Should Cape Breton Island Be Granted The Right To Be It

Who do most folks on Cape Breton Island act like they're not Nova Scotian?

Here in Winnipeg, we don't get many tourists, I'm not going to lie. So I may not have the best idea of what Cape Breton islanders are like, but all of the ones I've met have been very low key about the fact they are from Nova Scotia. I ask them where they're from, and they say the maritimes, and when I ask where? They always say "Cape Breton". Once I even asked one what province he was from and he replied, "Cape Breton". That isn't one of the 10 provinces! Hate to say it, but culturally there doesn't seem to be much difference between Cape Breton islanders and peninsular Nova Scotians. Your economies are the same really, agriculture, tourism and mining. Also, something we all have in common here in Canada, besides maybe Alberta or to some extent Saskatchewan, is that our economies are pretty slow right now. Why do you want to be so autonomous from the rest of Nova Scotia?

Can the youth of Canada bridge the gaps between Francophone and Anglophone?

So that 30 years from now, there will be this sense that the French Canadian story, including the sentiments, the being in the shoes of a Quebecois or Acadian, will be part of the heart of every Canadian and the Francophone Canadians Allez Ouest will also feel closer to Anglophone Canadians..... I mean a mutual built-up marriage of the 2 Canadas in language, culture, custom, and time (past, present, future) and the sensitive historical milestones of the past?

I want it to start with a small group of say Quebec folk poetry and folk music lovers based out of Ontario who base a band from Hamilton, Ontario on the instruments of Quebec bands using knowledge obtained in a collaborative round-table discussion group

Then have an asserted effort in Quebec to take songs by Mes Alieux and other folk musicians to put the lyrical verses in both English and French.....

And then have some of the newer bands in Canada (not Justin Bieber)... more local stuff that is less mainstream.... to be re-translated to French

I want Ontario-ans to put themselves in the shoes of Quebecois and Quebecois to put themselves in the shoes of Ontario folks...and western Canadian Albertans so that things like "Calgary Stampede are also more direct to Quebec when they light up the night....

and then bridge the Canadas together as one absolutely incredible identity that is not as divisive but that part of the strength of being a Canadian

and then there also needs to be shared embracing of the First Nations and Inuit and Cree and other historic groups that contributed to the development of Canada's evolution.

Can't the youth of Canada strengthen the one-ness of Canada through song? Why is this not seen as awesome to others as it is to me? I think it would make Canada even better than it already is... if this bi-langual Canada were not seen as a "compromise", but as a "MASSIVE UNIQUE PLUS!"

that what other nation can say the same?

Why is Canada irrelevant despite its size?

As someone who has travelled three years around the world and worked seven years in Europe, I think I can offer a broad experience to this question.I remember many years ago a Brit working on our NATO Interoperability System project team saying to some potential UK clients that Canada does not toot its own horn. I think the fact that the question implies a preconceived judgement is confirmation of that. So I would like to educate those whose minds are open that Canada is very relevant to the world and especially to the USA.Canadian contributions help nourish your babies, keep you warm in the winter, give you the sports you watch, feed your family, launch the NASA space program… Canadian contributions to World War II are equally impressive but obviously someone forgot to tell the world.The “real” Dinosaur Park is located in Alberta, the source of most of the Cretaceous Era dinosaur skeletons in museums throughout the world. Cretaceous is the era of the T-Rex and those nasty velociraptors: so you must visit the real site of Jurassic Park, which is a misnomer. Between 1910 to 1917 there was even a Bone Rush as American and Canadian paleontologists competed to find complete fossil skeletons.For those of you who have winter, you can thank the First Nations (aboriginal) peoples who taught the ignorant Europeans how to use furs to make winter parkas, snow shoes and other winter gear we take for granted today.One major invention that Canada has contributed to the world is time zones — we needed that as we have six of them. Then there is insulin, the caulking gun, IMAX movies...But the biggest Canadian invention was made by Alexander Bell. Perhaps you have heard of it — the telephone? The world today is dominated by mobile devices. You can visit his lab on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, where he also invented the hydrofoil engine, phonograph, photophone, and telegraph.Who knew that peanut butter, North America’s favourite spread, was invented by Canadians? Other modern foods created in Canada include Pablum cereal (babies love it), butter tarts (adults love it), and Hawaiian Pizza (Australians love it). Let’s not forget ginger ale, poutine, Thousand Island salad dressing…Three major sports were originated by Canadians — football, basketball and hockey. So next time you eat a peanut butter sandwich and watch a football game, give thanks to Canada.Surprising Facts about Canada provides some more surprises that will blow your mind!Regards Terra Encounters

Does anyone know Canada's History time line?

I don't know Canadian History because I'm not Canadian...

What cable company was established in 1858 to carry instantaneous communicatios across the ocean?

Atlantic Cable & Undersea Communications