Should A Mother Complain

Mother in men's locker room. Should I complain?

was showering at the gym this morning and a little boy maybe10 or 12 was in there too. Then I heard a women yelling a name then she just walked in to help him. This is a standard gym men's showers. one large room with a dozen shower heads. No stalls or curtains. This little boy was standing right next to me. So there i was naked as a jay bird with this little boys mother 2 feet away. There was one other person in the shower and they didnt seem to notice.
I was afraid to say anything or more speechless i guess. I thought she was going to grab him and leave but she was in there for like 5 mins. Since I had just started showering I was full of soap and shampoo so had to rinse before i could leave there.
I was totally late for work and had to run out of there so I didnt have tome to talk to any one.

Should i complain?
This normal since the boy was young and the mother tought he was too old for the women locker room and the father was not there?

What should I do if my roommate calls her mother to complain about useless stuff and doesn't speak in front to me?

Sounds like they ARE speaking in front of you .Leave the room. It’s the person and their parent. It’s the parent choice to listen or not. Your choice is to remove yourself from your need to listen .Useless complaining to you - may not be to their parent or them. We all determine what is important to us.Maybe the parent feels that the communication happening is more relevant than the content.

What should I do if my mother complains about someone?

Tell her why you don’t like to talk with her. Why not? At the least, doing so will give her another relative to complain about. That is, if anyone will still listen.I avoid chronic complainers; many of them have mental disorders. I know I know it’s your mother. So what? If she asks you why you’re distancing yourself, tell her the truth. It might startle her enough that she does something about it, like see a therapist.

Why does my mother complain about everything I do?

What can you do? Look, youre going to have to realize shes a bad person and doing this on purpose. She cant be trusted. Its hard to believe at first.

1st of all, maybe you think people/parents can talk anyway they see fit and never lie. Turns out many are abusers. Actually they are not trying to be tough to make you better or help- they are tricking you. This goes for people at school as well. Words are abuse also.

There are many types of abusive people/parents. Some ignore you. Some hit the bottle. Some hit you. And some run their mouths and put you down. THEY are sick and feel great by being mean, and thats the only reason they do it. They are wrong about everything. The typical abuser is close-minded, self-righteous and was also abused themself. Use defense and read many sites on verbal abuse etc. People tear you down or give irratating advice to build themselves up. They have problems.

Remember- Abuse always involves some deception mixed in.

Abuse causes pain mistaken as mental problems- Cutting, OCD etc. Psychiatrists commit fraud in that all disorders are only emotions. For chemical imbalances NO test exists. You dont have what shrinks say you have. Dont tell abusers about any so called disorders. They will only drug you.

Jesus name and forgiving others who are wrong is important along with avoiding them.

Call or I can- Child Protective Services- Transitional housing to age 21- tell your teacher. Dont tell your parents they wont listen.

Learn the truth, forgive, and Get Away from them. Read many many sites under "emotional abuse" and "dealing with bullies".

I have some questions for you if want to talk about it.

Why does my husband call my mother complaining about me?

my husband and i separated a couple days ago. He didn't wanna leave and was crying and everything. Then today he called my mother telling her he was getting a divorce when he gets the money and already talked to an attorney. Why does he have to call her up complaining. And if he loves me so much why is he doing this?

Should a mother complain that her 19-year-old daughter has more than ten permanent tattoos on her body?

Regarding smoking certainly you can discourage it but complaining about it is only likely to alienate. While no amount of smoking is safe, a rate of three packs a year  amounts to about 1/4 of a cigarette a day and is hardly worth  disrupting a relationship over. Tattoos and other forms of body art  have become decidedly mainstream in almost all walks of life and many  highly educated individuals are heavily inked. No longer are tattoos a  symbol of counter-culture or subcuture.In general. as a parent I cannot advise a mother to complaiin about the choices their adult children make in any capacity lest they want to alienate said children. Unless your own money is being spent on said body art or smoking a 19 year old is beyond the age at which you should be directing general choices a child makes.

My mom's ALWAYS complaining!?

When you stop talking to her just say "Sorry I'm getting sleepy" or "Oops sorry mom I forgot I was in the middle of something, we can continue this later". Change the subject but be polite about it, negative attitudes only bring out more negative attitudes if you encourage it.

Easiest way to deal with negative people is have fun, show her that you are always having a good time regardless of the situation, enjoy yourself, be positive, and let them rant/complain. What ever you do just don't let her negative attitude affect you. If she sees that you are happy she can't do anything other than try and be happy as well, although this may take some time to take effect.

My parents were not like this but I have some friends who are negative at times and I find that this is the easiest way to deal with them. Alot of times I'll just agree with them and they will eventually stop but I don't like to encourage their negative attitude so i think being happy is the best way.

Help! my mom never stops complaining about everything!?

My (step-mom but i call her mom) literally never stops complaining. She basically complains in her sleep, that's how much she complains. Im 20 . I've been listening to her complain like this for as long as i can remember. I can't bare it anymore. She wakes up, she complains. She comes home from work she complains. She calls me during the day just to complain! Its driving me crazy!!! She's a negative person about everything. She complains about why the laundry is not done. Why is the ironing still not ironed, why is my bed not fixed, why did i wear the shirt im wearing, why is my hair fixed that way. She can complain about why the sun rises everyday... Her complaining/bossiness is so bad my dad got a divorce and her bf left her twice and now they're barely together (whatever that means)
I talked to many people about it but it barely helped. I talked to my aunt that's close to her. Her best friend. I went to a counselor for over 5 months just to try to figure something out. I have 3 other sisters (which i take care of) and she doesn't do much for them. I can't get a job because i have to watch them 24/7. Im majoring in pharmacology and its really hard to study for in this environment. I barely go out because she complains about that too and hates all my friends. Im trying to move out and i talked to her about it and she kinda got aggressive with it and i told her if i do i still want to come and visit my sisters (16, 7,&1year old) and she said no and that its apart of the package if i leave that i never see them again. I already got kicked out once because i confronted her about her complaining and things got bad. But then she called my dad and forced him to force me to come back to take care of my sisters because she doesn't what h them. I can't do this and Im over and beyond stressed from her complaining. Its just crazy.. And its too much for me to handle and i can't take it anymore. I don't know what to do so please i need the best answers.