Should I Be Upset Or Am I Overreacting

I'm last on his list. Should I be upset or am I overreacting?

My boyfriend seems to put me last on his list.

Example: I've been sick with a bad chest cold and stayed home from work. I wanted some meds to loosen the phlem from my chest, but neither of us drive. I called my mom, but she was busy.

My boyfriend offered to get what I needed, since he was going to the store anyways. I asked for Sprite, Mucinex, and cough drops. I told him I'll pay him back and asked if I should write it down, since he is sometimes forgetful. I told him that if he forgets, he can just call me. He assured me that he would remember. Mom called later, but I told her that he offered.

He brought back Nyquil, and some things for himself.

Instead of going to Walgreens (a 20 min walk), he went to the quick mart (a 5 min walk), which did not have Mucinex, so instead, he got Nyquil that "might work." He "totally forgot about the Sprite" and he claimed that I didn't tell him a third item. He didn't take his phone either.

I then told him that I've tried Nyquil many times in the past, but it never works for me. He said it might work this time and tried to convince me to take it. I told him that it would be better to return the medicine unopened and I'd make the trip to get Mucinex tomorrow morning before work.

He said he "might" go out and get what I need. But I didn't know how to respond. I thought it rude to ask him to go back. Should I be grateful that he made the effort? Did he really try? He has a habit of partially doing things for me.

Am I over reacting or do I have reason to be upset?

Today my husband and I went to our storage unit to start moving stuff into our new place we are buying. He made the comment "what is this" It was a Gatorade bottle with what looked like orange gatorade and some white stuff. My first reaction was THAT IS SEMEN!!! He said he had been there one day moving stuff around had to pee real bad and went in the bottle. Ok fine what is the white stuff??? I swear it reminded me of that scene in American Pie when Kevin does his deed in the cup and Stiffler drinks it. He says it was just piss and gatorade and some other stuff. I think I had caught him in a lie not to long ago. He got a bunch of OSB board from work and has a pile in our storage. he told me one day after work he was meeting a guy from work over there to pick the board up. Well several weeks later he had something about the board in the storage. I snapped. He said his friend never got the board he never met him. I dont remember much but certain conversations we have I do remember. I am convinced that what is in the bottle is something that shouldnt be in there!! Am I over reacting?

Am I overreacting by being upset that my husband bought me a salami sandwich even though he knows I don't eat red meat?

My husband likes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I don’t. I don’t think I’ve eaten one of those things in 40 years. They are way too sweet for me, and I don’t eat jelly anyway on anything.I’ve never eaten them as long as we’ve been married. If my husband offered me a PB&J sandwich, I would simply say, “No thanks, I don’t like them.” I wouldn’t get upset at him, even though he knows I don’t eat them and I’ve never eaten one sandwich like that in all the time we’ve been married. It’s real simple to just say “No thank you”, and move on.Now, the reason I don’t get upset is because my husband has never ridiculed the fact I don’t like PB&J sandwiches or has tried to guilt me or anything like that into eating them. He accepts that PB&J sandwiches aren’t my choice for lunch.I don’t know if I’d get upset if he just brought the sandwich home without you knowing he’d bring it home. You aren’t saying under what circumstances he bought the sandwich home. Was it a leftover sandwich, and he just thought he’d give you a chance to have some? Was it special in some way and he wanted you to get to taste it? In that case all you have to do is refuse the sandwich and remind him you don’t eat red meat. In all likelihood, he’d simply say, “Okay” shrug, and proceed to eat it himself.If he brought you the sandwich after you told him to get you a specific sandwich, then I’d be upset for two reasons: a) he didn’t get me what I asked him to get, and b) he got me something he knew I couldn’t eat. I’d ask him why he decided to disregard what I asked for and give him a chance to tell me what happened.I think that his overall attitude regarding your food choices should come into it as well. Does he have no respect for what you choose to eat? If not, this sounds like one more example of that and I’d be upset about that. If he does in general respect your choices and otherwise attempts to support them, then just saying “No thanks, you know I don’t eat red meat” should be sufficient.

The Hickey Aftermath: why am I so upset? am I overreacting?

Basically - I gave my boyfriend about 13 hickeys around the neck during one weekend. At first, he got a bit upset when he saw them the next day but then after I had applied some recommended 'remedies' in attempting to lighten or remove the hickeys, he then became a bit more relaxed and became 'chirpier' when I applied some green concealer and makeup foundation on his neck.

However, when he got home, after he had decided to put some sort of ointment on his hickeys, don't know what happened but his hickeys became darker and instead of reddish purple, they now became brown (or even darker). As a result, his co-workers have been teasing for the past 2 days and he said that he is becoming more and more uncomfortable because of the weird glances he gets from clients and co-workers - in fact, so uncomfortable, that he doesn't want to 'make out' with me or even kiss me anymore, claiming (via msn - we haven't seen each other since I had gave them the hickeys) his neck is sore and he is tired, etc EVEN THOUGH he claims that he still loves me.

To me, these are 'lame' excuses and I am hurt since I feel rejected (both physically and emotionally) and being pushed away, even though he claims that he isn't pushing me away. I became more appalled when he says he doesn't care how people see him but the teasing hurts. To me, he is indeed contradicting himself - if he is indeed doesn't care how people see or think, then he could just forget the teasing.

So we ended up having a huge fight via texting. He claims that he cares about the teasing as it is about 'him'. At that instant, I am very upset, hurt and vulnerable because I feel that he is being a bit 'selfish' - although he does not point fingers at me, I could totally feel at this point that he is blaming me for giving him those hickeys (thus, putting him at this state).

Now a day after the 'fight', I am more coolled down and do want peace BUT I am still quite upset. I see him online via messenger and I'm pretty sure he does too but neither of us are making 'any' moves. Have I really overreacted? Or is he indeed an idiot who is really clueless of what I am feeling?

Play fighting gone too far or am i overreacting?

So basically like alot of couples me and my bf wrestle right. Sometimes he'll bite me playfully or pinch me or move me in a wierd way and i get hurt. I've told him i don't like it and he may not know his own strength.Last night i got really upset about it and told him to leave and now things are slightly uncomfotable between us. What can i do to make him stop? or am i just overreacting?.

My Husband forgot my birthday! Was I Overreacting?

In the morining I opened the door and found my husband laying on the floor right infront of the door.I felt bad so i gently shook him slightly unconcious and guided him to the bed.I let him sleep and closed the door behind me,i went to the living room and was watching something when i heard the door open.He walked down the stairs slowly. Then like a little doggy with its tail inbetween its legs, he came and sat down at the other side of the couch, he was quiet and sad like a little kid that got yelled at.My heart melted It was sad to see him like that but he looked so adorable at the same time. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, I sighed and turned off the TV.I moved close to him and laid a pillow and my head on his lap. I smiled up at him.He smiled a little side smile. Adorable! I told him it was alright and that I was sorry for being mean.Sheesh people!its not like he hasnt thrown tantrums before.Im 24 and he's 25.Hes done it before, but I still love him alot!!

Am I overreacting to my boyfriend canceling/delaying plans?

Does he have a job that requires him to be on-call? Or is he just not thoughtful. What we allow in our life is a choice. We should choose only the best for ourselves whenever possible. If he doesn’t have a valid reason for cancelling/delaying plans then you have to decide if that is acceptable. If you ask him to be more respectful of your time and honor your commitments and he refuses, then you have to decide if this is the kind of person you want in your life.One piece of advice - staying with someone who isn’t what your want/need leaves you unavailable for the right person. Life is too short, although at your age it might not seem that way. :-)