Should I Go To Africa Someday

What comes into your mind when you hear the word "Africa"?

I ask this because I am an African living in Africa although I have travelled to developed countries before. And I know that the foreign media portrays Africa in the worse possible light.But I also know that life in developed countries are not as PERFECT as they portray,else people wont die in the cold during winter.
So as an African it is pretty annoying when the media keeps broadcasting stories that make the rest of the world wonder if there is anything good at all in Africa or the continent if full AIDS,famine and war knowing how they love to exagurate just to make the stories breaking news or catch public's attention.

And those of you who have been to Africa before what were your thoughts before you visited?
Had they changed positively or negatively after your visit or vacation?
What led to the change of perception?

Would you like to see every place in Africa modernised someday?

Definitely not!When visiting the Okavango Delta in Botswana, this is the only way to travel:By Mokoro - Wikipedia, a type of canoe made from a dug out tree trunk and propelled by a human poler. Sure, in an effort to save trees, there’s been some modernisation:But it’s still essentially the same thing and method.The day they change it to something like thisis when I’ll take up the Australian offer of easier emigration.The same applies to these fishermen from Lake MalawiOr the fish traps at Kosi BaySome things just need to be left alone - there’s enough concrete and tarmac out there for those who want it.

Is America going to become like South Africa?

I doubt that very much. Your comment reflects a thinking that race is more important than education and formation. Don’t get me wrong. I do not think you are a racist. You just need more information. States with the most minorities are the ones more advanced in America. two examples are New York and California. if that were true West Virginia(94.3% white) and North Dakota (90% white) would be the most progressive states of the Union. The GDP of New York State is the equivalent of Brazil. The GDP of California is the equivalent of Spain. While the GDP of West Virginia is similar to Venezuela; North Dakota GDP is the equivalent of Peru. See below the link for your perusal. you will see that the top 10 States in GDP have a medium to high minority population.Comparison between U.S. states and countries by GDP (nominal) - WikipediaGross domestic product - WikipediaWe should not compared ourselves to South Africa. That is a country with a more complicated history. Apartheid in that country created the issues they have today. A very rich in resources country but with enormous social disparities and race issues. I hope one day things improve there. I have to deal with people from South Africa weekly and they are very nice and friendly.As long as we invest in Education and we help lift themselves from poverty and ignorance those who were left behind, we will continue to be the best country in the world. For that we need people and politicians on both sides of the aisle taking action, we must be colorblind to take this country to even higher levels, for that we need EVERYBODY to lend a hand.

Could Africa someday declare itself a single country?

Original question: Could Africa someday declare itself a single country?In theory yes. In reality.. Please do look at a map over the continent Africa. And then zoom in and notice the abnormally straight lines (countries drawn and decided by Europeans regardless of where one tribe/nation/other’s land ended and another’s began). Once you’ve done so consider researching the continent and all the problems and wars they’ve had with one another. After that..I can’t imagine Scandinavia actually becoming its own country, never mind Europe.. of which does have a lot of diversity (nowhere near as large as Africa though).. So.. Theoretically its a yes, in reality.. Its extremely unlikely.

Will the black race be extinct someday?

Yes, there is some day in future when the last black woman in the planet will pass away because she would be very old, and will be the last one at least who is 70% black if she is of a mixed race. When it will be harder to accept that your next generations will not see the black race, when it will seem as if no one hated one another just because of the color of their skin, when young generations will be hungry for the answers to “what went wrong with the black race, were there no other ways for them to be saved?”, when those questions will either be asked to God if there are still people believing in God. When it will revealed that who invented HI virus and what was his intention…We are dieing, and our leaders, are doing nothing about that, they are enriching themselves. Only what I can do to save my race, is to stay away from unprotected sex.For those who don't like black race: your children will not understand why black people were the worst race in the world. Please let's love one another at least for this period were still able to see each other. Let's not fight and kill each other for the rocks minerals, let's not fight and kill each other over oil and other resources but let's sing and enjoy, wash each other's wounds when one is injured regardless of the skin color. We are all spiritual beings, materialistic things will not help us live in peace, love and happiness.Please forgive me, I don't mean to offend anyone…

Do African Americans know their African origin?

Details of the question:I hope this doesn't sound racist, I'm genuinely curious.I come from a (non US) country that has many immigrants in it, and almost everyone knows where their forefathers came from, even ten generations back.I'm curious if African Americans know the land their familiy came from, or if it's even documented anywhere.My response:Some do and some don’t.The term African American is very misleading and it sort of lumps all the people of African descent living in the USA into one category but they shouldn’t be.The African Americans whose ancestors were taken over to the USA as slaves hundreds of years ago, do not in general know their African origin. Obviously they can do DNA provenancing like anyone else and find out which general area their ancestors came from but it’s unlikely most will.Some African Americans migrated from Africa of their own will after slavery had ended. They still continue to do so and they get assimulated into black American culture but they do not have a shared history with the descendants of enslaved African Americans. They obviously know their own history as any other migrant does.The term African American also includes people of mixed race heritage who might have family from some other parts of the world. Why should they be more interested in their African heritage than their European for example?Your question and the details thereof do annoy me. I don’t know if they’re racist but it certainly is ignorant because it’s lumping a very diverse group of people into a category and shows that you’ve never actually given the issue any thought. You mention immigrants but your question seems to disregard African migration to the Americans even though Africans reached the Americas before Europeans and before the Atlantic slave trade.

Do you know how how should i tame and make my African Ringneck parrot calm and not afraid of me ?

Parrots love human contact. They love to be taken out and held and talked to. If you're watching TV, get a perch.. Watch the parrot sit right on it and watch TV with you. Hold him and teach him words. Maybe someday you'll get to have a conversation with him. Our parrot can say "hi", "How you", and "pretty bird"... just to name a VERY few. She'll lower her voice and rumble a little to mimic the TV, or a lot of people in the room talking...

Just take her out and give her lots of love and attention. Keep in mind that a LOT of parrots are smuggled and literally just beat up when they come to us. They need to know that they're loved.

Also make sure you feed her right. Lots of fruits and veggies, but actually low on the sunflower seeds and peanuts.

I happen to like a girl but she lives in South Africa. I'm in London. I'm 19 years old. Should I still chase after her?

What follows is just my informed opinion: take it with that knowledge in mind. Long-distance relationships are hard; it's a universal fact. More important still than that, however, is that if you get to know someone online - as opposed to offline - you aren't really learning about them as completely as you could. For this reason, I think LDRs are better for couples who already have spent plenty of time together offline, have a solidly committed relationship, and are prepared to weather the storm of physically being apart until some future date when they will once again be together. If they cannot look forward to any future horizon at which they will eventually reunite, it's probably better to part ways - because a relationship that is exclusively online lacks substance. We can tailor our appearance to our partner, hiding or minimizing our flaws while making up or exaggerating good qualities.So the questions I have to guide you through this decision are:Will you someday move to South Africa?Will she someday move to London?Have you two already spent substantial time together offline?If the answer to all 3 of these questions is "no", it's probably better to not pursue a romance with her. If "yes" is the answer to at least one, you might have a chance, and if it's "yes" to either the first or second and the third, I think you should give it a try. Just know that it's a lot easier to date local people, and if you do decide to give the LDR thing a try, be under no illusions about that fact (and make sure she isn't either).I hope this helps and I wish you well. Comment or send a message if you have more to say / ask, follow me if you'd like to keep up, and check out my Quora blog. :)