Severe Hunger Pains Appetite Loss

Can painkillers cause appetite loss?

Pin killers cause loss of appetite in two main ways. The first is that they can cause nausea, which I think you would have mentioned. The second is increased sleep and lethargy. But you didn't mention those either.

What is far more common is that the background illness is causing appetite loss. Illness in general uses up more calories than the background metabolism as your body assembles and uses stored resources. Further, the most common reaction to pain of any sort is a shunting of blood flow away from the GI tract and towards wherever the damage is (and this can include 'damage' like viral attack or other infection).

This is referred to in it's more advanced state as cachexia, a dramatic loss of weight- a wasting away- that you see in chronic illnesses of all sorts.

Quit smoking weed and now have severe loss of appetite?

probably just your body is used to the munchies! sometimes real big stomach pain/weakness can be a sign of low blood sugar, and if you ate a lot of high sugary things or something while smoking, and now you're not eating those same types of things, perhaps your blood sugar's a bit lower than normal and your body's trying to adjust.. give it a couple days and you'll probably balance out again. trust me, stopping smoking weed for a few days has no true bad effects! just give it a few days! ;)

Does heartbreak make you lose your appetite? I feel the hunger pains but I have no want or desire to eat, is this because of heartbreak?

It can be. But really think, someone who didn't care about your heart, is it worth spending your precious time, thoughts, and mind on them?They didn't even care enough about you to give you time, their mind, or love. Is it worth your time? Aren't you bringing your own value and self- worth thinking and paining for someone who didn't think you are valuable and worthy.Open your awareness and see. Should you put yourself down? Isn't your life and value more precious? Give yourself and your life more value.Get up, take a shower and have food. Tomorrow welcome a new and bright sunny day! Your life is totally precious! Here is a song to cheer you up! One of my favorites.All the very best! Regards,Swaroopa Blog.

I have severe hunger pain in the morning but no appetite, how do I stop this?

The hunger pain (or pang) is the sign that you need to eat. However, many people do have food-related problems, so go first to your regular health care provider for an all-over checkup to be sure you don’t have an infection or other physical reason to lose your appetite.If all checks out on the physical end, ask for a referral to a competent mental health provider so you can solve this conundrum.Best to you.

What causes a loss of appetite during one's period?

The rise and fall of hormones throughout the cycle can have a huge effect on appetite. This varies from person to person, but I have found that estrogen acts as a big appetite suppressant for me. During the week of your period, your estrogen levels are starting to rise, while your progesterone level is very low. Progesterone will make me eat the bark off trees. So at this time, your “feed me!” hormone is very low and your “eh, maybe later” hormone is rising. (Both have effects on blood sugar and insulin resistance.) Add to this a little queasiness or pain from cramps, and you might have a good time to start a diet if you’ve been meaning to—at least from a psychological perspective. ) Be sure to take a multivitamin with iron though—especially if you’re a heavy bleeder.

Complete loss of appetite?

Complete loss of appetite?
i haven't eaten in days i have no feelings of hunger when i see food i am just sick the smell grosses me out this has been going on for about 2 weeks but at the beginning i was just not as hungry but now my boyfriend is vary worried because i don't eat at all i do drink but that's it i usually have a great appetite but now nothing my stomach growls and stuff but i cant feel the hunger and i don't feel like eating what could be wrong

Smaller portions and extreme hunger pains?

If you are more active, then you will be more hungry. And, if you are not getting enough calories for good health you will be hungry. It's possible that you are healthier now than before, having a good appetite is a good sign. It means that you are alive, have a metabolism and are healthy. Healthier eating would mean to me that you are having plenty of whole grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits. And, those types of foods have lots of fiber to carry out the fat, cleanse your body of toxins, have good digestion, give you energy and help you to feel satisfied.

If you are so hungry, I suspect that you could be eating a high-protein diet, meaning animal products and vegetables. ??? Your true fuel type is actually wholesome starches. If you don't get them, you will be hungry after a meal, because your brain, heart, muscles need that starch. Today's deceptions make people think starch is bad. I would say white flour and white flour are unhealthy, but whole grains, beans, and potatoes are essential, nutrient dense, and satisfying. Plus, they actually help people lose weight. It's that fat that is the big deal.

You are having smaller portions and you obviously are not getting enough to eat either of calories to match what your body needs or the right types of foods. There is something that you can try if you want to be more satisfied on less, and that is to eat slower, chew your food to a liquid. That way you can really have better digestion and longer use of the small amount of food you do eat.

You really don't have cut or count calories to be hungry losing weight. Dr. McDougall encourages his patients to eat all they want of the right foods (steamed grains, cooked beans, cooked or raw vegetables, and two fresh fruits a day, water to drink) and never go hungry at all while losing weight. He says to avoid fat, bread, pasta, desserts, and animal products. People have more energy, feel satisfied and lose weight the maximum way.
starch and the fat deception

I hope these ideas are helpful to you. Take some time to compare what you're doing now with what you did before, see what clues you can also figure out.

Do tums help get rid of hunger pains?

I want to loose 10 pounds before the summer, im not going aneorexic, i just want to eat less, do you have any tips you could give me on loosing the weight in 3 months?
im 14, and I weigh 105.
dont tell me to eat, to anyone why says that you are just being ignorant.

Hunger Pangs and Apple Cider Vinegar...?

A gastric l ulcer would cause extreme pain that feels like severe hunger pains .
Here are the risk factors for this condition :

Risk factors for ulcer from H. pylori infection include the following:

Age: 60 or older
Sex: Male
Race: Black and Hispanic
Lower socio-economic group
A crowded and unsanitary living environment
Cigarette smoking
Excess coffee drinking
Family history of ulcer disease
Type O blood
Risk factors for ulcer from anti-inflammatory drugs include the following:

Age: 60 or older
Sex: Male
History of stomach upset from NSAIDs
Prior peptic ulcer disease
Cigarette smoking
Alcohol abuse

And here are some of the symptoms :

Gnawing pain
May awaken you from sleep
May change when you eat
May last for a few minutes or several hours
Feels like unusually strong hunger pangs
Loss of appetite

IF you do not have any of the risk factors , and do not have any of the symptoms mentioned above , then you are just complaining of simple hunger .

BTW Vinegar would not be good for you if you have an ulcer or gastritis . Since the vinegar suppresses your pain , then it is unlikely you have such diseases .

You should have a wholesome breakfast , then eat small amounts of food many times a day , that will stop the hunger while making sure you do not eat too much .