Should I Go For A Run And Workout Or Rest Today

Workout Rest Days?

I ve recently decided I need to start working out. I have zero experience in the fitness area, so I did some googling for beginners work outs. I found a little circuit workout last night that I like and that was my first time doing it. It just involves 20 body weight squats, 10 push ups, 20 walking lunges, 10 dumbbell rows, 15 second plank and 30 jumping jacks. I do all of that, rest by just like having some water and/or running in place, and then I do it again.
I still feel the burn today but I kind of don t want to not do anything today. I really need to lose like 20 lbs. Will not resting damage my body somehow? Can I try going for a jog? Or should I just rest, given that I m a newbie?

Should I run first or do abs workout first?

Run first.
(Seems to be unanimous!)

You should do aerobics before weight training (anaerobics).

If you’re trying to built muscle mass, doing crunches (not sit-ups which are harmful and ineffective), you have to push your muscles beyond their limits so their tear and have to repair stronger. Then you should rest…and NOT go for a run, since your muscles would be “spent” (so you have to do aerobics before that).
Then, for your muscles to repair stronger, you need a day of rest in your 20s (or younger), 2 days of rest in your 30s, 3 days of rest in your 40s…and so on. In order to get stronger, you have to get sore which tells you that your muscles are repairing stronger. Wait until, and as soon as, the soreness is completely gone to go at it again.

You can do aerobics every day, but only do weight training when you’re not sore anymore.

So, give time for your muscles to repair stronger and as soon as you’re not sore, go at it again. Each session, you should do more repetitions (if you cannot progress, this is because you did not push your muscles enough or you did but you did not give them enough time to repair completely, or you waited too long between sessions, like a week).

Also don’t run if you’re sore. The rest period is the most important because this is really when your muscles are getting stronger, if you let them be. Pushing a sore muscle just prevent it from healing properly and getting stronger.

I go to gym everyday and after workout I jog for 5 miles, is it good or am I doing wrong?

Wrong Notion.Complete Blunder.Jogging is a cardiovascular exercise which helps in pumping up the blood throughout the body. It is very important before intense weight workout routine. Your body get stretched and become flexible. It helps in preventing injuries during workouts while lifting heavy weight. So it's a pre-workout thing.After you workout, your body repairs or replaces damaged muscle fibers through a cellular process where it fuses muscle fibers together to form new muscle protein strands or myofibrils. These repaired myofibrils increase in thickness and number to create muscle hypertrophy (growth).1 Muscle growth occurs whenever the rate of muscle protein synthesis is greater than the rate of muscle protein breakdown. This adaption, however, does not happen while you actually lift the weights. Instead, it occurs while you rest.So jogging after gym will neutralize your hard work (lifting weight) and you will end up gaining nothing but wasting time.

Is it necessary to take 1 day rest in a full week gym workout?

Hi,The answers everyone gave you is correct but there’s a flip side to your question.Taking one day rest is not a very important thing. You should understand what rests means for your body part. For e.g. if you workout for chest on monday then atleast give 48 hours for recovery of that particular muscle group.So according to me, its not much important to take a full day rest, if you know which muscle group you are working on and you are giving it appropriate time to recover.Many will not agree with me but if you are hitting the same muscle group repeatedly and taking a day-off that wont help you at all.Rest is very important for recovery but you should know which body party to give rest to.Thanks!

Should I take a rest for a day from running?

You definitely should take a few rest days if you want to improve your running. A lot of marathon runners see improvement in their time after they take scheduled rest days. Rest days restore not just your muscle but also your joint and nervous system. Once they are refreshed, you can be more efficient at running. You should do some foamrollling, yoga or leisure activity on your rest days to help with recovery. To learn more about rest days and fitness performance, you can check out the detailed video below:Good luck :-)

Should you workout when you have a cold?

If your symptoms are above the neck (it's just a head cold), no fever, and you feel like it, you're good to go for light to moderate exercise (nothing too intense). If you have a fever, or below-the-neck symptoms (body aches, chest congestion, etc such as with the flu) then postpone until you're completely well.

Is it good to work out every day? If not, how often should you work out?

When I first started going to the gym I would do 3 day or 4 day training splits.A three day training split would look like this, push, pull, legs, and then a rest day.Then repeat the processes.Eventually however after about the first two years of my weight training career I started to go to the gym every single day. I would go until my body decided it needed a rest day which averaged out to be about every 7-10 days.I remember distinctly one time last year when I was cutting that I went to the gym 23-28 days in a row without a rest day.Is that bad?Not necessarily. I felt great. I was shredded and had a decent amount of muscle mass on my body.I achieved what I was aiming for a aesthetic looking body.It’s not that I needed to go to the gym every single day it was more just because I enjoy it so much.You can add on muscle or lose fat by going to the gym 4-5 times a week no problem.Whatever you decided just make sure you are getting ample amounts of rest when you sleep. That’s where the muscle gains and fat loss happen.