Should Conservatives Become Pro-choice

How can women conservatives be against pro choice?

For some women it is no more acceptable to kill one’s children before they are born than after they are born. There is no choice to kill in either situation. If one believes that a child before birth is a human being with a right to life, then one will not accept the idea that anyone has a right to kill this child.I have thought this way since I was a teenager and first knew what abortion meant. Once I actually had children of my own and experienced pregnancy, it was even more clear to me that children in the womb have a right to live.While the left claims to work for women , it does not even accept that women are capable of thinking as individuals. It only acknowledges one “correct” view that women are allowed to have. If a woman does not accept the positions of the left, it does not support or affirm her.

Is being pro-choice liberal or conservative?

I am not pro-choice, but I do opppose Abortion Prohibition on the fundamental grounds that the just powers of our government are limited. If there is no compelling government interest, then government must leave the individual free to make his/her own choices in personal matters.

In USA, Abortion Prohibition supporters are general aligned with the conservatives.

I had a conservative friend ask me how people can be pro-choice and be upset at children being separated from their families at the border, simultaneously. Are conservatives really serious about this?

First, I don’t think this is a question. You’re just hoping to start a discussion/argument by stating your opinion and asking how anyone can seriously doubt you. I guess that’s OK, but it feels a bit like trolling.But, trying to take this in the best way possible…Anti-Abortion folks (not necessarily conservatives) simply believe that abortion is murder of children, so if you start with that as a given, they figure the rest of us are willing to murder kids, so why would we be upset at the lesser crime of removing them from a destitute family? If you accept their most basic premise, the question is valid.I would respond to these folks by pointing out that you start from the very different basic premise that a fertilized human egg does not immediately become a human, but the common ground you share with them is that at the very least, a child who has been born is precious and not to be treated as an animal.The problem they have with you is, from my perspective, the same problem you have with them: Neither of you is willing to believe the other is a good person who just starts from a different basic premise. Until each side respects the common ground of trying to be the best people you can each be, it will always be the case that you can “invalidate” any position by tying it to the big thing you disagree on.Best to reject that approach and not bother to engage in debate with people who insist on focusing on disagreement instead of common ground. However, you’ll be surprised at how many people are willing to have a good discussion if you take the first step.

Are conservatives more pro-life or pro-birth?

This conservative is definitely pro-life, not pro-birth. To be specific, I am pro-life because ….I believe no child, no human, should die or be mutilated due to lack of food, clean water, or heath care.I believe a right to life is more important than a right to guns.I believe war and violence are the last resort, not the first.I believe each and every person has a right to control their own body.I believe each and every person has a right to choose their own life partner.I believe all humans should not be harmed or discriminated against because of their race, sex, sexuality, nationality or religion.I believe that no religion has the right to impose its will on non-followers of that religion.AND I most certainly believe a set of human cells with the potential to become human do not override the rights of actual humans

Can you be a Conservative, but have liberal social views (pro-choice, pro-same sex marriage, pro-renewable energy etc., etc.)?

The terms liberal and conservative were used back in the 1930’s for the New Deal from President FDR in response to the Great Depression of economic recession with the stock market of Wall Street crash in 1929. The New Deal was about Relief, Recovery, and Reform: relief for the unemployed and poor, recovery of the economy to normal levels, and reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression. Those who support the New Deal were called as liberals, while the opposition of the New Deal were called conservatives. New Deal - WikipediaThus as we can see among conservatives today, as a consistent behavior and policies of being self-centered, they are against rights of other people, and do not care much about the future of the next generation in terms of the environment.That’s where for conservatives to often advocate of small government, it means they don’t want to be regulated by laws, but want to have their own ways of dealing with businesses and people, and making policies that fit them only.So, I would say no, as those social issues are contradiction to the conservative ideologies.

What would a conservative parent do if they found their 15-year-old daughter to be pregnant?

Probably raise the baby as their own. After all, it is family.

What does the liberal family do? Murder the baby, traumatize the daughter, and then act like nothing happened?

How can someone be pro-choice and anti-death penalty?

I consider myself to be rather liberal, however I sway from the left from time to time. I do not believe that anyone has the right to end another persons life, ever, through war, death penalty, abortion, etc.

I can't understand how someone can value one life over another.