Should I Be Worried About Rabies

Worried about rabies! Is this a bat bite?

Honestly, I am very worried about this. A few weeks ago, when I was standing on a wooded path, I felt something on my ankle. I quickly tried to get it off and the area started to burn a little later. I then pulled up my pants land to discover two tiny fang marks about a 1/4 inch apart.

Is it honestly possibly for a bat to climb up my shoe and then under my pants leg to bite me without noticing? My guess is if a bat bite me, it was a grounded rabid one, but I didn't see a bat whatsoever. When I felt something on my ankle, I quickly bent down and didn't notice a bat or whatever, but then again it was dark, but I figure a bat would be very noticeable. I haven't gotten rabies shots so this is bad if it was a bat, but do I really have a reason to worry? I just scared because the bite mark didn't match a spider bite and I doubt a snake could also bite me without seeing it.

Do camels have rabies? Should I be worried.?

2 days ago i went to the beach and i rode a camel, then the other camel bit me. it did break the skin. the the camel handler licked his finger, and the rubbed the cut. i then used hand sanitizer on it.
this happened in Morocco.
i wanted to go to a hospital, but my friends laughed.
Should i go to a hospital?

i know that this is a common sense thing, but i do not want to waste money going to a doctor and find out that i should not worry about it. or not go and die from some disease.
i am just not sure right now.

My dog ate a rat and I am worried about Rabies!?!?

What is up with all the rabies questions tonight?

First off, any puppy over 4 months of age can get its rabies shot....

Secondly, rats are not common carriers of rabies. Dogs eat rats and mice all the time. There is rarely is ever any ill effect experienced by the dog from this.

Thirdly, rabies is EXTREMELY rare in well developed countries (like USA, Canada, England, etc.). It is rarely if ever seen in pets, and very occasionally seen in wild life. The animals that are more likely to carry rabies are raccoons, skunks, and bats. Rats and mice are not likely to carry rabies, as it is unlikely for them to be bitten by a rabid animal.
Also, in order to be infected with rabies, the saliva or brain matter from the infected animal needs to enter the blood stream. Simply eating a rabies infected animal will not spread the virus unless the animal has an open wound in its mouth that saliva or brain matter could enter.

The incubation period of rabies is long. It will take on average about 1-2 months for signs of rabies to appear in an infected animal, and can take years in some cases. The animal cannot spread rabies until the virus has entered the brain, and an animal will not show symptoms until the virus has entered the brain. Once symptoms show, the animal has a maximum of 2 weeks to live.

Symptoms of the first stage of rabies:
loss of appetite
changes in behavior
tone of bark change
chewing at the bite site

Symptoms of the second stage:
extremely mean and aggressive
totally uncontrollable
break it own teeth by biting objects
constant growling
dilated pupils

Symptoms of third and final stage:
dropping of the lower jaw
unable to swallow any food
foaming at the mouth
paralysis of jaw, throat and chewing muscles

If you notice these symptoms or any other strange behavior in wildlife, contact animal control. But it's pretty unlikely for you to ever come across a rabid animal, and I can tell you right now that your dog does not have it.

Should I be worried about rabies?

Why should you be worried? Rabies is an infectious viral disease that can only occurs after dog bite or exposure to the virus through your broken skin/mucus membrane. Moreover good quality vaccines are available post exposure. So sleep quietly.

Should I be worried about rabies if my dog ate a gopher?

If you are worried ask your vet. I am not sure if that gopher had rabies.

Adopting stray dog, worried about rabies?

How do you tell if a stray dog you are going to adopt or adopted has rabies? you take the dog to the vet and they get the rabies shot, but how do you know they dont already have it, just arent showing the signs yet? we are abut to adopt a dog that was stray but very sweet but i have a small child and just worry about bites from a dog who might have been exposed.

Should I still be worried about rabies if a year goes after initial exposure?

I was bitten by a lion; yes a lion, in the zoo in Sri Lanka around 40 years ago. it was only a nip and I declined any treatment. Four weeks later I discovered that there had been an outbreak of rabies in the zoo! It didn’t really worry me since the lion had shown no signs of rabies. Really my answer depends on what sort of exposure you had and whether you had the vaccine. Despite all that it is extremely unusual for rabies (it’s actually hydrophobia) to develop after several months let alone a year. However to give you the full facts it is possible, though extremely unlikely for the disease to be manifest after a year. My personal advice, for what it is worth, is not to give it any more thought: worry itself can do more harm.

Should i worry about rabies if our dog scratched me?

I was giving her water last night (she has a habit of flipping her water bowl) and she scratched me. I didnt see if it was with her teeth or nails. I bled 2 dots. She was happy though that i gave her water, she immediately drank. She stays outdoors btw, but i make up for it with love and care. She just couldnt stay inside because my parents are senior citizens and they cannot risk falling from a dog's pee. I live in a gated house(which is common in the Philippines). She has complete vaccinations. I am worried because most Filipinos are raised to believe dogs carry rabies. But a vet told me that dogs can only get rabies if a rabid animal bites them. Should i be worried with my scratch?

Should I still be worried about rabies 10 months later after a feral cat bite?

Rabies can stay in a human body for up to seven years without signs showing. I have a phobia with rabies so I researched this topic religiously. I say if you are so worried go to the doctors and say you were bit by a feral kitten 10 months ago. Depending on your city's rabies prevalence, they may either start you on treatments or tell you its nothing to worry about.Also remember kittens and puppies have a low chance of having rabies because they usually do not survive a attack from a rabid creature who might attack them.It is vital to go to the doctors immediately aftee being bitten by a wild animal, a animal you do not know their vaccination history of, or any animals who are being abnormal…aka a friendly dog suddenly is aggressive, a noctural animal is seen in daytime, a wild animal is overly friendly.In America, only 1 to 2 human rabies cases happen a year, unfortunately its fatal once signs start showing except in 2 cases. In all fatal cases, they didn't go to the doctors after being bitten.I would have immediately gone to the doctors, not just for rabies but also for possible bacterial infections the kitten may have passed into your wound.I won't say don't worry about it but I will say the likelyhood of contracting rabies is rare in US. However, if you live in India or Mexico with higher rabies prevalence, I would go and get the rabies shots to be safe. Its painful but its better then a disease slowly destroying your brain.