Should I Go Into Work Or Should I Concentrate On School

Why i can't concentrate in school?

Try this easy to do thing. When you are in class, stare at a point somewhere above central eye level, and stare at it hard. Put all your concentration in that point, and wait a short few seconds like 20 seconds, and notice how in no time at all while you continue to stare at that point, you notice things in your outer (peripheral) vision. as yo continue to only look at that point, notice that you can put your concentration into the other things on the outer rims of your vision, whilst looking only at the point. If you do this, and start noticing thigns in the other areas of your vision, withought actually looking at them, you will feel a change in your consciousness. You will be more focused, and the internal voices will quieten, and you will concentrate much more. and continue when you are looking at the class or the teacher to look with your whole eyes, look at the person, but at the same time see the things all around your eye sight also, the posters, cupboards, doors, other people in the class, see and absorb it all. You will find you can concentrate like nobody else in the class.

I can't concentrate on my school work at home.?

You could ask a teacher or counselor about it. A lot of good students get bad grades because of homework issues, even when they know the content. Try going to the quietest corner of the house, or ask your sister if you could be left alone while you do it. If it's nice out, you can try sitting outside too.

How can I concentrate on studying after working the whole day?

I like to call it ‘hitting reset’!It’s the absolute best way I have found to concentrate on studying after work. And the good thing is, there are ways it can work for anyone.But first, let's bust some myths that are holding us back:I am mentally tired after work and therefore I cannot concentrate on studies – falseI am physically tired after work and therefore I cannot concentrate on studies – falseI was productive all day at work, therefore I don’t need to study to feel gratified – falseThese are limiting beliefs that prevent us achieving our potential. I have struggled with all three in the past. But after proving each of them wrong I am no longer bound by their control.Back to the important point – Hitting ResetWhen I am mentally exhausted after a long day in the office the best way to concentrate on studying is by resetting my mind and body.To reset the mind and body take your focus off work and completely immerse yourself in an activity where your mind and body are free. I also like to call this your ‘zoning out time’.The purpose is to clear your head and allow your mind to naturally process thoughts, and your body to naturally dissipate today's stress.For me, physical exercise works best.I put on my shoes and headphones, switch on my favorite playlist, and go for a run. I’m more introverted, so this hour of alone time gives me a chance to recharge and refresh.By the time I have showered, had water and food, I feel like a new person.At that point, I am ready to concentrate on studying.I recommend finding an activity that works best for you. Here are some ideas:Practice YogaFind a calm place and meditateHit the gym for a workoutFind some nature and go for walkWrite down your thoughts in a journalLie down and listen to relaxing musicTurn up the music and dance!If you can build one of these activities into your routine it will not only improve your concentration, but it can also benefit your mind, body, and spirit.Give it a go.The Reformed Student

I can't concentrate on school because I want a girlfriend?

it happened to me all the time. i finally dropped out it was so bad. i would masturbate constantly and feel horrible afterwards. i even felt like i was stalking some women. lusting and popping boners in my sweat pants just walking down the street. i don't know what to tell you. buy books on sex and relationships? "The Game" by Neil Strauss got me started. tells you how to be a pickup artist. of course, it only works if you're confident about yourself and look good. i used to look good but then gained 100 lbs. now i'm not so confident. but i'm learning. the best thing to do is find a place where everyone is studying and then study there. their studying will further motivate you to study. however, this didn't work for me two times as i was lusting for one girl and another time when i was checking out bikini models on the internet. but i've had success in the business building's library. this was in iowa. but, the fact remains that i'm a dropout. i've invested in a lot of books and video games. no tests, just fun and pleasure. except for the part where you have to work to make money. i live with my parents but at least i've got my books and games. i guess. i have to realize that your best is all you can do. i think this internet porn **** has us really messed up in the sexual ethics department. like when i recalled the feeling i just wanted to have sex and bend em over. there's something very wrong about that. it's called rape. but as we grow to be men, i think it's normal to feel like doing things like murder and rape. but never to act upon those urges. just saying. but i mean, it still works like it does in the good old days with chivalry and respect and gentlemanliness. you just have to practice cold approaching girls. like say hey or break the ice or get their number or facebook them or have goals ya know? i'm a really impulsive guy and i think i dropped out just to start a family and get a job immediately. no more waiting around. of course, i'll earn significantly less, but there's less stress and pressure involved. college just wasn't the environment for me. i'd go back in a heartbeat though. i can't afford it. lost my virginity in college. once you get some that's all you want. period. hope this helped. i'd say more but it's getting pretty winded.

How can I help my 7 yr old son concentrate at school? He’s bright and can do the work but would rather look out of the window?

Someone once asked John Lennon what he wanted to be when he grew up. I think his response was “happy”. The questioner responded by saying John didn't understand the question. Lennon replied with “you don't understand life”.Just let him be. He sounds like a dreamer. He'll find something he likes. School work is mostly boring.When I was in school I never focused on what I considered arbitrary hoop jumping. It seemed like a pointless waste of time. Art class was different. That made sense. Ended up doing graphic design for a living.Ask him what he likes to do and encourage it. He might want to be a yoga teacher, or a SCUBA diving instructor. Doing well in school does not mean one will do well in life. It means you are good at hoop jumping and box ticking. Maybe good material for a cubicle employee. Not so much for a life warrior.Namaste

HELP!!! Addicted to yahoo answers, can't focus on school work, someone please tell me good stratagies to stop?

Look at a lot of these questions and answers and some of the people who ask them. This could be you in a few years if you don't start doing your homework and getting good grades. Do you want to be a no life moron who asks idiotic questions in here as opposed to using the search engine? Better yet, do you want to be a member of the Y Answers Staff??? In this case you would be a clueless moron with no people skills whose only purpose in life is to send out violation notices that you can't read or understand.
Need any more motivation??? Get off this site now and HIT THOSE BOOKS!!!!

Should i quit my job and focus on school?

Hi im 22 and in college and im a transfer student who recently got into a university. I go to school 5 days a week, however i also work a fast food job on weekends not much money (I know) however it’s enough to buy food and stuff. I live at home so I have no bills but realized my classes are kinda challenging I’m doing math French chemistry and writing class all in the same day I’m falling asleep on my homework assignments and I’m currently struggling in chemistry I failed the first quiz. I haven’t had a math or chemistry class in over 5 years so it’s to be expect. So my grandma offered to pay me $100 a week to quit my job for school but my mom said I should be independent and get my own money and not to rely on her. On top of that my job is short staffed so me leaving would hurt them, but at the same time would give me more study time?
Should I leave my fast food job and take the $100 a week or should I just drop a class and keep my job?