Should America Ban Any Foreign Trips By The Federal Government That Cost 1 Million Dollars Or More

Will Trump's travel ban affect Americans?

I was born and raised in the United States. Let's say I want to move to a country in Europe and become a legal citizen, then years later I decide to move back to the U.S.

I am NOT a Muslim or anything, but I'm curious if Trump's travel ban would make it difficult for an American to come back to the States if they decide to move out?

How much cash is a person allowed to carry in an international flight?

I did it once… I live in Atlanta GA, but travel often to Japan for business. I might leave with $100 USD. But I return with a purse full of CASH, hard cold currency. Any where from $5k to $20k a trip. So, as the trips continued and the purse grew fatter, the first time I returned with more than $10,000, I filled in the customs form regarding the $16,000 in my purse. I cleared customs in Dallas on that trip, showed them my form and was sent to a side office.Customs officer: Howdy welcome to Texas, can I see your form.Me: “hello, here, I need to declare that I am have over $10k in cash so you will not confiscate it. “Customs officer: “whoooo hooooo Harry get over here somebody actually declared CASH, you got to see this, nobody ever declares cash. How much you got there, ohh that is a cute purse… oh yea, it says right here on the form, $16,000, in a purse that cute, you better hold on tight to that. It says you left with $100. I am not even going to ask what you did on this trip to make that much cash. Thank you sweetie. Ya’ll have a nice day, and welcome back to the USA. There is the exit”. She really said all of that with out taking a single breath.The other customs officer, Harry, made a couple of remarks along the same lines….Since then, I have gotten in the import business and spend most of it there, and more people use credit cards, so I have never had more than that at one time. That is OK, I love making that kind of money, but hate having it in my bag when traveling. So far so good, I have never lost it on the way home.

Should we adopt Mexico's Immigration Laws?

If you come into Mexico illigaly it's a federal crime and you are a criminal. Hundreds of El Salvadorians, Hondurans, Guatemalans, and other Central Americans are placed in Mexican Prisons everyday. These people are then treated like dirt, beaten and starved to teach them a lesson so they won't come back and try to live in Mexico illigaly. Making illegal immigration a Federal crime is the only Mexican law I would mirror. What about you?