Should I Be Honest With My Best Friend That He

Would you die to save your best friend?

So if it came down to it and a choice had to be made where you would have to sacrifice your own life to save your best friend, would you actually die to save your best friend, or would you let your best friend die instead?

Be honest... If you are afraid to answer honestly use the anonymous answer.

Personally I would die for my best friend, even if it was painful and slow. I might be stupid but I would do anything for my best friend. But what about you and your best friend?

Also do you think your best friend would die for you?

Can you honestly say that your partner is your best friend?

Yes, I honestly can.We have been together over 23 years and shared many, many experiences together. Even when I used to go out drinking with the lads, she would come too as she was one of us. My friends always said that if we split up it would become very awkward.But one of the things that I think has helped out relationship is the age gap. All two weeks and two days of it. Because our ages are so close we grew up with the same things and have been able to relate to one another since the very beginning.Additionally, she’s fucking hilarious. I could never live without her humour in my life. She is, without doubt, the very bestest friend a person could ever want.

My best friend likes this boy and I like him too but I think he has feelings for me. What should I do?

Speaking from the experience of being the girl who lost her crush to her best friend…she’ll get over it. I promise. Just be open and honest with her. Don’t try to play the pity card or tip toe around her feelings. Be kind but be honest about liking him too. It’ll sting a little at first but if she really is your best friend, trust that she loves you and wants to see you as happy as she wants to see herself. Just be sensitive about the information you share with her about him and do everything to help her find another smelly boy to have a crush on

Your best friend looks like they were pulled through a rat hole backwards....?

(they look like hell)......and they ask you if they look alright. Do you lie and tell them what they WANT to hear? Or do you tell them the brutally honest truth??

I like my best friend's brother, what should I do?

You know what? You must be a really good friend b/c if you didn't care for your friendship you wouldn't be asking this question.
You have done the right thing except you're asking the wrong person, talk to your friend, sometimes it works out sometimes it doesn't but, at least you are starting off on the right foot, just be honest with your friend because if you really don't know how the brother is the friend can tell you the truth, what if he turned out to be just a heart breaker, she (your friend) wouldn't let you get involved with him because if you broke-up with him a week later it would be an awkward situation when you would come to visit, My younger brother decided to mess around with a very close friend of mines as a matter of fact my daughters auntie and when I found out I was hurt, I felt betrayed by them both, they were of age and unmarried but, I felt like they were like brother & sister because that was what I felt but, when it was all said and done at the end of the day, they didn't owe me nothing, I just felt like they did, and your friend will appericate it if you told her how you feel instead of hearing about it from someone else.

Best friend blinded with love...?

Think about this,

Sometimes even though one may be hurt they keep going back. This is not because of them being blinded by love, this is of their own stubborness. I personally think you are doing the right thing, but you cannot just expect for people to go ahead and just change from someones opinion. The best thing to do, is back off, most people cannot learn from others mistakes, they must learn from their own. This being, it may hurt to see her cry, but one day it will all become clear, and although you may feel it not right. If she does listen to you now, and leaves him, he will coerce her back to being with her. But if she figures this all out on her own, then she will not be with this guy. Point out how you feel, make it clear to her, that you are just trying to help her. Because when she looks back to it, she knows that you were actually trying to help her. I'm sorry that I could not know more about this, but in personal experiences this is the way it had to go. And it hurt for it to go like this, but it had to.

Best Regards,

If you have feeling for your best friend and you have confessed it, is it wrong?

No, not at all. Confessing your feelings to anyone, be it even your best friend can never be wrong because you are just being honest to him/her. There’s no right or wrong. There’s only “abhi nahi to abhi nahi” ( now or never).But while confessing your feelings, don’t come off as a despo. Confess as and when you feel it is right to do. Things may work in your favour or may not.Always remember, If you don't ask, the answer is always “no,” but if you ask, it might be “yes.”So, be prepared for everything. Don’t let rejections affect your friendship.Cheers!!

My best friend told me yesterday that she was lesbian and she had a crush on me since we were little kids.?

Just tell her that you're hetero and that you love her as a friend. Let her know you're not interested in a relationship with a woman and that you don't want to lose your friendship.

Or be a little less honest and tell her that you love your friendship and wouldn't want to mess it up by starting a relationship with her.

Best of luck either way. It's not your fault she's a lesbian with a crush on you and it's not her fault she has a crush on a straight girl so I don't see why just being honest with her would change anything. She might be a little crushed but I don't think anybody expects your sexualities to change because of this.