Should I Buy My Friends Old Ipod

If I got an iPhone 4, would my friends be jealous?

if your saving up to buy this with your own money, your deff not spoiled and if they were your REAL friends they wouldn't think that. they actually should be happy for you that your able to do something like this for yourself.. anyways that's just my opinion and personal experience i guess, ALL of my friends were jealous of me bc i always had the upper hand on them, but i would never brag.. as long as you don't make such a big deal they should respect you for it. :)

Is My Friend Jealous Or Am I Spoiled?

Money is not the most important thing in life. But to people that don't have any, it seems like it always is.
You don't find out until you get some money that it doesn't buy happiness, or love, or real friends.
As long as you have money and she doesn't she can never be a real friend. Its not your fault -- it's not her fault. It is just the way it is. It is just too difficult of a situation. You will be put down and abused by her because she is jealous. No matter what you do, buying her gifts, loving her in any way, it will never be enough. It is a very sad situation.
When people become abusive the only thing you can do is put up boundaries. You can love them, pray for them, be their friend, but you need boundaries. You can say, 'what you are saying is hurtful and I can't be around people that hurt me all the time'. That way she will know why you have to distance yourself from her. You need to keep yourself healthy. She's the one with the problem, not you. Try to widen your circle of friends. You need to seek out people that won't abuse you. Find some new people at school, or plug into a youth group at a full gospel church or evangelical church. Lots of churches have wonderful youth groups. Their are lots of people for you to find new friends.
A very good book about boundaries is called 'boundaries' by henry cloud. They have boundaries books for all ages.
Hope you find people that love and appreciate you for you and stop with all the money crap. That's not a real friend.
god bless you sweetie ;)

Can i get kik on my ipod touch 3rd generation?

I just wanted to know because many people are saying that you cant and some are saying that you can. I am considering buying my friends old one, but I want to know if I can get kik on it first. Thanks to everybody who took the time to answer my question!