Should I Get A Quinceanera Or A Car

What should I do ! Quinceanera or car?

Your dad wants the Quinceanera because he doesn't want you to have a car.
He doesn't want to have the insurance bill and the problems from a young person in a car.
He doesn't want you to have a boyfriend driving your car.
He doesn't want you to have sex in your car.
He doesn't want you to have an accident in your car.
The police are more likely to stop you in a car.
If your friends bring drugs into your car you will go to jail.
You could get robbed for your car.

Quinceanera vs car...?

Nobody I know ever had a quinceanera and I hadn't heard of it until the girls I babysat turned off Hannah Montana and turned on MTV's Sweet Sixteen show. I generally understand that the show features wildly tacky displays of material wealth so if that's what a quinceanera normally looks like, you might have a decent budget.

But bear in mind that a big party and a vehicle do not need to be mutually exclusive OR equally priced. A lavish party may cost $20,000+ while the car for someone whose parents throw that party could cost well over $45,000. It doesn't matter what the average party costs if you can't afford to celebrate like that. For you it sounds like the option is one or the other, not both. In that case, you might want to think Japanese or domestic in terms of brands. The favorites are always a Corolla and Civic for first-time drivers with a budget. Service is cheap, gas mileage is great, safety is good, and depreciation is slow. Avoid the premium labels of Nissan (Infiniti), Toyota (Lexus), VW (Audi), and Honda (Acura). Service and maintenance are unreasonably more expensive.

You have a very long time until you need to consider driving anything of your own. Two years gives you plenty of time to do some research online and, when the time comes, do a lot of supervised driving to get a feel for what you like. Decide what's comfortable for you, where you budget stands, and keep bookmarked for any new or used car questions you develop.

Quinceanera vs. Car?

I'm turning 15 next year and my dad wants to get me a car instead of throwing a party because I'm learning to drive but then my mom wants the party. I want the car too but a party seems fun too. I'm having a really hard time choosing, I know I'll have memories with a quinceanera but the car will last longer, and all the money spent on the party will go to waste, since all the decorations and stuff will be ruined by the next day. I'm Mexican obviously.

Should i get a quinceanera or a car?

Well if I were you id go for the car but think at a quinceanera you get more stuff but will a car be better go with what you think its what you think not what we think.

Should I have a quinceanera?

ok so I want one but I don't. becuz if I have it it would only be one day and won't last, but if I don't have it i might regret it later. My mom gave me two choices. 1) have a quinceanera. 2) have a small party and get a car. I don know which one. all the girls at my skool are getting one

What do you do at a quinceanera?

A quinceañera is the closest equivalent of a sweet sixteen party. It means fifteen years (quince años) and culturally it means the convertion of the person de niña a mujer (from girl to woman).Typical quinceañera party usually starts at church, and then it is followed up by the actual party that consists of a lot of music, sometimes a live band, lots of food and alcohol. It features a dance done by the birthday girl and a group of young men called chambelán (chambelanes in plural, it comes from the word Chamberlain) somewhat of a group of escorts that follow the girl , all dress wearing the same outfit (tuxedo or a type of cadet uniform). Then another ceremony is performed where the lady dances with her favorite doll or toy and then leaves the afermentioned toy , representing she has ended a period in her life and starts another one. This is called ceremonia de la ultima muñeca (ceremony of the last doll).According to wikipedia's article about the quinceañeras, the basic reception has six major parts with dances taking place while a traditional Mexican meal is served:The formal entry - A grand entrance made by the Quinceañera once most guests have been seated.The formal toast - An optional but usually featured part of the reception, generally initiated by the parents or godparents of the birthday girl.The first dance - Usually a waltz where the girl dances, starting with her father.The family dance - Usually a waltz involving just the immediate relatives, the "chambelanes", godparents, and the closest friends of the girl.The preferred song - Any modern song particularly enjoyed by the Quinceañera is played and danced.The general dance - Also usually a traditional waltz.Traditionally, Mexican girls could not dance in public until they turned fifteen, except at school dances or at family events. So the waltz with her "chambelanes" is choreographed and elaborate to celebrate what was meant to be the quinceañera's first public dance.It is very traditional for girls to celebrate this birthday, and the parents, specially the father, starts saving money for this event many years prior to the big party. I have been to quinceañeras that have spend more money than certain weddings. Some girls decide to use the money to either buy a car or make a big trip with her friends to some place far away, instead of doing the party.

Should I choose a Quinceanera or Car?

I'm having trouble making a decision; to have a quinceanera or to just get a car when I'm 16... We always move, so I don't really know enough people well enough to have a quinceanera with an even mix of friends and family. I've always dreamed about having a quinceanera since I was a little girl and I still have another 7-8 months until I have to decide what to do. Should I have a quinceanera or just go with the car?

Quinceañera or car?

I m turning 15 in a year and I have the decision between a quinceañera or a car and I m not sure what to do because if I have the quince I can t get a car until I have enough money to buy it on my own (which won t be for a long time) but If i get a car instead of a quince my parents will pay for the car so what should I do?

Whats better a quinceanera or a car?

well, personally, i would pick the quinceanera. i'm havinq mine in June, and i think it's a pretty amazinq thinq. && like the person above me said, you only have one chance to have a 15, and i would take it. you can always qet the car later, and travel later too. but a quinceanera is never qonna happen again. hope i helped. (:

Should i have a quinceanera or the money?

well my parents aren't really "party" people so they told me if i rather want a car ,or money ($ they would spend in a 15) , or a quinceanera...what should i choose? i actually want a 15 because it will be one of the best memories in life and is once in a lifetime.i don't really want a car because im still young and anyways i could use my parents car. The money i would want it for the future but hey money comes and goes.right? so im thinking that i should have a 15 for fun because anyways i would waste the money but to go to college and that wouldn't be still young and i should enjoy it don't you think...well what do you suggest?