Shoplifting First Time Offence

First Time Offence Shoplifting. What can i expect?

If you have no prior record, you will probably be offered pretrial diversion if available in your jurisdiction. What this means is that you will pay a fine, do some community service and serve some probation. If you stay out of trouble, the offense will not go on your criminal record. If you do so much as cross your eyes at someone and get arrested for it, will be there. If you do not qualify for diversion or if the court where your case is heard does not offer it, you can have your criminal record expunged via petitioning the court. It will not just "disappear" when you turn 18.

In addition to the criminal fines, you or your parents will be subject to a civil fine K-Mart can demand. In TN, this amount is limited to $100 or three times the retail price of the merchandise, even if the merchandise was recovered.
Probation is court-ordered sanction placing you under the supervision of the court. Depending on the terms of your sentence, the probation may be formal (where you will report to a probation officer on a regular basis and have to pay associated fees) or informal (where you are simply noted to be under probation). You may be required to check in with the probation department periodically, either by phone or by appearance.
Drug testing is completely up to the judge. There is no way to predict whether or not one would be ordered at the time of your first court appearance or at any time when you're on probation.

First offense shoplifting, will i get jail time?

so i stole junk food (not alot) at my local wawa store. i clearly wasnt thinking no need to remind me guys. but its my first offense and at the station the officer said i have to attend court and pay a fine. what else could happen in court for my first offense? probation? jail time? im 18.

Does shoplifting for the first time carry a jail sentence?

I am an attorney and I know a lot about this subject. Do not take this as creating an attorney-client relationship. You may, however, find it helpful.

Although jail is theoretically possible for a first offense, for a typical shoplifting incident jail time is rare. A fine, probation, and community service are more likely. There can be aggravating factors which result in jail time for a first offense, but generally additional or enhanced charges are brought, such as assault, burglary, robbery, etc.

Repeat offenders eventually go to jail, sometimes for a long time. In some states, like California, shoplifting counts as a "strike" for purposes of the three strike rule. Lengthy prison terms have been handed down in California for a third strike offense, even for something as trivial as stealing pizza.

I hope you're just asking this hypothetically. Even though jail time is rare for a first offense, shoplifting is always a very bad idea. It can mess up your life in all sorts of ways.

First time offense for Shoplifting. Stole 12$ worth of gum. I got arrested, so what now?

Before you leave insipid comments about it being so stupid and such a small thing, I acknowledge that it was a bad decision and I sincerely swear I wont do it again. I was caught at Fred Meyers with 12 dollars worth of gum, and was given a ticket. I know I have to appear in court and pay back the 12 dollars along with 250 dollars, but what beyond that? Any probation or Juvie? Im a 14 year old that lives in Washington State, and this is my first offense on record. Please help me!

What is he looking at for first offense shoplifting in Mississippi?

I have a friend that got caught shoplifting in Picayune Mississippi in Pearl River County at a small convenient store. He stole about four slim jims price value which was about three dollars maybe a little bit less than that like 2.50 i do not know but he did flee the scene after he got caught but came up there and turned himself in several hours later..he was arrested and spent three days in jail. His court date is coming up soon and i am trying to get a general idea of what he might be looking at it was his first offense in anything he has never been in trouble with the law before. he is eighteen years old. he was also on Prozac for depression for about a week and a half before he stole a few weeks after he got out of jail he was taken off of it because of suicidal thoughts. He is still in school. What i am wondering is two things and i'm hoping you can help me out. 1. what types of punishment is he looking at possibly getting for his first time shoplifting 2.are there things in his case he could say to maybe get less time certain factors he could bring up like his medication or being troubled. If you can help me at all i would really appreciate it.

How long does Walmart ban first time shoplifters?

First time shoplifters don't usually get banned unless you stole an absolute ridiculous amount of stuff. If you stole a shirt, you get logged in the system. If it's over a certain amount, they call the cops and file a police report and you'll probably have to go to court. Trespassing (which is what “banninng” is called internally) is only used as a last resort usually. If you're in the store stealing all the time or really big values.

What are the chances of a first time felony offender going to jail?

It is going to depend on a number of things: the type of crime, the way in which the crime was committed, the circumstances of the crime, and the offender's past criminal history. Let's say you broke into someone's home and stole over $250 worth of their belongings (that makes it a felony).  If you did it because a bully said he would hurt your mother if you didn't get him the stuff is a more compelling reason than if you did it to get money to buy more video games for yourself and some good weed.  If this was your 3rd time getting caught doing this type of thing, that ups your chances at serving time.  If you broke into someone's home and found there were some kids in it with a babysitter and you terrorized everyone, that's not going to go well in court. So you see your intentions and your actions, along with your past criminal history, will be the deciding factor on whether the judge sees jail in your future.  You get points on a sentencing sheet for all these different things.  Rack up so many points and it's off to the slammer for you.   A sentence of under a year is served in the county jail.  A sentence of over a year is served in a state prison.  Generally.  Every state has their own rules, but that's the way it usually goes.  Some crimes have a jail sentence no matter what.  Gun laws in Massachusetts for example have an automatic, no getting out of it, jail sentence if the crime was committed with a gun. First time offenders that committed a non violent crime and have no past criminal history will most likely get a suspended sentence, probation and fines.  Suspended means you don't have to serve the jail time as long as you do your probation and pay the fines.  If you screw up, you will be put in jail to serve the original sentence.

1st offense shoplifting in mississippi will I go to jail?

I am truly sorry for what I've done it happened in Hattiesburg ms it was 26 dollars worth I paid restitution to Walmart all I have is court I don't have a criminal record I'm 20 I have been arrested in the past but charges were dropped and I was sent to pine grove and it's not on my record I checked I have asspergers if I go to jail I will lose everything I have my home and my job so should I tell the judge that? I don't mind paying a fine I really am sorry and will never do it again its a first offense misdemeanor petty charge so will I go to jail? I don't wont to lose my home and my job it's all I got so would I just be fined or would I go to jail please help thanks

What is going to happen to me? I got arrested for shoplifting. I’m 17 and it’s a first offense. It was $80. I wish I could take it back. I have a court date. Do you think I will get jail time?

The best thing you can do to help yourself is show true remorse for your actions in Court. You have to go to Court. As a first offense, you probably will just get probation. What you can do (if your parents are willing to help) is do something for the “community,” such as volunteer at a homeless shelter and or if there is something you can think of that shows you are trying to better yourself. (I am not sure if there are classes you can take that are “self-help” style in relation to the shoplifting issue.) Of course, it is all depending on time and what you are willing to do. The point is, if you take steps at so-called “rehabilitation or remorse for your acts, the Judge will be far less likely to punish you by putting you in jail. The truth is, there are so many minors arrested for shoplifting all the time that they do not have enough jails for minors, so it is truly doubtful for shoplifting 80 dollars you will go to jail anyway. I just cannot say I guarantee it, as I am unsure where you are or what goes on in juvenile court these days. Good luck.