Should I Keep Playing My Sports

I'm 16, should I get a job or play sports?

This is a great question because many don't think about this decision; most just do what sounds fun. I'm going to assume that balancing both isn't an option for whatever reason, schedule conflict probably. Your teenage years are a great time to hold a job. Without any life-dependent bills you can save as much as you want. With a parent's help you can even start investing long-term. And of course, the benefit of having money to freely spend. The penalties to having a job vary from person to person. I myself struggle with keeping up on school and having a job, but you could be different. A job can also be mentally strenuous which could affect all aspects of life, keep this in mind when job hunting. Sports are a great thing to be involved in. They can increase your team-oriented skills, they are a good way to blow off steam, and they can even lead to scholarships. With the added exposure you also have the potential to make more friends, which is always a good thing. One downside to sports is the schedule. There aren't many ways to avoid a big game, so the schedule is often less flexible than a job. No one can give a definite answer on which you should do, especially without knowing your schedule. In my opinion, I think you should get a job. Be picky and get one you don't absolutely hate. After bills, save 50%, invest 25%, and use 25% for entertainment purposes.

I don't know if I should keep playing my sport...?

I have been figure skating for about 8 years now, and I don't know if I should keep doing it.

This year, I got tons of different injuries that took me out of skating for around 4 months. Though that isn't a very long time, skating is a sport that requires constant practice, otherwise your jumps/spins will be lost. After doing physical therapy and getting back on the ice, I am so much worse than I used to be and I couldn't be more frustrated. I can't do things that used to be easy and my competitive season is likely to be a disaster.

Along with some elements of skating physically being lost, the passion I have for it also seems to be absent. I'm not really sure if I don't like it anymore, I just don't like where I am at and whenever I am at practice I am just sad because I'm not as good as I used to be.

My mom pressures me a lot with skating, for she is almost as involved as I am. She has been nagging me about staying motivated and more focused on skating/music/costumes but I really just am not interested in spending so much time on it. She has been making this experience so much harder.

I am in high school, and have wanted to tour around the world with Disney on Ice before going to college for as long as I can remember. Now, when I think of what I am going to do after graduation, all I can think about is college and how much fun/freedom I am going to have. Then I think about how I wanted to skate before college and get really conflicted.

Please help! Idk what to do :(

At what age should I stop playing sports?

You should stop playing sports when you reach the age 50. In the age of 50 maybe you can still play sports but the risk of having an injury is very high. The worst case scenario is having a broken bone or a stroke. It doesn’t mean that you don’t exercise. It is okay to exercise but don’t exercise too long ans too intense.

Can I wear my retainer while playing sports?

I play soccer too, and I'm a girl who plays on a guys team, so iknow how intense it gets I'd leave your retainer out just for the game then putting it right back in.
( I tried playing with my expander a few times and it was really annoying )

Home it helped! :)

Should I make my son play sports?

You can encourage him, but if he doesn't show any interest in organized sports, don't force him. It will just end up making you both miserable.

If you think he is out of shape, go for walks or bike rides with him, make him play outside instead of parking his butt in front of the TV, and make sure he is being fed healthy food at home.

As far as his transcript is concerned, playing sports at 12 isn't going to be relevant at all when it comes time to apply for colleges. Activities are great, but it should be something HE enjoys doing, not just what you think he should do. Encourage him to get involved and find an activity that is suited to his interests.

How can I keep my 'pale' skin color? (I play sports and it's sunny where I live)?

You can paint your skin white cause I am very skilled in the art of painting. I paint houses to keep them from sun damage and I have been in this field for over 20 years, I bet it would work for your skin too.

As a teen, should I stop playing sports and focus more on my future?

I would say if you follow this norm, it will be a bad decision on your part as sports even though not as important as study if you don’t want to pursue a career in sports is still very important for an individual to remain involved in as it has many benefits such as instilling confidence, teaching discipline as well as time-management which are 3 things that help a lot in academics and having a successful career.Sacrificing sports completely in favor of studies is never recommended as one thing having absolute priority over another is never recommended. Sports and Studies go hand in hand and with each other. Too much of study and no sports will develop your mind well but not body. Physical development and health is equally important as health is wealth and if one thing that needs more priority than your studies, it if your personal well-being.Career is very important and studies should have clear distinction over sports but should not be the sole routine of the day. Sports are great as recreation should have active involvement. Study might help you get the job and nail the selection exam but sustaining career with co-ordination and team work will only be taught by sports!

Should I continue to play sports or get a job?

I have been playing school sports(xc and track) since 7th grade. I am currently in 10th and I think it is a great way to stay in shape, learn self discipline, make new friends, push beyond my limits, and feel accomplished about something I did. Running XC and track is one of the things that truely makes me happy and gives me something to look foward to every day. I want to continue to run throughout 12th grade and maybe even college. Like I can join a running club or something, but I want to continue. Most of my friends are on those teams too, so it would be so different to not be on it. Plus, these are my last years to play sports. On the other hand, my parents think I should get a job since I am finally old enough to. They could still take me to the gym to stay in shape, but it'll never be the same. I want to do what is best, but I don't know what to choose. I have a deep deep deep passion for running and my parents want me to quit and get a job? What do you think I should do, and please explain why it would be the best. Thanks

I just want to let you all know that I can only do one. I can't play sports and get a job. I still will have AP work to do and that takes time. I am also a straight A student and wouldn't want to screw that up. My job would probably have to be at Chik fil A. I'd have to work shifts like 330 to 900 or something like that, but I get out of school at 220 and don't think I'll have enough time to do all my work and get to bed in time to function for the next day.

How should I encourage my daughter to keep playing school sports?

If your daughter has a desire to play sport, continue to support. And if she decides, for any reason that she’s done, support that, too.But make sure that she understands that she doesn’t have to feel forced to compete against biological males. She won’t win, and she shouldn’t try and force herself to compete against someone who taller, stronger, and has several biological advantages over her.