Searching For The Name Of A Ya Novel From The 1990s Or Early 2000s About A Girl With A Device In

How has the world changed since you were a child?

oh yeah... woman are allowed to vote and wear pants.

God I miss the 90s'!!! Does anyone else feel the same?

This era sucks and its really sad. I hate all this technology, I wish we just had tv's like in the 90's. no plasma's or lcd's hd tv's but just regular tv's. I wish we didn't have any mobiles, or computers. Computers are just boring especially in college when everything has to be typed and not written anymore. I prefer writing essays then typing them. God i hate it, i would do anything go relive my life and fix all my mistakes. The 90's had the best cartoons, best movies, best tv shows, best games and the holidays were so amazingly magical especially when expierencing it New York. God i miss christmas when it was real and the christmas movies just made it even better. But now New York city isn't the same as it used to be. The christmas feeling isn't there no more, but in the 90's i enjoyed it and appreciated the gifts i would get. I remember when i got my first pair of rollerblades and i would go outside over the summer and rollerblade all day. I missed the 90's because there was no wars, or terrorism. It was pure happiness for everyone. The music, movies, cartoons, shows, all taught us something about life that what I miss about the 90's.

I need information about Christina Aguilera. Help!?

Post what you find & where you found it (online or in a book). if online: copyright date (latest), who runs it, last updated, when you found it. If in a book: author, publisher, copyright date, date written, title, etc. it is for a school project and it counts for a lot of my grade so help! i can't find any decent information! thanks! =)

Why is the Harry Potter fandom starting to turn against JK Rowling?

Because she is becoming the George Lucas of the writing world.She created a popular book series which, while not perfect, attracted a large and loyal fanbase.And then the fame went to her head, and she started making changes. She started telling people that they had misunderstood, or that she had never specified, or that she had meant, something completely contrary to the contents of the books which they loved.She tried to fix some of her mistakes. The very first time I noticed this was when the audiobook of the Goblet of Fire had Lily Potter coming out of the connected wands before James. It was based on more correct internal logic - she had died after him, so she was a more recent death - but it wasn’t how it was written in the first edition of the book. Books are not works in progress. Mistakes should be fixed in writing or editing. After that, they’re out there. People have read them, and they are part of the story.Then she started not just correcting obvious mistakes but making changes to her established canon. It seemed like she was making these changes in an attempt to stay relevant - making Dumbledore gay, when there was no real evidence for it, seemed as though it was just pandering to a newer, more LGBT-friendly generation. Making Hermione black, when there was no indication of it in the series (and in fact fairly solid evidence against it), appeared to be further pandering to the social issue of the day.Pottermore and the ‘official’ fanfictions it publishes are the literary equivalent of the Special Editions of Star Wars. The faction insisting on a white Hermione are not racist - they are simply the ‘Han Shot First’-ers of the HP fandom.Rejecting JK Rowling’s edited extended universe is the same as rejecting George Lucas’ ridiculous CG ‘improvements’.