just support local and organic farmers, rather than corporations like Tysons, BPI, and Smithfield.. But there are plenty of things you could do for your project to bring awareness to this issue...

Being at work all day as fried my brain out from specific ideas...

But I think it would be incredibly awesome for your group to focus on a form of animal OTHER than dog/cat. Why? People are well aware that dogs and cats are abused daily. BUT, they are not as aware of the crimes commited against farm animals, sea life, ect.

What do all sea animals have in common?

About the only thing that they all have in common is the fact that they are animals. They are mobile at some point in life, must eat to sustain their life, breathe oxygen, etc. This probably isn't the answer you were looking for, but let me help you out with you project anyway.

Whales and barnacles are both considered sea animals. One breathes by up taking oxygen through gills, the other breathes air and holds it breath. One swims the oceans its entire life, the other swims for only a short time before attaching itself permanently to something else. One has distinct males and females, the other doesn't (barnacles have both male and female organs, and produce both sperm and eggs). Therefore, in order to find what they all have in common, you must find what all ANIMALS have in common. There is far too much diversity in sea life to say that there are specific things that they ALL have in common.

Are land animals better than sea animals?

Baby sea lions.They are puppy mermaids.What could be better than a puppy? Or a mermaid? The combination of the two.

What animals did Poseidon create?

Here's a story I found on the web.....

Poseidon Invents an Animal
The ancient Greeks believed that Poseidon had created the horse. He was inspired to create the horse to impress a woman. He had fallen in love with Demeter, the goddess of grain and the harvest. One day Demeter offered Poseidon a challenge: to create the most beautiful land animal ever seen. Poseidon worked on his creation for many days and finally produced the horse.

Demeter was amazed when she saw it, and Poseidon created a whole herd of horses for her. For himself he created a herd of green horses to fill his undersea stables. With his new horses to draw his chariot Poseidon would often travel on the surface of the sea. The horses he created for himself had brass hooves and golden manes. Because he invented the horse, charioteers worshiped Poseidon as their patron god.

But the Greeks also believed that Poseidon had made a few mistakes before he created the horse. These mistakes included the giraffe, the zebra, the hippopotamus, and the camel. Also - he is closely associated with the dolphin.

Deep-Sea Animals and their food chain?

One special deep-sea community is the hydrothermal vent communities that are located along the mid-oceanic ridges and other underground volcanic features. The base of the food chain in these communities are called "chemosynthetic" bacteria because they do not use sunlight to make food, they use hydrogen sulfide, a chemical. These bacteria reside in the tissues of tube worms (a symbiotic relationship). There are small crabs that feed on these tube worms as well as the bacteria that also coat the sides of these hydrothermal vents. In this community there are not too many organisms because the pressures and the temperatures are quite extreme. These communities were discovered in the 1970's when the Wood's Hole Oceanogrphic Institute developed a deep-sea diving submersible called ALVIN and used it to explore these very deep trenches. Google some of the following: HYDROTHERMAL VENT COMMUNITIES; BLACK SMOKERS; WHITE SMOKERS; TUBE WORMS; CHEMOSYNTHETIC BACTERIA; ALVIN.

Hope you enjoy reading about this. I did my graduate paper on these communities. They are quite fascinating. A side note you might think interesting: We cannot bring these organisms to the surface alive to study. The reason being is that they are adapted to the extreme pressures of the deep ocean. When we bring them to the surface, their internal pressures result in them exploding!


Sea animals that start with a letter s?

sea cucumber

Is there a risk to sea life from the clean up project for the Pacific garbage patch?

Thanks for asking me to answer. I personally think the question should be: What is the greater risk? To leave the plastic in the ocean or to collect it up using the Ocean Cleanup method? Is there a better way of cleaning up with less cost to wildlife and in monetary terms? The ocean is very dynamic and the problem very complex.First we need to “turn off the tap” of plastic flow to the ocean.The Ocean Cleanup system needs to be tested to see what the impacts are and how effective it is. Then we will be able to answer these questions. Everything else is just a guessing game.

What are sea animals that are herbivores, carnivores, and producers?

Here's something to get you started. Good luck.
1 sea urchin
2 mussel
3 sea hare
4 limpet

1 octopus
2 sea Star


Top Predator:
1 bacteria
2 fungi
