Shot Story Anger Descriptive

How do I describe fear in a story?

I don't know a website, but here's the trick - to really build fear, you have to concentrate on the physical as well as the emotional.
mention things like
a) heart rate [and try comparing it to 'thrumming wings of a caged bird' or something else that symbolizes a scary situation]
b) sweat. or a sudden bloom of heat or cold across the face and/or body.
c) shaking. again, you might compare it to something else scary, or you could use personification.
d) quickened breath
e) it's always good to mention hairs prickling on the back of the neck or over the body. it builds anticipation.

also, the thoughts of the person should be slightly choppier than normal, to display that they are alert and their minds are working quickly.

good luck!

How to describe my story character slapping someone?

Word after word that flowed from her lips angered me more by the second. My patience was running out and my temper was flaring. Rage boiled through my body. I barely had a chance to think of my actions. The only thought running through my head was getting her to shut up.

I pursed my lips and raised my hand back. I threw my hand forward as hard as I could, whipping it across her face. The crack of skin contacting skin echoed off the walls. Vibrations of pain started in my palm and spread all the way to my finger tips. My palm was bright red, the same red mark that matched the one on her face. She stared at me with her eyes wide as her hand slowly made it to her fire red cheek.

I should've felt some kind of remorse. But I didn't. Not one organ in my body could produce guilt for my actions. A triumphant grin spread across my face and with a flick of my hair, I whirled on my heel and marched away. I never looked back to see her watch me leave. I had won.

What are some good short stories between 150 - 200 words starting with the line, "I saw a small boy standing in the woods and crying "?

I saw a small boy standing in the woods and crying. His dear tree had been felled. He was inconsolable. For that little boy it was not just a tree. It was like a friend he would rush to everyday after school, a friend who would hide him from those nasty bullies, a friend who always had sweet fruits for him, and a friend who would wrap him in a warm embrace and put him to sleep. “This is murder”, he screamed as I tried to console him. He said he would avenge the murder, he kept saying he would. I had then laughed at his innocence and dismissed it as a childish whim. But today thirty years later as I sit in the audience and listen to the same little boy, now all grown up speak about conservation of environment I know he still remembers his tree, his friend. As the audience broke into a thunderous applause after his speech, I felt he had now avenged his dear friend.

A creative description of a creepy mans eyes?? HELP ASAP!! :O?

Bood shot and cloudy. Murderous and unforgiving . Empty and frozen. Slate grey
This man,this murder's eyes told his tale his tale of death and distruction.his eyes were blood shot with lack od sleep. With a band of slate grey circling his dilated pupils. His stare was murderous and unforgiving.empty and frozen his stare seem to reach down into my soul, through my very being distoying all traces of hope .his eyes are what prepared people for their death. Told them it was coming in a way words could not.his eyes his murderous eyes herald peoples deaths x

Hope this helps xx

What are some of the best short stories on father daughter relationships?

Seated on the bench of the garden, Meera was spending some quality time with herself. She was thinking how her life was changed after the marriage. But every single change was worth because it was for Raj. She was considering herself happy with the journey of few day's marriage.Meanwhile, she noticed a cute baby girl playing around. Cuteness of baby girl captured Meera's attention. She was running and behind her, a six foot tall guy was running. His kiddish expressions were clearly showing that he was her dad. He became a kid with his daughter. He hugged her, cuddled her, kissed her and loved her in every single way.Noticing to that incident, Meera missed her dad. Her memories with dad got refreshed. She took her mobile and drafted a text - "LOVE YOU DAD."She was surrendered into the sea of feeling so deeply that by mistake, she sent that text to PAPAJEE instead of PAPA.Her father-in-law’s number was saved with PAPAJEE and her father's number with PAPA in her mobile. She realized that she made a mistake, but the message was already gone. Lots of thought started to run through her mind. She was very much nervous and about to call Raj.Just at that time she received a reply on her number. It was a text from PAPAJEE which read, "Love you my daughter. Dad :)"Although, the message was sent to the wrong person, reply was same, even smiley wasn't changed.That day first time she realized that after the marriage not only relationships, but love too doubled.

Is my short story any good?

It's not bad, it's a good start. It seems like it'd be an interesting story but there are just a few mistakes and some grammar mistakes that you should correct such as this sentence, "The warm embraces makes me not want to get out," it doesn't quite make sense.

As well as that, I think it'd benefit you to try using some different nouns and adjectives to describe things to make the sentences stronger and more effective. ^_^