Should I Become A Naturopathic Doctor Or Speech Therapist

Should I be Doctor, Nurse or Nurse Practitioner?

Forget about family if you become a doctor.
It takes a lot of work and dedication to become a doctor. Not only that .. money also. You have to go to college, then to medical school, then become a resident...
If you aren't able to get a full scholarship to college, I would say being a nurse is the best bet. There is a shortage in nurses, you will get respect, (but not as much as the doctor's of course) You will become a nurse faster than becoming a doctor. And you will be helping people on the same terms as a doctor. Apply for nursing school.

What is the best type of pediatric doctor to evaluate for autism?

Neurologist? Developmentalist? Psychologist? DAN?
I am at the point where I need to start advocating for my son, who I am positive he is HFA. He is 4 yrs old. It is hard to get him the help he needs because he is not profoundly impaired, but this problem does affect his everyday life. I can't get him the help he needs without a magic diagnosis. He currently has "LD" as a diagnosis, which gets him speech therapy, but he needs other therapies. What type of doctor should I take him to and why?

How is the homeopathy medicine aconite200 and stromonium200 for stuttering ?

Homeopathy is a useless scam

Medication is not used to treat stuttering - a speech therapist works with people who stutter to help them identify and address the specific challenges that are unique to each person. A hospital should be able to direct you to several.

What is a doctor who treats autism called?

Autism is NOT diagnosed by an occupational therapist. However, an occupational therapist may be part of a team that diagnoses it. Autism involves impairments in language and socialization, as well as more stereotyped interests, behaviors, and routines or rituals. Some of those more stereotyped behaviors are often rooted in sensory processing difficulties and an occupational therapist would look at that aspect of it. An occupational therapist would also provide services to address sensory and fine motor needs. However a specialist in behavior (psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.) should look at and work with socialization and a speech language pathologist should look at and work with language. Public schools often have teams like that who do those evaluations for free and provide those services. So do many hospitals. However, autism is also often diagnosed by doctors, psychiatrists, or psychologists by themselves. Any team or individual practitioner's ability to diagnose autism is only as good as their training beyond what is given in the classroom (which is very little on autism). Always ask any practitioner what their expertise with autism is. Any practitioner who has the expertise to diagnose autism will also make quality recomendations. If your child has autism, find a good occupational therapist, speech pathologist, and psychologist who can work together as a team to provide services.