Short And Sharp Pains In Top Left Side Of Chest

Sharp stabbing pain on my right side of chest?

if it happens every once in a while it is most likely heart burn...if it continues for more than an hour or two, i would go to the ER, especially if you are also feeling pain in your jaw, or your arm or if you are having any numbness or tingling in those areas.

Sharp chest pains with deep breathing?

Your description sounds like Pleurisy which is an inflammation of the lining of the lungs that causes pain when you take a breath or cough. Time for a visit to your doctor. When you have pleurisy, the normally smooth lining of the lung become rough. They rub together with each breath, and may produce a rough, grating sound called a "friction rub." The doctor can hear this sound with the stethoscope, or by placing an ear against the chest. Deep breathing, coughing, and chest movement makes the pain worse. Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics. Viral infections normally run their course without medications. Patients often can control the pain of pleurisy with acetaminophen or anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.

Quick sharp needle like pain in upper left side of chest?

First off, I am a 20 yr. old female. I am fairly active, eat pretty healthy and no bad habits(drinking,smoking,drugs). I do have anxiety but they never happen around the time of each other. It usually happens in the mornings. Its been this sharp pain in my chest a couple times a day here lately its becoming more frequent as it used to only do it about once a week so I didn't think it was anything to worry about. I found a couple other questions on here that had the same symptoms but no real good answers. I think it feels like a splinter for a second and when I take a deep breath it hurts like hell but goes away. But, I found this description of the pain from another question asker on here and found it to be dead on so here it is....

From Kevincaz85:
It basically feels like someone is pinching a vein in my veins near my Heart or someone is sticking a needle near it (I know it's not something from outside the body though) and it is such a sharp pain that I can't breathe for a second and I can't move or talk. It only does it for like 2-5 seconds and that's it and then waits for a few days or whatever. It also somehow effects my breathing and when I breath deeply when its happening it gets more painful but makes it go away quicker if that helps explain it any better.

Sharp Short chest pains?

As you haven't given the details, It's difficult to make out the cause accurately
You can figure out the likely cause by reading this.

these are common causes of chest pain

1. Acid Reflux from Stomach (pain is actually Burning sensation And more near epigastrum--upper middle part of abdomen and middle of chest). Is associated with water brash(sour water entering in mouth from food pipe) and nausea specially after meals.

2. Pain from thoracic Cage(musculoskeletal) -- costochondritis, trauma to chest, or sometimes even exposure to cold can lead to soreness in chest muscles. Or this can happen due to undue exertion of chest muscles (If you have recently started Heavy bench presses in gym).This pain is aggravated by pressing(tenderness) or deep inspiration.

3- Pain from local chest skin problem (may include herpes zoster, But skin Disease lesion is obvious from outside-- like any rash)

4. Heart Problem-- pain IS NEVER LOCATABLE ACCURATELY & NEVER PAINS ON PRESSING. It's mostly related to exertion (pain appears when you exert more than normally), is mostly squeezing, crushing in nature also associated with coexistent dizziness, Sweating, palpitations, anxiety, etc.

5. Lung Problem-- Tuberculosis or lung infection(bacterial or virus) . There may be associated Cough with sputum, breathlessness, fever

7. Disease of pluera (that is lubricated double covering of lungs)--- Pain is related to deep inspiration but not with pressing of chest

What is causing the pain on left side of my chest, near the nipples?

The very first thing you may consider would be heart attack. Certainly chest pain isn't something to dismiss.However, you ought to understand that it has a number of possible causes.Actually, as far as a quarter of those U.S. population encounters chest pain which isn't linked to the heart.What kind of pain? Boob pain, sexual nipple pain is even good in some cases.Chest pain may also be brought on by difficulties on your lungs, esophagus, muscles, ribs, or nerves, such as. Some of those conditions are severe and life threatening.Others aren't.In case you've got unexplained chest pain, then the only way to verify its origin would be to get a physician evaluate you.You might feel chest discomfort anywhere from the neck into your upper abdomen. Based on its origin, chest pain could be:SharpDullBurningAchingStabbingA tight, squeezing, or crushing sensationChest Pain causes: Heart IssuesAlthough maybe not the sole cause of chest discomfort, these heart problems are most common causes:Coronary Artery Disease, or CAD. A congestion in the heart blood vessels which reduces blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle itself.This may result in pain called angina. It is a symptom of coronary disease but generally does not lead to irreversible damage to the center.It is, however, a indication that you're a candidate for a heart attack at a certain stage later on.The chest pain can spread to your shoulder, arm, jaw, or back.It could feel as a pressure or squeezing sensation. Angina may be triggered by exercise, enthusiasm, or psychological distress and can be relieved by rest.This decrease in blood circulation through heart blood vessels leads to the death of heart muscle cells.Though like angina chest pain, a heart attack is generally a more intense, crushing pain normally in the middle or left side of their torso and isn't relieved by rest.Besides chest discomfort, this heart muscle inflammation can lead to fever, fatigue, quick heart rhythm, and difficulty breathing.Although no congestion is present, myocardium symptoms may resemble those of a heart attack.No matter which you feel you may have, don’t rely online and go see a physician.

Pain in left side of my chest, feels like a muscle cramp?

Hi I'm a 19 year old male. I remember when I was younger (in my early teens) I used to have this chest pain. I went to the doctor and got an EKG but they said everything is fine. It went away for several years.

A few days ago this thing that feels like a cramp has come back in the left side of my chest. It feels like its directly in my lungs. It really hurts sometimes to breathe in because it expands my chest. This forces me to take in tiny breaths.Sometimes the pain feels like I'm going to have a heart attack and I'll run over to someone just in case there's an emergency....

Can anyone help me? I'm only writing this because I'm having bad symptoms right now.

Right-sided chest pain?

Whoa! Don't panic and certainly don't listen to the woe mongers suggesting cancer! A shameful thing for a so called nurse to write on this site!
A pain one your right side could be one of several things, it could be simple indigestion, a muscle sprain, a pinched nerve or twisted rib, all of these are simple matters.
Moving on to items that would require medical attention start with pancreatic, gallstones, pneumonia or pleurisy, all of which can be treated successfully with medication.
As for only getting pains in the left side of your chest, I'm afraid you are worrying too much. Your heart for instance is actually more central in the chest than many realise, so it's unlikely to be that. Plus the suddenness of the pain, the sharpness and the fact that it comes and goes indicates it's not your heart.
Your lungs have no nerve endings so you cannot actually feel pain from the lungs.
So in conclusion, if you do not have any lung related diseases such as asthma or bronchitis and you are in general good health, you may be worrying too much. To put your mind at rest, go and see your doctor and explain your concerns.
Good luck