Severe Chest Pains Only 15

Severe Chest pain like 3 times a week?

im not certain on your family's wealth but im sure your parents would rather you go see a doctor and spend some money finding out whats wrong with you and getting professional help. rather than you dying because you didn't tell them anything.

PS: im not saying your gonna die... but its better to be safe than sorry

PSS: have you changed your diet since this has happened, because a sudden increase in fatty foods and salt intakes can have an effect.

PSSS: (lol at SSS's ) i suggest changing your diet, but not too dramatically just eat less fatty foods and have fruit or something similar for a light snack if you feel hungry in between meals

I’m 14 years old and I have really bad chest pain and a severe headache but my parents are at work and I’m home alone, what should I do?

If this has happened before, it’s not an emergency. “Really bad” means different things from different people. At 14, you don’t have a lot of experience with pain. Any drugs involved? Have you ingested anything unusual?Time will tell; if the pain eases, you’re OK. The headache could be lack of food or oxygen to the brain. Eat a banana, if one is available. Any sweet fruit is OK and fast-acting. Can you walk? If you don’t feel dizzy, you should be OK, and after some rest, you should feel better. If you feel worse, in an hour, with more intense pain, call for help. It takes a lot to kill a human bean, esp. a healthy 14 year old; hang in there.

Chest pain all the time?

I had gone to the doctor last year and they said that my chest pain was due to stress, anxiety, and or acid reflex. Since last year my chest pain has only gotten worse and I can’t sleep at night! I’m 15 and I’m scared that I’m gonna have a heart attack and die. I’m also scared that I might have heart disease. Does anyone else have this issue?

Chest pain for over 48 hours...?

I'm only 15, and I've been having pretty bad chest pain. It's towards the left of my chest and it's right where my heart is. The pain spreads to my shoulder blade and left arm. I'm pretty thin for my age though. It hurts really bad whenever I eat something. My family is saying that it's heartburn, and I know it isn't. I took a Tums last night and it didn't do anything. My family does have a history of hiatal hernia and no one is taking me seriously about my chest pain. Please help, I really really need some possible answers to my chest pain!!!

Stabbing pains in the center of my chest?

I ate a lot of spicy cheese and other junk food the past couple of days. I'm only 15, but I keep getting these extremely painful stabbing pains in the center of my chest. I got it at about midnight last night and was up all night crying and throwing up because it hurt so bad. It almost feels like a heart attack.

My friend said it might be acid reflux, but it's not a burning feeling - It's a stabbing feeling, like somebody is taking a huge knife and jamming it into my chest and twisting it around. The pain is now on and off, but when I get it, its so severe I'm practically screaming in pain. I've still been nauseous all day, and threw up during one of these "attacks". What could it be? My heart, or something else, like acid reflux?

I'm not overweight, underweight if anything, and I usually don't be so much crap food, but the past couple days I have been.

Sharp pains on left side of my chest?

Heart is in the center of the chest, behind the breastbone (sternum).

If its on the left side, I would think something besides the heart.

If you press on it, does it make the pain worse? And if it does, is it a lot harder to breathe?

If it gets worse but not harder to breathe, I would think a severe muscle pull or damage to the muscles there. With rest it should go away.

If it gets harder to breathe, you may need a doctor anyway. It could be a problem in the lung, or more likely a broken rib bone. A broken rib bone would need to be set, and can be dangerous if it breaks into a point so close to so many major organs (lungs, heart, stomach). It could pierce one or more of those major organs, so you should definitely get it looked at if that is the case.

Is chest pain while running bad?

Pain in the front and middle of the chest while running might come on slowly and feel mildly uncomfortable or suddenly and feel intensely painful. Runners who also smoke, have diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol may have an increased risk of developing chest pain while running, and men have a greater risk than women, explains the Physician’s Desk Reference website. Chest pain after running might last for just a moment or two, or for more than 15 minutes, which could indicate a serious medical condition. Pain in the chest while running could result from problems with any of the organs or muscles in the upper body. Cardiac conditions such as angina cause pain when the heart must exert considerable effort, such as while running. Similarly, respiratory conditions such as asthma, pneumonia, pleurisy,pneumothorax and pulmonary embolism can cause pain in the front and middle of the chest during vigorous exercise due to the body’s increased respiratory rate while running. Digestive problems such as heartburn and inflammatory digestive disorders can also cause chest pain during exercise, especially after eating. Doctors usually prescribe medications such as bronchodilators to treat chest pain caused by asthma attacks, and acid reducers to treat chest pain resulting from reflux. People who experience chest pain after running as a result of angina should take prescription medications to treat arterial plaque, along with aspirin and heparin to prevent blood clots in the heart, advises the Physician’s Desk Reference website. Doctors might need to perform surgery to remove blockages in the vessels of the heart in cases of angina or heart attack, and surgery is also often needed to treat chest pain resulting from pneumothorax and pulmonary embolism. People with asthma might consider running in climate-controlled environments to avoid asthma attack triggers. Avoiding running after eating a large meal can also help prevent front and middle chest pain in those with gastroesophageal reflux. If only vigorous exercise initiates the chest pain, consider jogging rather than running, or other moderate activities such as swimming, biking or fast-paced walking. The National Library of Medicine website advises to live a healthy lifestyle, including avoiding or quitting smoking and exercising for 30 minutes most or all days of the week to help avoid medical conditions that cause chest pain.

Does the menstrual cycle cause chest pain?

The menstrual cycle is a natural physiological phenomenon. A woman experiences physical pain during the menstrual cycle. It can affect heart Symptoms like Angina, is a temporary chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart. As a result you can feel pain due to numbness, pressure behind the breastbone. During PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), you experience various sensations in your body which causes chest pain in your heart.Women with heart disease are at highest risk to have chest pains and heart attacks during certain phases of their cycles. At times of the month when levels of estrogen and progesterone are lowest in their bloodstreams, woman tends to have worse chest pain.You may take help of expertise gynecologist to relieve chest pain, when your body goes through a series of changes during menstrual cycle.

I'm 26 years old and I've been experiencing mild chest pain frequently for the past 2 months. Is this an indication of a heart attack?

The original question is:I'm 26 years old and I've been  experiencing mild chest pain frequently for the past 2 months. Is this  an indication of a heart attack?Answer:Chest pain (angina) could be an indication of coronary insufficiency (insufficient blood flow through one or more of the heart's arteries), which could lead to a heart attack. You should see a doctor as soon as possible. If treated early it can be prevented from becoming catastrophic by medication or a medical procedure. It happened to me and as a result I had a heart attack, lost 40% of my heart's capacity, and had to have triple bypass operation. All of that could have been prevented if only I had seen my doctor at the first sign.