Shots Fired Near The Capital Building - House Of Rep On Lockdown

Can the following idea work to save the United States & Re-Invent Itself? R U Reading this Brun the Leader?

Roth-child owens 60 sum estates and the idea of cutting off the bread line to the Rothschild's life it self .They employ thousands if not millions of people Look at John Turmel who is up and in their face protesting usury John and me and you will never stop the family of the Golden Rule .You got the gold you Rule ! And again their God is and always will be Gold, Oil,& Drugs GOD ! what hurts is that we live on the same planet and have the rights as everything that has taken birth
and One family that could Save the World would rather exploit the very people that gave them the power of Control So how many years will we face this abuse and slavery by the few And what would we do with the game of MONOPOLY maybe a game of BARTER AND
EXCHANGE I can sense your frustration to all of this Crap and to know now that where just Slaves and can`t do a thing about it, just grow old and die in and the name of DEBT "God help the Children ;

When is the New World Order going to begin?

You are living in it now. It is just not complete. USA and most of the world is run by Democrats and Republicans who have sold out to the New World Order. That means that people like the Rothchilds and Soros are running the show. That is why we are having open borders all over the world. They want to destroy America, Western Civilization, and the Nation State to make way for a centralized Global Tyranny by the elites. 911 put everything into a higher gear and gave the USA/NWO the excuse to do regime change throughout the Middle East. This allows them to put in a Rothchilds’ central bank and place a puppet in power that will be responsive to the NWO. 911 was pulled off by the NWO and the American Deep State was complicit. These are false flag operations and they are used all the time by these people to start wars or get legislation passed. For instance they would have no qualms about setting up a mind controlled assassin to do a school shooting so they could use their Media to push for gun control. Tyrants always try to remove guns before they put their lockdown in place. At the current time Trump is the major anti- New World Order force in the world. If he is successful they will all be imprisoned or given the death sentence. That is why their wholly owned Media attacks Trump every day and every hour. They are scared to death of being destroyed. Meanwhile most of the American population is in a mind controlled trance and can not see what is really going on. We could easily defeat this if people were to wake up in large numbers. The people are complicit in allowing this to go on. God help them is all I have to say.

Why did Japan enter World War II?

Japan's industries need raw materials, but it's natural resources are nil. She had to import iron scrap and petroleum from U S A. The nearest country which has vast resources was China. However English, French and Duch monopolised exploitation, and vast areas were under the rule of their governments. So Japan occupied Manchuria. In the process vast stretches of China was occupied.To maintain occupational force they need more material, steel and fuel were very much necessary. In this context Japan's line of thinking was that while she was being starved of fuel and raw materials, companies of far of countries are getting the same dam cheap by exploiting vast resources.By the same time Nazis rose to power in Germany and by 1941 - 42 they successfully defeated France remains unstoppable. So the powers that were ruling some Asian countries themselves were defeated. This, Japan thought was the right time to join hands with victorious forces, viz. Nazi Germany and Italy.These developments troubled US. They told Japan to stop aggression on China and announced halt of iron scrap.This infuriated the Japanese government, headed by Tojo, a military general. As the Europe was in turmoil, the attention of US diverted to help UK, it was the right time to destroy American naval ships and air craft carriers at Pearl Harbor in a surprise attack.On the face of it Japanese are in serious discussions with American Government. But Tojo covertly planned a surprise attack. This they did in December.But the attack did not yield desired results as US Air craft carriers were not there.As the American industrial might is is several times of Japanese, eventually they won the war. However a small Asian nation stunned the most powerful nation writing a day of infamy in it's history.