Should I Go For Her Or Give Up

Should I just give up and let her go?

When you really love someone it means  not only that you give unconditionally everything you got, that you can give. But also means that you truly accept and respect that person, including her decisions about her life, the decision to believe in your relationship or not, the decision to see her life with or without you. The feeling that we can't stay without someone it comes from pure dependency we create on a person, the unconscious desire to possess someone.As long as you work on self respect, loving and caring "You" in the first place, recognising that you are indipendent. You will see that the right people, the people who care are the ones that will enjoy you in your life.I hope she is the one and that she find many good reasons  to come back, if she don't, than keep loving her even more as you peacfully let her go and wish her a happy life.5 Ways To Forgive And Forget - Peak Performance Success Coach

Should I give up on her?

I met a girl at college about a month ago. this is a community college so she still lives at home. The problem is she can’t go anywhere because of her parents just school and home. I asked her to go out for coffee she can’t do it. I offered her a ride home she said her mom will kill her. Hell I don’t even got her number because her dad checks her phone I had to get her Snapchat. I’m really thinking what’s the point? She claims to be a satanist but I believe that’s bull because she doesn’t even have the guts to go against her mother. I’m lost at this point I like her but I really don’t want to deal with this.

Should I give up with her?

So there's this girl I really like she's super pretty and nice Nd we have a couple classes together (were both juniors in high school). I got her number at the beginning of the school year and we've talked and texted a lot. One day in november I decided to ask her out and she of course saidno but that she wanted to hang out first and see where it went... 3 months later we still haven't hung out and Ive asked her on several occasions, and one day I just said to her (and I'm paraphrasing here) "look do you really want to hang out with me?" and she said that she truly wanted to hang out but was too busy. So flash forward to last week: I knew she was going on vaca to puerto rico the following week (this week) so I texted her saying I hope she had fun and that I'd talk to her durin vaca and she said "sure!!" so I was a Lil happy but then I texted her on Monday Wednesday and tonight and she never responded to me at all... And she got back today so I was at least expecting her to respond today but she didn't... I was thinking of asking her to prom and it's kinda weird cuz if I were to ask her and she said no I would have to shoot low to get a date cuz there's nobody else that I can think of that I'd have a shot with. But do you think she's giving me a sign by not responding? And be honest.

When & how do I give up?

My X keeps coming back into my life wanting to remarry then she leaves again I do love her so how do i fix this she cheated & left . WE were married 21years !

Should I wait or should I give up on her?

You might feel that stars align when you both meet but when she is always hesitated and is never really sure, whether you are the right fit for her,someday she will eventually meet someone , invest a lot in that person within a short space of time and then you won't be able to digest that for your me, you ll cry silently everyday even though she will stop talking with you or start getting away from know that you can't find another her and with the fear of loosing you'll never bring this thing forward in your conversations with her.Also she is not gonna believe at any point in time that you could give her the best love and can take the responsibility of her happinesses .Hesitation is a response. Silence is a response. Being unsure of something or someone is a response.i would say you to give up on her.I know it's difficult to hate some one for what they have done because you are still in love with them for what they had been ,when you were together.Don’t wait for anyone who is unsure about you. Love is not unsure. It does not hesitate. If a person says they might love you someday in future but not today, bear it in mind that they will grow to leave you when ‘better’ comes along.And of course, it hurts to read this answer. But I say let your heart bleed early enough. It won’t kill you. Scratch that.Leave this person.

Shall I just give up on her?

I've fell quite hard for this girl i've been talking to recently on msn and occasionally a hello in college.

She is shy, but i've catched her saying hello to other people on myspace, so it can't be what shes like to everyone.

she has never started a conversation with me on msn, It's always been me and her replies sometimes take quite a while.

My problem being is I really like her now, But i need a way to move on.

Should I delete her from my msn and not go on myspace for a week or two?

Or should I give it as long as it takes then accept it was never going to happen.

I'm really confused!

thanks if you read all that and reply!

She said she doesn't want me anymore, should I give up? And let her go? Do you think it's a sign to stop pursuing her?

Yes. Absolutely. You should appreciate her honesty and move on. Once she says that you have ZERO chance of "winning" her back if you continue to chase.  Move on. Find other interests and date other women.Sometimes a funny thing happens and the person who dumps you is suddenly more interested in you when they see there's actually  competition and that you are no longer exclusively theirs.  Then they want you back.  Don't count on this; you'll only get hurt.  This only works if you truly move on. Don't talk to her. Don't text her. Do not ever think of stalking her.  Then if she wants back, take it VERY slow, don't jump right back in. Play hard to get.  Odds are by the time this happens, which is usually 6-8 weeks, you have realized she isn't your ideal mate and you've found better.Never, ever chase someone who has said they don't want you.  Not only does it NOT work but you're wasting time and will only get hurt.