Severe Constipation And I Think I Have A Eating Disorder.

Laxatives for eating disorders?

Actually laxatives don't work. The food is already abosrbed into the body through the small intestine not large intestine (which is where laxatives work). It's not a healthy alternative...but any eating disorder isn't healthy. Aside from them not working how you think, they pose alot of health risks. Dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and the worst - paralyzed bowel (where your bowels stop working because you are dependent on laxatives).

I suffer from anorexia, all laxatives got me was cramping and night-long stays on the toilet.

What are the signs of an eating disorder?

I agree with Jonathan but many of the symptoms he mentions are going on inside of the eating disordered persons mind and you do not have a way of knowing what they are thinking. As the Mom of a daughter with an eating disorder (anorexia) the first signs I noticed were:Weight lossBrittle/splitting finger nailsWhite spots on teethWearing a hoodie because she was cold all the timeComplaining about being cold/ or the air conditioning being on when weather was hotDrinking excessive amounts of waterEating less at family meal timeSuddenly didn’t like foods she had always lovedExtreme fatigue (she was up exercising all night)Hair lossLack of energyClogged up garbage disposal with food she was “hiding”Suddenly became vegetarian then veganBegan looking at food labels in the grocery storeThe major sign for us was when she went into cardiac distress during practice with her sports team.For bulimics I would add going to the bathroom or taking a shower immediately following a meal.Some people with eating disorders leave “clues.”  Look for hidden food indrawers in bedrooms or plastic bags or other containers with purged food hidden in bedroom closets, under beds, etc.  If you suspect that someone you know has an eating disorder seek help rightaway.  Please keep in mind that a person does not have to look like askeleton to have an eating disorder. My daughter is very athletic and waseating 5 strawberries a day and exercising 8-10 hours every day.  Shestill looked semi muscular and healthy when she was admitted to thetreatment program.

Constipation relief? Help!?

I just started Concerta a week and 3 days ago. Ever since then I have lost around 8-10 pounds because I have no appetite. I am very constipated.. I have drank cups of coffee to relive it and it has worked but it just comes back. Every time I eat, I eat greens to have a bowel movement but it isn't working. Is there any natural remedies to help me? I am against milk of magnesia because it makes me very sick.
Please help!

Laxatives and binge eating?

I used to use the ones that you just swallow, but it doesn't matter if you binge and then do it, some people with Eating Disorders just use them anyway, and it doesn't mater if they have binged - But obviously some people don't use laxatives they just make themselves sick. I know you said that you aren't going to do it this, but just in case you are lying (since eating disorders have a lot to do with Lying) im just going to say don't because it is a dark road to go down, hope i helped :) x

Does eating paper create worms in your stomach?

I doubt that you have worms. Though you should get that checked out just to be safe.
How often do you eat paper?
You may have an eating disorder called Pica. That's when you get the constant urge to eat inedible objects such as paper, chalk, cotton, etc.
You may want to get that (the eating paper thing) checked out also. It's not healthy and that's probably what's causing the stomachaches.

My parents think I'm faking depression and anorexia?

So, basically my parents think I'm a self-centered drama queen who is seeking attention. My depression has been there for 2 years now and I'm really close to losing it. I self harmed for a while then stopped but now the urges are back severely. I barely eat, let me rephrase I don"t really eat. For a long time I faked it with my parents, ate only when they're around or lied about eating too much in school, or even saying I'm on a diet so I'll do good with just a spoon or two. Lately my body is rejecting everything and I end up throwing up everything I put in my mouth or get severe cramps, constipation, and unsteady heartbeats. My parents have just noticed me not eating, because I actually can't anymore, and they think it happened all of a sudden and it must be something wrong with my internal organs but my dad thinks I'm not eating willingly to get back at him. I need help, I know I do.

I'm going to a doctor tomorrow or the day after. He's supposed to see if there's anything wrong with my digestive system. Last doctor I went to prescribed me pills that only made the pain more severe and heartbeats even more unsteady.

I want to know how exactly would I tell this to my doctor. My parents make it so hard to adjust to their moody temper that I've lost it during their never ending battles. I need help, but how do I ask for it

Ps. Where I live, people don't really believe in mental illness or mental disorder. They think psychiatry is only for people who have lost all sense in their minds, all except actual psychiatrists. I'm lost and very weak.

I'm always constipated. What can I do?

How do you expect your body to get rid of the food you've eaten if you don't drink water?

For example:
1. If you have a dry sink
2. Pour out half a bottle of thick salad dressing on it
3. Use the hose and clean it up
Do you see how much water you need to clean it up? That's like your body because it has no way of exiting if you don't drink water to wash it down.

Drink a ton of healthy liquids - fruit juice. Yogurt is kind of a liquid.
Find a way to take vitamin C - Through food or pill.

I've been constipated before and I still do when I don't drink any water that day.

ALSO - Your body makes half a cup of acid every day to break down your food. I wasn't drinking water like I should have and I got gout. Gout is the most painful type of arthritis (burns you from the inside out): Gout happens when you either don't drink enough water to excrete all the acid your body is making or the part in your body that helps excrete acid quits working. My body was working fine I was just lazy. BUT I HATED it because I never got thirsty! Why would you drink if you're not thirsty?? So whether I'm thirsty or not, I still have to drink water. I don't like drinking water but I've found ways to get it in. I like drinking water with a straw because it disappears so much quicker : ) : ) : ) lol Putting lemon in my water was nice for a while too. Maybe buy vitamin water - it's so good : ) especially when you really want flavored water. Crystal light might help too.

I'm not exactly "in the same boat" with you, but.. I'm like, right next to you. The day before yesterday I drank 0 oz of water. Wait I take that back.. I had, less than 8 oz (I drank less than half of a 16.9 oz water bottle) Which isn't much. I fight this battle every day and that day I obviously gave in but the next day I was back at it and today I'm tallying all the cups I'm drinking. I hope the best for you!

From my heart to yours - Good luck : )