Should I Get It Again From Other People

Can two people who are sick, get each other sick over again?

It really depends what they are sick with. After you get sick, your body designs antibodies that fight that particular disease or virus. Sometimes these antibodies work really well, other times...less so.

Two people can pass the same strain of syphilis back and forth. They can't pass chicken pox back and forth, because once they get it they become immune.

There are over 200 viruses that cause colds. More then half of them we know you can only catch once. About a third of colds are caused by a strain of virus you can catch again.

If your son and mother have different cold viruses, they can certainly infect each other again.

Can you fall in love again with the same person?

Like if you were in love with this one person and then you and that person fell out of it because of problems, but still love each other just not in love is it possible to fall in love again with that same person?

Why do some people irritate other people again and again?

Thats just because they love seeing your reaction, they love seeing you lose. The day you get up and show the other person that you are must stronger then what he presumes will be the last day he/she will irritate you.Even if not, then atleast you will get stronger to realise that it doesn’t matter what the other person says or does because believe in urself thats it. Onces you become that strong the other person won’t bother you no matter what he/she does.The other person can only irritate you until unless you let them do it.Never give the power to the other person to make you feel bad or irritate you. Trust me when I say..”Its all in your hands how other people treat you”.

I can't trust anyone and I don't like people.?

Hey, so I am 20 years old. I have no friends and nobody really talks to me. I try making conversation with people and put forth an effort to make friends but nobody is interested. I have no social skills and do no trust a single person. I have been stabbed in the back and screwed over so many times that I don't think anyone is a good person anymore. Whenever I discover a trait in someone new (that someone in the past who screwed me over possessed) I don't want anything to do with them because they all end up being the same. I have no self esteem or confidence in myself and it's impossible to build any up if I keep getting reminded of how shitty everyone is every time I come out of my shell to talk to people. I just don't understand anyone and I feel like an alien. I hate big crowds and I fail at engaging in the simplest of communications. One thing that makes the situation worse is that I get my hopes up and expect the world out of each new individual I meet. I refuse to befriend someone who drinks or does drugs because I have witnessed the hurtful and stupid things that can take place while under the influence of them. It seems like every girl cheats these days and if they don't then they can easily be persuaded to when they hang out with guys who try to get them drunk or high. I don't respect guys who take advantage of girls like that either. What do I do, and how do I trust anyone in this world anymore?

I also want to ignore people who ignore me back. But I just can't. How can I deliberately ignore people?

Dude, I'm in the same boat! I want to ignore some people so badly that they feel what I feel. They GET hurt so bad that they come to me saying, "I'm sorry!!" That's when I don't accept the apology and they keep running behind me. So that I'll show them my worth. Doesn't that sound familiar? (Okay, I know I exaggerated :P) You know what's terribly wrong? Read those bold lines once again. Again. Again. Get a hint? Let me frame it again - so that they'll know how important I'm. What's wrong? Like, they should acknowledge my worth, shouldn't they? They should. But the only reason you are ignoring them, or want to, is because you don't feel valued by yourself. External validation. The only reason you can't ignore them is because you are thirsty for their approval. You. Don't. Fucking. Need. That. Middle. Class. Approval. They cannot define what you can do. If someone cannot prove it to you that you're important to them, pull the chain and get off the train, board another one. Don't waste your time on them making them understand; that's stupidity. They won't change- they'll simply miss an opportunity to know someone great. Build yourself. That's the key. Nothing else can help. Once you get to the skies trees seem small.

Why do people talk over each other in a conversation?

It’s annoying. Isn’t it?When someone talks over us and doesn’t let us finish what we had to say. Most of the time, however, this behavior is not intentional. And the funny fact is, that no one likes it done to them but all of us are guilty of doing it.We all have been interrupted and have interrupted someone ourselves.The main reason I believe is that often people communicate with an intention to respond and not to listen to what other person has to say.When someone is talking about something a similar story/ opinion/suggestion pops up in our mind and then we can’t wait to share it with the other person.I have a friend who NEVER EVER lets me finish what I had to say. She always has something similar to my story that has happened to her and so she interrupts me and continues with her story. In the beginning, it used to annoy me to my core. However later I began realizing that most of the time she wasn’t even aware of the fact that she had been constantly interrupting everyone.So now if someone talks over me and interrupts something important that I was sharing, then I simply talk over them and nicely let them know that I am not finished speaking yet. However, it completely depends on the situation.Having said that I also keep track of how many times I am talking over others. :)

My boyfriend wants to date other people?

My (now) fiance broke up with me last year for about 6 months because he "wasn't sure how he felt about me". We did stay friends throughout the whole 6 months (yes... strictly friends with no hanky panky) He ended up dating 2 other girl during that 6 months before coming back to me. I waited for him because I knew in my heart that he would be back (we had a wonderful relationship and hardly ever had a disagreement). Later when he came back he told me he was just scared because he knew he cared for me more than he'd ever cared for anyone else and was afraid of getting hurt so he left to sort through the uncertainty. I say if you know he'll be back and he's worth waiting for then wait for a while (not too long... after maybe a year then you should definately start to move on if you haven't already)... good luck!!!!!

How do i stop myself from getting depressed by other people's' success? Please read description carefully

So dear friend, I am glad to read your description. Yes, I actually am. Because I feel the same. When I take a look around me every one is so damn good, their life just rock. Their parents, friends and ways always work out. But you know when time passes by I realised how lucky I initially am in far more ways.Each one of us is lucky, it just happens that we happen to focus so much on the things that don't matter, that the one those do just escape. Your problem isn't a big one. It's just as easy as ABC. Beacuse you as an individual have solutions to it, but because you're letting outer forces overpowering you again and again. All you need is passion. Don't look what others are doing, if someone did it better, set in your mind that you've to do it best way possible. Nothing is impossible my friend. And I know you'll be doing it all. Firstly, cut down the areas thay troubles you the most. You don't like people around you, don't pay heed to what they have to say. Keep focused and walk away. Go with your passion, you like photography do it. It can not be possible that overnight you become the best photographer, but it's possible that with just the right spirit and hard work you may become best of all. Don't leave your job right now as you may need financial aid,join any Institute that train you for your hobby along with the job. Once you're set to get professional in that field leave your job.All of this is quite easy to write but what all you'll face is not. You said you lose motivation easily, because others have a strong impact on you. Stop that right only. It's good that you like to spend time in solitude, you may invest that time in you only . In that time do whatever interest you. You being a creative fellow should water that damaged plant inside you, and should help it grow. It will help you get a good future. Else never explain yourself to anyone around. Let them say whatever they wish to. Never react or respond. It should not matter to you anyway. Massive success is the best revenge, you know. Keep reading good books, stay positive. Else try motivating others, start healing others that's how you'll be able to heal yourself. You will realise how bad you're to think of your life worst ever. There are million struggling even for a two square meal. As for now all you need is yourself. Do it because you can. Do it because you should. Do it for yourself. Do it.Stay strong. Stay positive.God bless. :)Good luck. :)