Shall I Stick With My Job

I'm so bored with my job shall I quit it?

I work at a hospital as a clerk receptionist and I'm very bored each week is the same and not only work is boring me but the coworkers which are very chatty women and gossipy they make all day chatting also my boss gets mad at me for no reason and its bothering me shall I quit now?

I'm 22yrs and I would love to work in IT industry but need to do IT courses first

I'm 16 and hate my first job?

I'm 16 and I started working my first job ever at Burger King last week. I love my coworkers to death but I just can't handle working there, it's not for me. I really wanted to stick it out for a couple of months or at least till december, but I feel physically exhausted. On top of that, I have school and working 10-3 on the weekends. I really just want to find a job that's not as physically demanding as fast food, but I feel if I quit now it'll just look bad especially for my future employers when I want to find another part-time job, but this job experience is precious since it's my first. I also really like my coworkers and wouldn't want to leave them but I hate the job soo much. Should I stick it out till October or how long do you suggest so I at least get a good reference? any tips? thanks in advance.

Should I stick out my summer job to the end or quit now?

I work for an 11-week summer camp and I have completed 6 weeks already. It's a resume-booster and I've already secured 2 references.

Last week however, I became extremely depressed. I live at the camp for 24 hours a day, far from civilization, working up to 12 days at once before any time off. Last week I became extremely homesick which escalated into severe depression. I would call home almost everyday, in tears, feeling absolutely miserable. I even stopped eating properly.

Going home for 2 days was cathartic. I realized that it was the environment, not me, that caused the depression. But now that I'm back at the camp I'm worried the same thing will happen again. After I go on vacation next week, I have 3 weeks left, where I'll be stuck at the camp the whole time, never getting a chance to go home. I'm worried I'll fall into the same phase.

However I have a really important role in the camp. If I leave so close to the end, they might not have enough time to hire somebody else and it will really burden my coworkers and my boss (who has made many compromises in the past).

I have 2 choices:
1) Go on vacation next week and try to suck up the final 3 weeks. I could leave if I do feel depressed, but it will be on short notice. I feel like I'll be thinking about quitting everday though and it will make me feel down the whole time.

2) Tell my boss now that I quit. I can give him 2 weeks notice, which will include my vacation week and the first week of August, which I know I can handle covering. He then can see how he can adjust for the final 2 weeks. This would be the best for my mental health, but it's a bit stupid to leave an 11 week camp 2 weeks before it ends.

I really need advice. It's all I've been thinking about. Thank you!