Select The X-coordinate Of The Vertex Of The Parabola Defined By The Function F X =-3x^2 5x 9

Select the x-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola defined in the function f(x)= -5x^2+3x+5?

Re-write f(x) into vertex form which is y = a(x - h)^2 + k where (h, k) is vertex:

f(x) = -5x^2 + 3x + 5 = -5(x^2 - 3x/5 - 1)

= -5((x - 3/10)^2 - 109/100)

= -5(x - 3/10)^2 + 109/20

Therefore x coordinate of vertex is x = 3/10

Option 3

Select the x-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola defined by the function f(x) = -7x2 + 3x + 2.?

If easy, the equation of a parabola should invariably be converted into vertex form. If the equation is in vertex form, you can easily find the coordinates of the vertex.
Equation in Vertex Form is y = (x-h)²+c
and Standard Form is y = ax²+bx+c
If you require only the x-coordinate of the Vertex when the equation is in the standard form, it is too easy.
x-coordinate fo the vertes is -b/2a
Here in your equation a = -7, b = 3 and c = 2
x-coordinate of the vertex is = -b/2a = -3/2×-7 = -3/-14 or 3/14
y-coordinate of the vertex is given by y = c-(b²/4a²)
And the axis of the parabola which is also the line of symmetry is given by x = -b/2a

If the equation of the parabola is in Vertex Form i.e. y = (x-h)²+k
Then the coordinates of the Vertex are (h,k) and equation of the line of symmetry is x=h

Select the x-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola defined by the function f(x)-7+9x+6 a -7/9 b06 c9/14 d0-?

Needs some clarification.

Edit: if you meant:
f(x) = -7x^2 + 9x + 6, then:
x = -9/(-2 * 7) = 9/14
c) => answer

Select the x-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola defined by the function f(x) = -3x^2 +6x+5?

f(x) = -3(x^2 - 2x) + 5
f(x) = -3(x^2 - 2x + 1 - 1) + 5
f(x) = -3(x^2 - 2x + 1) + 3 + 5
f(x) = -3(x - 1)^2 + 8
Answer: 1

Select the x-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola defined by the function?

y = ax^2 + bx + c is the parabola
y = 9x^2+5x+2
x-coordinate of vertex is -b/2a
= -(5) / (2)(9)
= -5 / (2)(9) = -5/18

Method 2:
y = 9x^2+5x+2
y-2 = 9x^2+5x
y-2 = 9(x^2+ (5/9) x)
y-2 = 9( x^2 + 2(5/18) x + (5/18)^2 - (5/18)^2 )
y-2 = 9( (x+5/18)^2 - 25/324)
y- 2 = 9 (x+5/18)^2 - 225/324
y = 9(x+5/18)^2 + (2-225/324)
y = 9(x+51/8)^2 + 47/36
x-coordiante of vertex is -5/18

Select the x-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola defined by the function f(x)=-3x^2+5x+9?

Let's complete the square:

f(x) = -3x² + 5x + 9
f(x) = -3(x - 5x/3) + 9
f(x) = -3(x - 5x/3 + 25/36) + 9 - 3(-25/36)
f(x) = -3(x - 5/6)² + 133/12

Here, the x-coordinate is the the number inside the bracket, but we give it the opposite sign. That means our x-coordinate is + 5/6

Select the x-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola defined by the function f(x) = -9x^2 + 7x + 9.?

y = -9x² + 7x + 4
Put the equation into vertex form y = a(x - h)² + k

factor out leading coefficient
y = -9(x² - (7/9)x) + 4

complete the square
y = -9(x² - (7/9)x + (7/18)²) + 9(7/18)² + 4
y = -9(x - 7/18)² + 193/36
vertex (7/18, 193/36)

Find the coordinates of the vertex for the parabola defined by the given quadratic function f(x)=3x²+12x+4?

You can use the vertex formula (-b/2a,f(-b/2a))
The x-coordinate of the vertex will be -b/2a
The y-coordinate of the vertex will be f(-b/2a).....meaning that once you find the x-coordinate, you substitute that number for all the x's in 3x²+12x+4
If that doesn't make sense, remember that f(x) = ax²+ bx + c is the definition of a quadratic formula.

x-coordinate of the vertex for 3x²+12x+4

y-coordinate of the vertex for 3x²+12x+4
3(-2)²+12(-2) + 4
= -8

Vertex is (-2,-8)

What is the x-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola defined by the function f(x) = -7x^2 + 5x + 9?

The vertex formula is given by:

((-b/2a), (4ac - b^2)/4a)

So the x-coordinate of the vertex is found by (-b/2a).

Quadratic equation is in the form: f (x) = Ax^2 + Bx + C

In this case, A = -7, B = 5 and C = 9, plug these numbers into the vertex formula...


= (-5/2(-7))

= -5/-14

= 5/14

So the x-coordinate of the vertex is 5/14.

How do I write in vertex and standard form a parabola with a vertex (-2,-5) that passes through (6, 635)?

Well, I don’t know how qualified I actually am, as I’m a Freshman taking Junior level math, but I’ll take a shot at it. I do appreciate pointing out any ateas where I messed up.Sooooo, let’s start out with basic vertex form equation (mainly because I actually understand vertex form).The form is y=a(x-h)^2+kAlso, sorry for the bad exponents, I am using a phone in my defenseFirst, you have to find h and k. The one inside the parenthesis (h) is equally to the x coordinate of the vertex, so we get -2=h.Then there is k, which is equal to the y of the vertex, so we get -5=k.So, we end up with this, y=a(x-(-2))^2+(-5)Doing simple algebra, this simplifies to y=a(x+2)^2–5.Now look at the remaining variables, a, x, and y. Well, we can put in numbers for our x and y by choosing a point on the line. In your case, (6,635). So let’s do it635=a(6+2)^2–5635=a(8)^2–5635=64a-5640=64a10=aThere you have it, your vertex form solved, y=10(x+2)^2–5.If you are confused wuth how that algebra plays out, feel free to ask me to elaborate.Now this is the part I am unsure aboutFrom my uneducated point of view of standard form’s relation to vertex form is very similar to polynomials.Ex: (2x+4)^2=4x^2+16x+16See where I am coming from? Well, here is my best educated guess. First, turn our equation into a poynomial.y=10((x+2)×(x+2))-5Now, it’s very hard to understand the steps if you have no clue what I am doing, because it works a lot better with paper! I’ll finish it and can elaborate better later.(x+2)(x+2)x^2+4x+4Now put this back into the equation and simplify.y=10(x^2+4x+4)-5y=10x^2+40x+35I believe that is it in standard form, but I have no clue as I have 0 knowledge of standard form for parabolas. Feel free to correct me, I am open to critizism. I hope I helped!